Chapter 2. Finding the first clue

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Travis made it to his room and nudged open the door, nearly chuckling as he saw his girlfriend sleeping soundly in his bed, holding a pillow close to her as she slept drooling a bit.

He smiled as he walked over to his dresser, pulling out a fresh shirt and some comfy pants to wear to bed. Before heading to the bathroom, to change and to lay down with his mate afterwards.

After Travis got dressed and did everything else that he had or needed to do, he walked out of the bathroom and over to his bed, carefully pulling back the blankets and laying down next to his mate.

Travis covered himself up, before laying down and closing his eyes. He hummed softly as he opened his eyes, looking to see her cuddled up against him sound asleep with the pillow long forgotten, as she now used his stomach as a pillow and threw her arm over his lower stomach. He smiled as he reclosed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly while thinking about what he had to ask Monroe later that day.


Nick and Hank and pulled up to a crime scene, Nick was the first one out of the car and the first one to head up to where the body was. "Wu what's we got?" He asked him, as he walked up and under the crime scene tape.

"Victim is male. Late thirties/early forties. His name is Jonathan Rookie. Used to work here as a factory worker. Til it was shot down five years ago." Wu told Nick, while looking at the guys Id in his wallet.

"Wait did you say Jonathan rookie?" Nick asked Wu, as he walked over to the body stopping when Wu had said that. "Yeah why? You know him?" Nick thought about it, sighing softly as he looked at the body and it definitely was Jonathan Rookie. "Not directly. My brother used to work for him at the bar here in town that he owned, before it was closed and my brother found another job here as a librarian." Nick said.

"Wait, you have a brother?" Wu asked Nick, seeming a bit surprised that he had a brother because he had never meant Nicks brother before.

"I do." Nick said, as he looked the body over eyeing every injury. "A older brother. The body looks like it had been pierced by a sharp blade. There's some bruising on his wrists and what looks like to be, some kind of message." Nick said, pulling out the piece of paper from his hand and read it.

"I know about your brother. I'm coming for him." Nicks jaw clenched at those words, he had a feeling that he knew who it was aimed at and it was at his brother.

"That can't be good." Wu mumbled, looking at the note as Nick held it and read it. "What does he mean coming for your brother?" Hank asked Nick, as he looked at him. "I don't know." Nick replied, not sure what this meant but it definitely wasn't anything good, that was for sure. "But we need to find out what it means." Nick added.

Nick burkhardts older brother Travis BurkhardtWhere stories live. Discover now