Dongzhi Festival

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~ Morning at Hu Tao room

Kazuha Pov:
I wake up and tilted a bit of my head down and see my darling still asleep I smile at her while moving some of her hair on her face away from and carefully tuck them be behind her ear. While doing so she groans a bit which I find it to be so endearing. I give her a kiss on the forehead. Love it's time to get up.

Hu Tao Pov:
I open my eyes and titled a bit my head up and see my sweetie. I smile at him and say in a happy tone good morning handsome.

Kazuha Pov:
Good morning sunshine. How was your beauty sleep?

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes a bit say it's was good thank you very much sweetheart. He give me a quick kiss on the lips. I smile and blushes a bit at him so uhm I should get ready.

Kazuha Pov: y
I understood we both get out of bed and I grab my hair tie and tie my hair up. I opened the door and close it to give my love her privacy. I walk back to the lobby and wait for her.

Hu Tao Pov:
Alright today is a special day in Liyue it's Dongzhi Festival meaning we celebrated the first day of the Winter Solstice. Symbolizing the victory of light over darkness, Dongzhi, represents that the days will start to grow longer and bring a sense of balance and harmony to people's lives. I'm put on my newly dress I got from Keqing on my birthday.

Ok I get it out of my room and walk straight to the lobby where Kazuzu is waiting for me

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Ok I get it out of my room and walk straight to the lobby where Kazuzu is waiting for me.

Kazuha Pov:
I saw my darling walk towards me I blushes a bit of her new look for today. My dear you look beautiful.

Hu Tao Pov:
Aww thanks you Kazuha. He says may I get the honor of holding your hand m'lady? He offers his right hand to me I gladly accepts his gesture we both interlock our hands and start walking around Liyue.

Kazuha Pov:
Mmm I'm let me guess today is Dongzhi Festival isn't it Hu Tao!?

Hu Tao Pov:
Yes it's is Kazuha. Wow you really do know Liyue history so well sweetheart.

Kazuha Pov:
Yes I have my darling. When I used to live at my old house I had a library with lots books of historys of Teyvat. When I was young I love reading about Teyvat and learning about the other regions culture which I found astonishing.

Hu Tao Pov:
My archon you so you were really a reader. You know I also did the same thing you did except when I was young I founded reading to be so boring cause books about history of Teyvat wasn't my interest up until my grandfather told me that it's was important for me to learned about Teyvat.

Kazuha Pov:
Huh now I think about it my father didn't want me to read so much books cause he wanted me to focus on kendo training instead of reading.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh I'm starving let's go to Wanmin Restaurant. He nodded we head off there.

~ Wanmin Restaurant

Xiangling Pov:
Oh well hello you two let me guess date day today!?

Hu Tao Pov:
Well yes Xiangling that's exactly what we are doing.

Xiangling Pov:
Ok Hu Tao and Kazuha since today is Dongzhi the food is half mora for today. So what do you two want?

Hu Tao Pov:
I take sweet rice dumplings and some Dragon Fruit cocktail.

Kazuha Pov:
Same here except with some green tea. Thank you Xiangling.

Xiangling Pov:
No problem Gouba and I will be back with the your meals.

Kazuha Pov:
I give her a smirk so you can drink huh love!

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes from embarrassment uhm well look sweetie once in awhile I would want a cocktail. I know I should've have gotten the same drink you did since cause you can't handle alcohol.

Kazuha Pov:
It's alright dear I understood I mean after all you can handle your liquid after one drink. While I well can't.

Hu Tao Pov:
I smile at him thank you handsome. I have a question for you.

Kazuha Pov:
What isn't Hu Tao?

Hu Tao Pov:
Uhm how can you not handle alcohol I mean you been traveling with Beidou about what a year and you know that she likes to drink. So how can you not have any!?

Kazuha Pov:
Oh well about that you see when I was about I don't know maybe four or five years old I was running away from one of my caretakers I went inside of my father work room and saw a bottle and sniff it which I thought it was grape juice cause of the grape flavor. So I took a small drink of it and pass out didn't realized that it's was alcohol not grape juice.

Hu Tao Pov:
Aiya that's one way of why you never drink alcohol at all.

Kazuha Pov:
Actually Venti did get me drunk.

Hu Tao Pov:
Wait what!?

Kazuha Pov:
Another story to I'll tell you later.

Xiangling Pov:
Alright here your Dragon Fruit cocktail Hu Tao and green tea Kazuha. Also your guys sweet rice dumplings enjoy you two.

Kazuha Pov:
After an hour we finish up brunch we spend the rest of the day in our romantic date.

~ Sunset At The Hill

Hu Tao Pov:
I sat down first sitting sideways on the ground while he lay down place his head on my lap. I look down at him smiling and giggling at him while running my fingers through his soft and silky hair. Ok so about what you say Venti got you drunk!?

Kazuha Pov:
Yes he did that sneaky guy it's was doing my vacation a few months ago you see Xinyan and I both decide to travel all the away from Liyue to Mondstadt. We gotten to a restaurant waited for the traveler they introduced us to Venti the bard. I order juice untill the server got us a bottle which I thought it was juice so I drank it and didn't realize that Venti order all of fruity cocktails. So I got drunk again.

Hu Tao Pov:
Ok so it's was all Venti fault but he should've have realized you can't handle your liquid. Of course he didn't even care since he is a drunken bard.

Kazuha Pov:
I place my left hand on her cheek hey love. She answer yes sweetheart?
" Your smile is like the sun,
Bringing light to every day,
I am blessed to be with you,
Forever and always,
Come what may."

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes a bit say oh Kazuha your such a dreamboat that's was a lovely poem sweetie. I leaned down towards him and kiss him he reciprocate it. He deepen the kiss a little bit. After 15 seconds longer then we open both our eyes. I love you Kazuha I giggle and smile at him while still playing around with his hair.

Kazuha Pov:
I love you to Hu Tao I smile back at her. I'm really enjoying the feeling of your lovely fingers running through my hair. It's so relaxing. Hey angel I'm starting to feel tired.

Hu Tao Pov:
Shhhh just rest now sweetie you deserve to take a nice nap. We had a long day today. He close his eyes and fallen asleep on my lap. I smile and whisper to him sweet dreams Kazuzoo.

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