Qingming Festival

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Hu Tao Pov:
Today is Qingming Festival is a holiday devoted to remembering and honoring the deceased. (Sad tone) I got up and clean up the lion statues and get it decorated it just like grandfather like it. I made some green tea and cook grandfather favorite foods Golden Crab, Grilled Tiger Fish and Crystal Shrimp. I put them all in a panic basket and started walking to the deepest part of the forest.

Kazuha Pov:
I wake up from the rock and I head down from Mt. Teinheng. I hear something near the distance so I go to investigate stay in silent mode until I see my dove in the forest all on her own carrying her picnic basket. So I decided to follow her until she stop at what already seem like to be a fire pit that she already made. She use two stones and made fire.

Hu Tao Pov:
Ok I put my hands together and close my eyes and start to pray for my grandmother. Spirits, spirits hear my prayer I brought to you my offerings of Golden Crab, Grilled Tiger Fish and Crystal Shrimp. May I please speak to my grandfather spirit I want to see him it's our annual day to speak cause it's Qingming Festival after all pretty please let my grandfather come back to me for this one day. The wind was howling and hearing thunder while lighting claps.

Old Hu Pov:
Oh it's that my granddaughter Hu Tao.

Hu Tao Pov:
I opened my eyes and see grandfather is right in front of me I cried and went to hug him. Grandfather Hu I miss you so much!

Old Hu Tao Pov:
It's alright I'm hear well for a few hours. My archons you have grown since the last time I saw you. Mmm let me guess 16 right so it's been three years I'm assuming?

Hu Tao Pov:
No Grandfather Hu I giggle you got that wrong I'm actually 19 so it's been most six years since I last saw you alive.

Old Hu Pov:
Aiya wow I have been gone for that long!? How you been doing since my passing?

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh I been doing well I have took over as the director of the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor just as you told me to do.

Old Hu Pov:
You have well wonderful I have train you so well so how is it's it then?

Hu Tao Pov:
Well someone as my consultant which is Mr. Zhongli.

Old Hu Pov:
Oh how splendid. How are hiring people to work at the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor been going cause last I remember that we didn't have much employees working at the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh well I there are a few.

Old Hu Pov:
What do you mean a few?

Hu Tao Pov:
Well we only have 15 employees.

Old Hu Pov:
Hu Tao I said disappointment.

Hu Tao Pov:
Hey grandfather I tried to put flyers up and tell people to come and work for us but every time I do they are always scared of me or aren't even interested at all.

Old Hu Pov:
It's alright granddaughter it's just you convincing it to far haven't you?

Hu Tao Pov:
Yes I have put like I literally said to few people about hey are you someone who is into the dead or spirits like burring people or creatures then come and joined the Wengsheng Funeral Parlor we got everything from decorating your coffins for your loves ones to conjuring up the spirits of your loves ones and finally able to talk to them again in spirit.

Old Hu Pov:
Oh wow um that's was darker then I thought it. I hear something in the distance.

Hu Tao Pov:

Old Hu Pov:
Shh. Don't worried I will protect you since I'm a spirit away all now show your self. A guy with red and leaves patterns on his clothing. I yelled you dare to sneak up fatui to steal my grand daughter stuff well your going down. I'm going to to end you.

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