Truma & Healing

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Hu Tao dream:
I was walking around at the beach and I saw Kazuha there alone so I ran towards him untill by the time I touch him he disappears and it's turned pitch dark. I yelled Kazuha are you in here? I look around calling for him untill a light shines above him I walk to him oh Kazuha there you are I was looking for you. He didn't answer so I touch him and he grab me on the wrist and turned around stare at me maliciously. Ow Kazuha can you let go of my hand! I yelled. He change his face expression into a soft one. He answer oh sorry about that Hu Tao it's just reflexed I been not feeling well lately. Oh really then what wrongs!? Kazuha didn't not answer came close to me and grab me by the waist pulling me closer to his face as I blushes a bit from the closeness. He whispers in my ear saying that he loves me. I blushes from his confession and I say I love him to. He smile maliciously so we both our eyes and leaned forward for the kiss untill he stab me through the stomach. Gasp and open my eyes see blood durling from my stomach. I fell to the ground my eyes are little blurring untill I see that Kazuha turning to a changeling. I say not again! Changeling what did you do to the real Kazuha!? I worried! He answer oh you want to see him well snaps his claws and a light shines above Kazuha have his sword in his chest while blood is dripping out of his body. I cried out nooo!!!! Kazuha!!!! No you monster!! I yelled angrily while having tears in my eyes watering down. He answer it's was hard to killed your lover since he was using his Anemo powers to stop me but luckily with my invisibility powers I sneak behind for last minute to take his sword away from him and stab him. I cried out while the in pain. I started to die. He laughs evilly well at at least you can be with your lover! He laughs evilly untill I close my eyes.

Hu Tao Pov:
I opened my eyes in my bedroom. I cried out a bit since I been having nightmares about changelings killing my friends only this time it was Kazuha! I get up realize that it's 2 am so I been sleeping for over a couple hours. I can't go to go back to sleep so I walk outside of my room and outside of the funeral parlor took a night walk. I walk around Liyue and going around the forest. Untill I see Kazuha sleeping on a rock. So I walk to him and sit next to him. I don't want to wake him so I gaze at him. I noticed that he so handsome and sleep peacefully. I stare at his lips notice how beautiful shape they are perfect for kissing. I blushes and shake my head why did I thought about that me!? I also noticed that his hair so fluffy that I can just touch it! Aiya being in love is such a pain.

Kazuha Pov:
I open my eyes realizing that Hu Tao is next to me! I blushes a bit from her unexpected visit. Oh Hu Tao what are you doing here in the middle of the night?

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh nothing just wanting to take a night walk around the forest! I saying lying to him since I don't want him to worried about me.

Kazuha Pov:
Uhm it's 2 am that's too early for anyone to have a night walk! So tell me the truth why did you came all away here at 2 am to have a walk?

Hu Tao Pov:
Ok fine the truth is that I'm been having nightmares and I can't go back to sleep. I say in a sad tone.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh so what nightmares are you having!?

Hu Tao Pov:
It's about changelings killing all of my friends and killing me alone to died! I started to sniff while tears were coming out of my eyes so I wiped them.

Kazuha Pov:
I noticed that she was holding back her sadness. So I pulled her towards my chest while her head is on my shoulder she wraps her arms around me and I wrap my arms around her to saying let it out Hu Tao.

Hu Tao Pov:
As he said to let it out I let out my crying letting my tears running through my face. Oh Kazuha it's was horrible I had a nightmare about you weren't yourself but its turned outs it's was changeling in disguise as you and told me that he killed you! I saw you dead!

Kazuha Pov:
That's is an awful nightmare. So tell me when did the nightmares begin?

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh begin after you save me from the changelings so about a week. I tried everything to healed up even went to visit Baizhu which I dislike him he told me to not think about it and I listen to his advice of course it didn't work. So for about a week I was scared of sleeping. Kazuha let go of our hug and about to saying something.

Kazuha Pov:
Sometimes we bend ourselves so out of shape
That we look in the mirror and we aren't clear on who we see before us
We place ourselves in a cocoon
And close ourselves off from our authenticity
Because there is a shallow comfort in safety
But it all starts to feel too tight and restricting
Your soul awakens, and all you want to do is fly
Then something just clicks
We spend so much time dressing ourselves in other people and their preferences
That we forget that we have our own unique taste of clothing
Our own sense of self
A fearless and undeniable sense of self that embodies every amazing thing
The yin/yang and our whole being in its entirety
Why have we hidden all our innate beauty?
To feel safe, loved, accepted
Or to stay under the radar
Afraid and anxious of what people may see when the mask falls off
But you only need to accept and love yourself
There is beauty both inside and outside of the cocoon that pushed you to grow
Through darkness and dysfunction, depth and despair
A vivid light splits through and steals you away
When you get comfortable with your own messy and beautiful self
Nothing and no-one can block you
You finally see your truth
You fall in line with the beat of your own vibration
You come out of your cocoon
A gorgeous butterfly

Hu Tao Pov:
That's was a wonderful poem Kazuha I think I actually starting to feel better now that your here! I say happily smile while blushing a bit. I'm starting to feel sleeping so I yawn and I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Kazuha Pov:
I blushes a bit that she is sleeping on my shoulder so I rest up my head on top of hers she grab my hand and interlock it with hers. I blushing a lot while feeling my heart beating so fast. I gaze at her cute sleeping position and kiss her on the forehead realizing that I have indeed fallen for her.

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