Disneyland Date (AU)

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Kaedehara Kazuha Outfit:

Kaedehara Kazuha Outfit:

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Hu Tao Outfit:

Hu Tao Outfit:

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At Hu Tao Appointment

Hu Tao Pov:
I hear my doorbell and opened the door and see Kazuha. Oh Kazuha hi what a pleasure of seeing you here I smile at him. Then wrap my arms around his neck and we hug each other last for a few minutes after that I heard a cat meowing. I look down and see a white cat rubbing his head on his legs. Um Kazuha is this little fella is yours!?

Kazuha Pov:
Oh yes in fact he look at me and meowed jump high and sit on my shoulder. His name is Shiro. I place my right hand on his head petting him.

Hu Tao Pov:
Aww may I....

Kazuha Pov:
Yes you may my dear.

Hu Tao Pov:
I place my hand on Shiro head and petting it while doing so I hear him purring so that means he is happy. Ok now tell me about him did you went to a cat sanctuary and adopted him?

Kazuha Pov:
No my love you see he once belonged to Tomo.

Hu Tao Pov:
Really oh...I change my expression from happy to sad. Ohh you poor animal I'm sorry that your owner died. He meow at me but he rubs his head on my hand while purring. So let me guess he was a stray when you found him?

Kazuha Pov:
Well yes Hu Tao in fact he came to me after I visit Tomo grave. He was there everyday visiting him on his grave. And everytime I visit his grave. He was always there waiting for his return while we both mourning for him. So I told him hey I know we miss him but you can't stay here forever while mourning for him and hoping he returns. So I offer him my hand and say hey why don't you come with me. Shiro he was at first uncertain. So I say to him I know I can't ever replace Tomo but I can promise this I will take good care of you I will feed you and clean you. Also love you like the way Tomo did. What do you say? He meow at me and got closer to me allowed me to pet him. And so that's how I adopt him.

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