Shapeshifters & Family

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Hu Tao:
Alright I'm sensing evil spirits here at the forest! There I sported the group of hilichurls of near the river so I start to attack them with my partner Boo Tao killing them was easy a cake and sending them to the underground with a funeral. Aiya is that all they gotten! Untill I head a voice of someone calling for me so I followed it untill I couldn't believe my eyes it's my parents! So I ran to hug them crying out loud cause I never knew my parents they died when I was born. I always wanted to see what they look like and now I do. My mother and father said they miss me and that I have grown up no longer their baby. I told them about my life and also about my grandfather passing they didn't take it seriously. I was so happy untill I realized that I heard a change of their voice it sounded evil. Wait a minute your not my parents aren't you!? They both said well you caught us. They transformed into changelings. Changelings my arcane you guys are real after! Well ok Boo Tao let's get to work. So I uses my pyro elemental powers on them aiya they are strong. They blasts their hydro elements which is my one weakness. I used my elemental pyro burst on them but the should it with this hydro shield and their hydro powers are stronger then a typical hydro user. I'm starting to feel tired cause I used all my energy on them they won't died. The male changeling grab me by the neck lift me up starting to choke me and sucking out the air out of me. I used Boo Tao on him he let go of me while I fell to the ground while my vision is blurry, my breathing is slow and my heart is starting to slow down. I fell asleep.

~ At the a hill

Kazuha Pov:
The winds is saying that someone needs my help so I followed the essence of a person who smell is of red plum blossoms that's is Hu Tao! I followed her sense untill it lead me to this cave I went inside of while stealthy. I saw two creatures preparing their meals. Hu Tao is on the ground asleep I stealthy ran up to her and put my head on her chest and I listen to her heart it's still is beating but slowly then her breathing is slow. No you hurt her and I'm not going to forgive you two! I yelled angrily! They creatures spotted me and used their hydro elements on me! I used my Garyuu Bladework then Chihayaburu and finally my Autumn Whirlwind to defect them. They turn into ashes. I walk back to Hu Tao wrapping my arms around her back and behind her knees. Then, lift with my legs and hold her close to my body carry her back to the village. I finally arrived at the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor went inside and I saw Zhongli told me to put Hu Tao in her bed and gave me healing medicine. The workers told me that her room is on the left side of the building. I went inside of her room place her on her bed. I used the medicine to heal her wounds. I was about to leave untill she grabs my hand. I blushes a bit of her sudden movement then she interlock her hand with mine that cause my heart beating fast while blushing.

Hu Tao Pov:
Ugh I open my eyes slowly and see Kazuha sitting on my bed while blushing. I'm questioning of why he is blushing untill I saw that my hand is interlocking with his. I let go of his hand smiling at him. He instead hug me so tightly I give into his hug taken in his gentle hug again my heart is beating fast while blushing a bit. We walk to the balcony watching the sunset.

Kazuha Pov:
Hu Tao what where those creatures that attack you and that I have to killed them?

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh those creatures Kazuha are called changelings and I never seen one ever before in my life cause I thought they were in fairy tales. But nope they were real! Changelings are evil demons that can shapeshift into anyone and once that happens they killed the original person and take in their place or they trick you by changing into anyone your heart desires. I'm feel so stupid that I was trick by them cause all I ever wanted was to finally meet my parents but didn't! My parents died when I was born I never knew about them I was raised by my grandfather upon untill his death.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh I'm sorry Hu Tao. I can also relate to that I lost my parents at a very young age. I never knew my mother since she died when she gave birth to me. My father raise me around for my entire life up untill when I was 14 our clan was in the verge of collapse that he told me that he will take blame for our clan past mistakes and so he left me to confront the authorities I never saw him again.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh Kazuha I'm so sorry about what happen to your family and clan. You know I can revive your clan although I will sacrifice someone to do so! I giggle a bit for a bit. Thank you for resume me I really appreciate it while blushing a bit. I got up my tiptoes and grab his face pulled it towards me and give him a kiss on the cheek. I let go of his face and he is blushes a bit. I realized that he so attractive and charming that makes my heart melt for him! I realized that I have fallen for the samurai.

Kazuha Pov:
I blushes for a bit after Hu Tao sudden affection. I turned around and I got startled by her ghost friend. I turned saw that she was laughing so hard and saying I just got Boo Tao. I left with a smile on my face. She is so eccentric in endearing way that people thinks she is strange but I don't see her like that.

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