Moon Festival

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Hu Tao Pov:
Today is a special day in Liyue it's Moon Festival day of where all of Liyue celebrate a time to enjoy the successful reaping of rice and wheat with food offerings made in honor of the moon. I already finished up my decorating the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor. Oh I got on my Cheongsam which is a tradition dress to wear at the festival. Now time to start off this day which is by sponsoring people into joining the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor crew. I say in a cheeky way while smirking.

 I say in a cheeky way while smirking

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~ At the docks in Beidou ship

Ninggueng Pov:
I'm intrigued that your ship is astonishing.

Beidou Pov:
Woah there Ninggueng you called my ship astonishing. Wow...blushes a bit no one has ever called my ship that word before thank you. Of nothing is astonishing as you captain. I say in a flirty way.

Ninggueng Pov:
Oh Beidou stop teasing around. Say about that Kaedehara boy.

Ninggueng Pov:
You mean Kazuha yeah what about him?

Ninggueng Pov:
Well you noticed that he been hanging out with Director Hu Tao lately.

Beidou Pov:
Yes I noticed it ah young love!

Ninggueng Pov:
I agree with you those those two are so in love with each other it's precious . Say up for some dinner.

Beidou Pov:
Sure I'm down for it.

~ Evening

Chongyyn Pov:
Stop taking my popsicles away Xingqiu it's getting so annoying. Saying madly while I take deep breath in and out to calm down my anger.

Xingqiu Pov:
My dearest friend Chongyyn you know how much I love teasing you. But ok here your popsicles back.

Chongyyn Pov:
Thank you Xingqiu I appreciate your apologize. But still when are you ever going to stop teasing me. You been doing it since the moment when we first meet as kids. Just when you ever going to stop!?

Xingqiu Pov:
Oh why would I ever stop teasing you it's fun and it's so funny to see you fall so easy for my tricks every single time.

Chongyyn Pov:
Hey I don't fall for your tricks that easily.

Xingqiu Pov:
Um what about that time I say to meet me at the forest for a picnic that when you arrive you say I wasn't there but I was just hiding in a tree to scared you.

Chongyyn Pov:
You have a value point.

Xingqiu Pov:
Seriously Chongyyn your so easily to prank.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh my arcane another failure this year still no one wants to joined the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor. Now I'm starting to think that my eccentric personality is out of control. Wait no I can't doubt myself never cause I'm amazing in my own way. Although matchmakers say that no boy will ever love me. Which broke my heart a little since they might be right since no guy has ever love before cause they never like my strange habits and think personality is so much to handle. I sigh upsetting untill I felt a touch on my shoulder. I turned around and see Kazuha there I blush a bit.

Kazuha Pov:
As soon as Hu Tao turned around my heart skip a beat while I blushes. She looks so cute wearing that dress.

Hu Tao Pov:
Um well Kazuha do you like it?

Kazuha Pov:
Yes I like it you look beautiful.

Hu Tao Pov:
Thank you Kazuha. Hey Kazuha would you want to go out with me at the festival!? While blushes a bit cause I basically ask him out on a date!

Kazuha Pov:
I would love to Hu Tao.

Hu Tao Pov:
Ok then I held his hand start to drag him over to the cat sanctuary to look and hold the cats since I know that his favorite animals is of course a cats. While I was playing with a tabby cat I saw that Kazuha had a whole liter of cats on him. I giggle happily say those cats sure do like you.

Kazuha Pov:
Well they did smell me and sense my emotions which is I am calm as the breeze.

Hu Tao Pov:
Huh I didn't know that cats can sense our emotions!? Where did you learned that from!?

Kazuha Pov:
Oh well...I learned it from Tomo who he was my dearest friend.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh... I'm sorry for what I say I didn't mean to make things worse! If you want to I could bring back your friend from the dead or try to contact his spirit.

Kazuha Pov:
You do not need to apologize Hu Tao. So Tomo had this white cat as a pet companion that he always travel with it anywhere he goes. But after his death the white cat still is by his grave to this day in Inazuma waiting for him.

Hu Tao Pov:
Aww poor cat they don't know that the owner died. But hey when you ever visit his grave do you talk or play with the cat after you give prayer to him.

Kazuha Pov:
Well of course I do. I mean the white cat knows that I was Tomo's friend.

Hu Tao Pov:
Alright now let's go to Wanmin Restaurant cause I'm starving and judging from the way your stomach grows means your hungry to. I hold his hand and dragged him out of the cat sanctuary onward to the restaurant. After finishing up our food. We visit all the shops having fun enjoying each other company. I try to teach him how to backstreet poetry. He give it his shot but of course once he did it's was not the best but I give credit of trying. He also try his first mooncake which he replied of how delicious it's really it's.

Kazuha Pov:
You know Hu Tao while we were walking together I heard some people comments about you.

Hu Tao Pov:
Really then what's it that people are commenting?

Kazuha Pov:
Well it's actually pretty mean comments. Like I heard that someone was like oh what's the funeral girl doing here walking next to a boy! Doesn't she knows that no one will ever love her. She is trying to act normally around him but in reality she is not normal at all she just eccentric. That no one loves an eccentric person.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh you must have heard the match makers. I say in a sad tone.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh those match makers need to be taught a lesson.

Hu Tao Pov:
No they don't cause they are right. They are right about me. They are right no one will ever loves me. Cause even though I try to act normal I will always mention death or talking to spirits. But I'm not normal at all I'm weird that no one likes that kind of person.

Kazuha Pov:
So what's wrong of being weird?

Hu Tao Pov:
Kazuha look around you everybody in Liyue is normal but I'm different then everyone. Why was I born this way. I couldn't just be normal not trying to collects dead bodies and riving spirits to talk to them. Heck that everytime I trying to sponsoring people into joining my funeral parlor it's always end up a disaster cause I say weird stuff that made costumers runs or walks away from me. I even told myself to not worried and don't think about but still even though I try I always think about it.

Kazuha Pov:
I grab both of her hands. Hu Tao you are unique in your own way that made people around love you. I blush for a bit.

Hu Tao Pov:
I blush from what he said. I responds I guess your right my friends do love me even though I prank them and they don't like my habits. I still appreciate them. I give him a hug that he embrace the hug. After a minutes we let go while walk outside of Liyue in to the forest we went up the hill we sat next to each he place his hand on top of mine I blushes but didn't seem to mind. While we are watching the lanterns.

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