Explanation PT. 2

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    'Where am I?' Sky thought as he opened his eyes to a white room.

     He looked around and found himself in a hospital room, with Prapai sitting on a chair next to him. Prapai's head was laying on his arms that where crossed on the bed.

    "P'Pai?" Sky called to him with a gritty voice.

    Sky cleared his throat and tried again. "P'Pai?"

    Prapai looked up with a big yawn before jumping to his feet.

    "Sky!" Prapai exclaimed before reaching over and pulling Sky into a hug.

    "OW! Go easy on me okay?" Sky said.

    "Oh! Right. Of course. I'm just so happy you're finally awake." Prapai said as he let go of Sky and sat back down.

    "Finally? How long was I out? What happened?" Sky asked before remembering something very important.


    "Calm down. Everything's okay. Rain's fine." Prapai kept repeating until Sky's heart finally stopped racing.

    "First off... What the hell Sky? You ran off without telling anybody? Do you know how scared I was something might've happened to you. Which it did. You've got a pretty bad cut on your side. Luckily, nothing major was hit, but you lost a lot of blood and were unconscious for a week. A WHOLE SEVEN DAYS! What would I have done if I lost you?"


    "I'm not finished." Prapai interrupted Sky.

    "Second, you ran off without any backup. What if you had been killed? What would have happened to Rain and and Uncle Macau then?"

    "Uncle Macau?" Sky asked.

    "Oh right. That's Payu's uncle. The other guy that was with Rain. I've just always called him Uncle... And stop trying to change the subject. You were  being incredibly risky and-"

    Sky reached over to Prapai and grabbed his hand, interrupting what Prapai was saying.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. And I guess I knew I would be okay. I have something that keeps me protected." Sky tried to reassure Prapai.

    "What if your powers stopped working? Or you caught yourself on fire? This is why you should have told me first before heading straight in by yourself."

    "You knew? About me? Since when?" Sky asked while leaning back on the bed. Sky was trying to prepare himself for whatever Prapai had to say.

    "How could I not know? Especially when things kept catching on fire around you." Prapai said.

    "And you still stayed with me?"

    Prapai leaned close to Sky and placed both of his hands on Sky's cheeks. "Yes. I loved you too much to stay away."

     "You love me, even though I'm a freak?" Sky asked as his tears began to fill his eyes.

    "You're not a freak. You're just different. And how could I not love you, especially since you love me despite my crazy family." Prapai said.

    Sky leaned towards Prapai and gave him a kiss.

    "I do love you. So much." Sky said with a smile.

    Suddenly, someone coughed near the entrance into the room. Kinn and Porsche walked in and Porsche took a seat on the other side of Sky while Kinn leaned against the wall.

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