Chapter 5. Meeting up with Nick

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Monroe didn't know what to say at first, as a smile broke onto his face. "That's a nice ring. She'll love it." He told Travis, as he sat down next to Rosalee laying a arm across her shoulders.

Travis smiled and thanked Monroe, before looking at him shocked

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Travis smiled and thanked Monroe, before looking at him shocked. "You have my blessing to marry my sister, but you better treat her right and love her until the end of time." Monroe told him, before being elbowed in the stomach by Rosalee. "What?  My sister only wanted one marriage and for it to last until the end of time." He told her.

Travis closed the ring back and sat it down on the coffee table. "You have my word, I will love her and treat her right until the day I die. She is the only woman for me and always will be, I love her so much." He told Monroe truthfully, before getting a text from Nick.

"We need to talk." The text read, making Travis a little confused and hoped that everything was alright with Nick. "Is everything alright?" Rosalee asked Travis, making him look at her, before getting up.

"Yeah, Nick just texted me

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"Yeah, Nick just texted me. I have to go. Thank your for the tea and for um..letting me marry your sister." Travis said, before grabbing his coat and walking out the door.

He then got in his car and drove to the diner, wondering what on earth his brother needed to talk to him about, he wasn't gonna complain because he could at least see his girlfriend at the diner while he was there with Nick.

Nick was sitting at a table in the diner, talking to Juliette on the phone telling her that he was probably gonna be working late on a case tonight. He felt bad for not telling her yet, but he couldn't just throw everything at her all at once especially with his brother also being a werewolf and dating one.

He soon hung up with her, after the door bell had just rung, as he saw Travis walking over to his table. "It's nice to see you Travis." Nick said with a smile, obviously happy to see his older brother again.

Travis smiled lightly, nodding his head happy to see him as well. "You too Nick." He said, sitting down across from his brother in the booth. "How have you and Juliette been?"

"We're doing good. Haven't told her about the whole..Grimm thing yet. I'm not exactly sure how to tell her or how to explain it to her. But aside form that we're alright. How are things with you and Shauna?" Nick asked, smiling a little bit. "Did you ask Monroe yet?"

Travis smiled and nodded his head. "I did." He said, as he leaned back in the booth. "And?" He heard Nick ask him, making him smile even more. "He gave me the permission to marry her." Travis told his brother quietly not wanting Shauna to hear it, in case she was near by.

"That's great. I'm happy for you. When are you planning on asking her?" Nick asked his older brother, while taking a sip of his coffee.

"I was planning on doing it tomorrow night. Over a romantic dinner date, or possibly taking her to the spot that she likes by the lake and doing it there." Travis told his brother, before telling the waitress that he was good when she asked if he wanted anything. He smiled and gave a small wave to his girlfriend, chuckling softly when she smiled and gave a small wave back before taking care of a guest.

Nick smiled as he looked and saw Travis staring at Shauna. It made him happy to see his older brother so happy, to bad that Nick was gonna have to ruin it with Travis's old pack and the horrors of it all. "Sounds like a good idea." Nick told him, before sitting down his coffee. "Not to ruin the moment, but I need your help with a case."

Travis looked back at his brother, a little bit confused yet intrigued that Nick needed his help

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Travis looked back at his brother, a little bit confused yet intrigued that Nick needed his help. "My help?" He asked his brother, before looking at a file that Nick had slid over to him.

Travis opened it and immediately closed it, trying to contain his anger and disgust for what he had just seen

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Travis opened it and immediately closed it, trying to contain his anger and disgust for what he had just seen. "We found his body this morning like that. I know you and him, were pretty close. But he isn't the only one we have found like that." He heard Nick explain, he looked at him waiting for him to continue.

Nick let out a sigh. "We found more of your old pack members, dismembered and lying on the ground in pieces and the crap beat out of them. I know this isn't easy to for you to see, but I need your help to stop whoever is doing this. Before someone else gets hurt." Nick didn't want anything happening to his brother, or the rest of his old pack members.

Travis looked like he was gonna throw up, he just simply opened the file swallowing back his uncomfortableness from seeing his old pack like this.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now