Kazuha's Birthday

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~ At the docks

Hu Tao Pov:
Ha ha yes I finally beat you Captain Beidou while saying that excitedly! I been visiting Beidou lately playing TCG with her and learning new tricks from her since she is the queen of TCG.

Beidou Pov:
Well play Director Hu Tao you finally beated me after five losses you made a combat we both shake hands in token of a good game.

Hu Tao Pov:
Don't worried Captain Beidou you are still are the best TCG player in all of Teyvat.

Beidou Pov:
Aw I appreciate your compliment director. But now that our TCG match is over. How's is your relationship with Kazuha been doing while teasing making a smirking.

Hu Tao Pov:
Huh I blushes while feeling my heart beat No..No..No Beidou for the last time we are just friends nothing more then just that!

Beidou Pov:
Uh huh sure then why are you blushing?

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh..uhm... well.....

Beidou Pov:
Face it Hu Tao I can tell that you are in love with him aren't you!?

Hu Tao Pov:
Um yes I admit I do indeed love him. But wait how did you know that I have feelings for him?

Bediou Pov:
Well director it's was obvious cause you everyday in the evening you talk a lot about him during our TCG match. Heck you talk about your hangout with him during the moon festival. You talk that he has very nice personality and that his eyes are really pretty.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh...well he does have a nice personality. He is so calm, loyal, kind and honest guy. His hair is white as snow with a hint of red streak and his eyes so pretty as ruby. Everytime he smiles make my heart skips a beat. Everytime he talks I'm swooning. Aiya his lips looks so kissable while feeling my heart beating so fast. Then I realized what I say all of that to Beidou I blushes oh arcane I'm so sorry it's just that this first time I am in love with someone.

Beidou Pov:
I know I could tell by your lovesickness. Say tomorrow is Kazuha's birthday you can get him a gift.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh arcane I completely forgot about his birthday I was so focused on my director duties that I forgotten to get him a gift ughh! Um he loves poetry so I can make him a poem for him.

Beidou Pov:
How about you make him a love poem for him so you can confess your feelings for him.

Hu Tao Pov:
Uhm no..no..no nothing like that beside he doesn't even love me like that. He only likes me as a friend. But wait I can try to make his special dish the All-Weather Beauty. Uhm Beidou do you have any..

Beidou Pov:
Dry-Braised Salted Fish yes I do I put the two fishes inside of a bag. Gave it to Director Hu Tao.

Hu Tao Pov:
Thank you Beidou I wave her a goodbye. She wave bye also. I ran back to the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor opened the door heading to the kitchen placed the fish in the ice box. Headed into my room and sleep though the night dreaming about Kazuha again for the 10 time.

~ Daytime

Hu Tao Pov:
After finishing up my director duties I go to the kitchen and started to make Kazuha's dish. I started stoves on put some oil in it let it heat up. Once it heat up I put the fish on the stove cooked it add in salt. After finishing up cooking the fish. I moved on making tea since I know that he can't have alcohol cause he gets drunk so fast. I grab these special blue tea leaves I picked from the forest. I added honey to make it taste good. Once I'm done with I put all of the food in a picnic basket. I headed to the hill of where Kazuha likes to hangout.

~ Up at the hill
Kazuha Pov:
The weather is glorious today the sun is shining like a star and the breeze so calm and cool. Oh Hu Tao pleasure on seeing you.

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