Chongyun's Birthday

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Hu Tao Pov:
I wake up from my bed and realized that today is a very special day for one of my best friends. It's Chongyun birthday we been friends since I meet him and the rest of my friends when I was 11. We became good friends although he doesn't like my weird habits. But I don't let that stop me. He does sometimes help me with spirit hunting since he is a exorcist. I ate a good breakfast and head straight to Xingqiu house cause he told me and Keqing that we be busy decorating his house with party supplies. While he keep him distracted. So I knock at the door and Keqing was there first. Hi Keqing I say in a happy mood.

Keqing Pov:
Hi Hu Tao come in I was just starting to decorate the house. Your going to help right?

Hu Tao Pov:
Of course yes. We catch up for a bit since we haven't hang out that much often since the TCG tournament. After that Keqing was busy with her own job so we didn't meet each other that much often. After an hour we decorate the house full of ice sculptures since he loves ice so much. Knock..knock..knock who is there?

Keqing Pov:
I get it I walk to the door and open and see Kazuha. My heart skip a beat I haven't seen him since TCG tournament.

Kazuha Pov:
Hi Keqing nice to meet you again. How you been doing?

Keqing Pov:
Oh nothing really just helping people with finding a house you know labor and real estate. What about you still wandering the world?

Kazuha Pov:
Yes indeed I'll went to Sumeru it's was very relaxing and made some new friends there. I went inside of the house and see Hu Tao I blush a bit.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh ...hey Kazuha nice to see you again I say in a happy tone while blushing and smiling at him.

Keqing Pov:
Oh I almost forgot I pulled the TCG cards out of my purse here Kazuha I bought yourself a pair of TCG cards.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh thank you Keqing I appreciate your kindness.

Keqing Pov:
Say let's play some TCG while we are waiting for our friends to come back home ok.

Kazuha Pov:
Sure I wouldn't mind.

Hu Tao Pov:
Kazuha and Keqing are playing TCG while I watched them. I felt myself a bit jealous of Kazuha playing cards with Keqing . I leave them be and went to the kitchen while being upset and thinking that Keqing might have feelings for Kazuha.

Keqing Pov:
Well I defeated you. Kazuha you still need to work on your skills.

Kazuha Pov:
I will keep on practicing my TCG skills thank you Keqing.

Keqing Pov:
I walk towards him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Kazuha I like you since the first time we meet I knew that you are from the Kaedehara clan. But I notice that you have feelings for Hu Tao so go and get her.

Kazuha Pov:
Thank you Keqing it's an honor of being your friend. I left and go to kitchen.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh hey Kazuha is your game with Keqing over I say in angrily tone.

Kazuha Pov:
I know that you are angry at me and I'm sorry for not paying you attention.

Hu Tao Pov:
Apologies accepted Kazuha I gave him a hug I took in his warmth we let go. I'm sorry it's just that I was jealous of you hanging out with Keqing. I thought that she has feelings for you.

Kazuha Pov:
Well Keqing did had feelings for me. She confess it towards me and she already realized that I love someone else.

Hu Tao Pov:
You love someone else Kazuha who it's it spilled it out! I say in a exciting tone.

Kazuha Pov:
I close my eyes while taken in a deep breath and place my hands on Hu Tao shoulders I open my eyes while we both stare at each other I took a look down at her lips.

Keqing Pov:
Oh there you are guys are Chongyun is back. I startle them. Oh did I interrupted something?

Hu Tao Pov:
No you didn't Keqing now now let's go and see Chongyun! I move away from Kazuha and ran towards front door. Happy birthday Chongyun!

Chongyun Pov:
Oh...Hu Tao your here!? I say in a shock tone while I grab my popsicle and ate it so I wouldn't go out of control of my yang energy. Well thanks for the birthday and oh hi Kazuha your here.

Kazuha Pov:
It's good to meet you again Chongyun happy birthday. How was your day.

Xiangqiu Pov:
Oh I took him all over Liyue we had nice hangout today.

Chongyun Pov:
Yeah you tried to prank me with spicy foods again. How many times I have to tell you Xianqiu I can't handle spicy foods I only eat popsicles and cold foods.

Xingqiu Pov:
Calm down Chongyun at least we had a lots of fun while I was distracting you. Anyway Hu Tao and Keqing my house looks wonderful good work you two I give you guys a 1,000 mora as my token.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh thank you Xianqiu.

Keqing Pov:
I refused even though I did help with the party supplies but I'm going to have to give it to Kazuha cause he needs it more then I do. Besides I own a business so I already have a lot of mora.

Kazuha Pov:
But Keqing I didn't do anything to help you guys with the party.

Keqing Pov:
I know it's just that you need it more then I do your homeless and your wandering samurai but it could help you if you ever ran out of mora you always have extra.

Xiangling Pov:
Chongyun I made this for you it's called a popsicle cake. It's was hard of making it but I mange to bake it.

Hu Tao Pov:
Chongyun here your gift opening it.

Chongyun Pov:
I opened and I got startle by Boo Tao. Ahhh!
I heard her laugh she did it again. I was mad but I grab my popsicle to calm myself down. We had a party and of course at the end Hu Tao sang a rap song which was great. I got to say today was a good birthday for me. I walk outside and a bird came close to me landed on my shoulder with a message on his beak I took it out of his mouth while he fly away. I opened the message it's from Aunt Shenhe.

Dear Chongyun:
Sorry that I couldn't make it to your birthday party I was busy with my job. But for your birthday gift I'm free tomorrow so we could hangout. I can start by teaching you new exorcist ways of how to easily capture your enemies since I noticed that you are struggle a bit with capturing them. I will pick you up by your house tomorrow at 8:00 am so be ready and prepare yourself. See you tomorrow nephew.
P.S If your worry that I didn't talk to your mom don't I told her this morning before you got this message. She told me that she is fined with it.

Chongyun Pov:
Thanks Aunt Shenhe I can't wait for our day tomorrow. I say in a happy tone while smiling.

I know I'm a two days late but Happy Birthday to Chongyun!

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