I Found You

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    A couple of weeks had gone by and Sky had managed, for the most part, to forget that day. He had decided to push that day to the back of mind and continue on as normal.

    And what's more normal than having to go grocery shopping after running out of food? Sky was preparing to leave when he got a call.

    "Seriously, Rain, again?" Sky muttered to himself. Rain had consistently been calling to complain about P'Payu this and P'Payu that.

    Sky glanced at his phone only to see an unknown number calling.

    "Hello? Who's calling?" Sky answered.

    "And who's asking?" The voice on the phone said.

    "I dont know who you are, but if you're trying to annoy me, I'm hanging up." Sky replied. He was already annoyed because he was hungry and a scam caller on top of that. Today wasn't starting great for Sky.

    "Hot-headed aren't you? I wonder if you're also hot and bothered. Do you want me to help cool you down?"

    Sky was immediately disgusted and hung up the phone before saying "Asshole."

    He was going over his list of groceries to get when his cell rang again.

    "If you've got a lot of time to spare, I'd suggest seeing a shrink." Sky said after picking up the phone.

    "No need for that. I know what causes my illness, and it must be treated by the cause. Prepare yourself. I'm going to pursue you."

    Sky felt a chill go down his spine. Someone Sky didn't know had his number and was talking to him as if he knew him. Sky had met plenty of assholes and knew how to spot them. He didn't feel ready to deal with this mystery right now, but also didn't want to leave it up to chance.

    "Who are you?"

    "A hot wind God. Brace yourself because I'm serious." The voice said before hanging up.

    "Hey, wait!" Sky shouted but the call had already ended.

    'What the hell was that?' Sky thought to himself right before his stomach grumbled.

    Once again, Sky went to leave and another call sounded off.

    "What now?" Sky answered.

    "I just wanted to tell you that it doesn't hurt when you call me an asshole. I'm used to it." The voice said before hanging up again.

   'I can't deal with this right now.' Sky thought right before his cell rang again.


    "Oh. Sky, did I call you at the wrong time?"

    Sky pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the caller ID only to see Rain's number.

    "You know what? It doesn't matter. Sorry to disturb you." Rain said before hanging up.

    Sky slapped a hand to his forehead before taking his shoes back off, turning off his phone, and going back to his bed.

    The next few days were filled with the seniors of the architecture facility preparing for The Fresh Seniority event. This event was to welcome the freshmans to the facility and show them what they were in for and to encourage them. There was much to do and lots of bickering. Mostly between P'Som and Sig. Sky usually ended up in between them to separate them.

    All the while Sky couldn't get the phone call out of his head. Because of that, his nightmares had returned. He thought he had moved passed it, but this was just reawakening old wounds.

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