Hiking & First Time

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~At Wengsheng Funeral Parlor (Afternoon)

Hu Tao Pov:
Ok my co-workers another with spreading these flyers to everyone in Liyue Harbor telling them that we are hiring anymore who wants to work with us. They all said yes Director Hu and left to spread the flyers to the people. Even though I know that no one wants to work at the Funeral Parlor cause they don't like spiritual ritual or decorating coffins. I work all day didn't time to go out to lunch with Kazuha cause as director of the Wengsheng Funeral you can't really leave your position so I already eaten at my office. After a hours later it's evenly.

Kazuha Pov:
It's been two weeks since Hu Tao made our relationship official. I'm going to take Mt. Tianheng which is the mountain off the Liyue Harbor. I knock on the door.

Zhongli Pov:
I opened the door and see the Kaedehara men. Hello Mr. Kaedehara I'm Zhongli one of Director Hu clients let me guess your here for her?

Kazuha Pov:
It's an honor of meeting you Zhongli. Yes I'm here for her.

Zhongli Pov:
I'll show you to her office please follow me. Mr. Kaedehara and I walk through the hallway and finally reach to her office door.

Kazuha Pov:
Thank you Zhongli I'm grateful for your kindness.

Zhongli Pov:
It's was no pleasure at all Mr. Kaedehara just doing my duties. (I'll walk away to let him be with his lady you know I respected the director relationship with Mr. Kaedehara they are a lovely pair)

Kazuha Pov:
Hello love. She got up from her chair and run towards me and hugs me which I reciprocate after a few minutes we let go. She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Hu Tao Pov:
Kazuha sweetie what are you doing here? I question him.

Kazuha Pov:
Well darling I want to surprise you for today by taking you on a lovely hike up Mt. Tianheng.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh really huh I smiled at him. You know you came here just the perfect time cause I just finished up my work. Ok then I grab his right hand and interlock it with mines. Onwards let's go I drag him out of the Funeral Parlor and started walking away Liyue Harbor to the mountain.

Kazuha Pov:
M'lady I notice that you sent your clients to spread the word in Liyue Harbor about hiring anyone who wants to work at the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor. Let me guess um...no shown up.

Hu Tao Pov:
Yup another unsuccessful but don't worried Kazuzu it's always happen. Also why did we stop walking were almost there.

Kazuha Pov:
I'm sensing enemies near by love.

Hu Tao Pov:
Really well I don't see any enemies in front of us sweetie.

Kazuha Pov:
Well they are a mile ahead of us.

Hu Tao Pov:
Really!? Ok how many fatui or monsters out there?

Kazuha Pov:
There are 35 of Hilichurls.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh it's an army of them we can take them. Now let's go and kick their butts. We ran towards the enemies of hilichurls and I started use my spear on them then use my element burst Spirit Smother. Pyro Pyro Pants On Fire I threw Boo Tao at them.

Kazuha Pov:
I use slash five times at the enemies with my katana. I used my element burst Chihayaburu to pulled the hilichurls in and finally my Autumn Whirlwind. Fallen Leaves Adore My Night. I put my sword away. I'll walk back to Hu Tao I place my right hand on her cheek. Are you alright love?

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes a bit of his sudden affection. I place my right hand on top of his I answer with a giggle and smile on my face say I'm alright Kazuha see I didn't got hurt.

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