chapter 12.

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Jc's POV -

I slowly walk to first period by myself. I am still a mess from the night before. I really thought that Kian was different, but he is really just lile the stereotypical dickhead jock. But I guess I got what I wanted. I am truly invisible once again.

Once I got to class, I sat down, and Kian walked into the room avoiding to look at me. After class had started our teacher had introduced a project and we had to work with a partner of our choosing. I desperately wanted to work with Kian, but he would never work with me.

Everyone had got up and choose their partners. Kian ended up working with this guy named Ricky who was also on the basketball team. I was probably going to work with some nerd that nobody likes. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around.

"Hey...I am Connor, I umm..was wondering if you wanted to be my partner?"

"Ya." I gave Connor a slight smile, and we moved our desks together. He seemed really nice..he was cute too.

After our teacher had passed out our assignments, Connor and I started planning out our project.

"Okay, so I was thinking that for our project we could have a theme or a space theme or a jungle theme, orrrrr we could have like a beach theme!! Haha I'm sorry..I am kind of a geek when it comes to school..and I am excited that we get to work together. I always get stuck with the worst partners. Oh! And here's my number so we can talk about the project and stuff!"

I took the little slip that had Connor's number on it and slipped it in my pocket. "I like the theme idea..and I don't know if I am going to be the best partner, I have never been the best in school."

Connor smiled at me. "No worries! I think we are going to make a really good team!! Maybe we could hang out after school or later tonight to continue thinking of ideas?"

"Ya! That sounds like a good idea...we could meet at my place." I wrote down my number and address and gave it to Connor. The bell rung and we both stood up.

"Hey, if you don't have anyone to sit by at lunch you could sit by me and my friends."

I smiled. "Thanks Connor. Will do." I start to walk away and head towards to my locker. On my way, someone taps me on my shoulder. It was Andrea.

"Soo like I don't know what happened between you and Kian last night, but you know you could still hang out with like Sam and me and stuff." She gave me a slight least she was nice.

"Umm thanks, but I am good. I am just gonna hang out with some other people." I was suddenly very thankful for Connor.

"Oh...well okay! Byeeee!" She waved goodbye and walked away towards Kian who was staring at me. I closed my locker and went to my second period.

Later at lunch...

I scanned the lunchroom looking for Connor. I finally found him and walked towards the table. He wasn't popular, but he wasn't an outcast either. He was right in the middle . I good place for me to be. I sit down by Connor and there are four other people sitting at the table with him.

"Hey Jc! I will introduce to everyone! This is Shelby, this is Jenn, this is Trevor, and this is Joey." I looked around at the group of people trying to match their names with their faces.
"Hey..I am Jc." They all smile at me. Then they carry on with their conversation that they had before I had sat down. I joined into the conversation a couple times and I was laughing and smiling. I was really happy that I met these people. They were pretty great.

Kian's POV -

I glanced over to where Jc was sitting. I can't believe that he had already moved on..he already got new friends. I was kind of jealous. I wanted to be his friend...he would still be my friend if I wasn't such a dick to him last night..god. I am such an ass.

"Why are staring over at Jc's table?" Andrea asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't...I was just..thinking."

"Well whatever happened to you two last night needs to be fixed because you are acting really weird today." Andrea looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"I don't think that Jc even wants to talk to I don't even think I can fix it." I start to eat my sandwich.

"Well maybe if you at least try talking to him then you feel better." She kissed me on the cheek and got up to throw her garbage away. Maybe she was right..maybe I needed to talk to him.

Jc's POV -

I noticed Kian frequently glancing over at my table. I decide to ignore him and the feelings I have about the situation and decide to worry about my new friends.

At the end of the school day...

The day was finally arrived and I started to walk towards my car before I was stopped by Connor. "Oh hey." I said a little bit startled.

"Hey I was wondering if I could just follow you to your mom wants me to be home before dinner."

"Oh, ya thats fine."

"Okay awesome!" Connor ran off to where his car was parked.

I get into my car and wait until I see Connor pull out. He follows me home, and we both pull into my driveway.

I get out of my car and Connor does the same. We head towards my front door and walk into my house.

"You want anything to drink?"

"Nah, I'm good."

I shrug and bring him to my living room where we sit on my couch. The same spot where me and Kian had kissed for the first and final time.

Connor pulls out some school work and sets it on his lap. I do the same. He went to get more things from his school bag and the things on his lap fall onto the floor. We both go down to grab it and we look at each other while I hand Connor his things. He sets them on his side of the couch and leans in towards me and kisses me.

I close my eyes and start to kiss him back. Connor pushes me down against the couch and is on top of me. We continue to kiss either of us not trying to break it. Connor starts to tug on my shirt and I sit up and take it off with his help. I start taking off Connor's shirt. Before we know it we are both shirtless. We continue to make out. His lips melt into mine. He smiles into each amd every kiss and I do the same.

Connor finally sits up and breaks the kiss. I sit up and look into is greenish blue eyes. We sit staring at each other until Connor breaks the silence.

"Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

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