chapter 17.

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Kian's POV -


I was sobbing. This couldn't be happening right now. This had to be some kind of nightmare. This can't be real.

"Could you please leave the room, we need to help the patient."

I looked up at the doctor. There were nurses and more doctors surrounding Jc. I shook my head. " am not leaving him here. I can't leave him here by himself. I am NOT leaving."

"I know you want to stay, but if you want you your friend to survive then you need to get out." He ushered me towards the door.

I stood up, tears streaming down my face. I looked the doctor in the eyes. "I AM NOT LEAVING! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT!! I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!"

"Well you have to leave." He took my arm and started to move me towards the door. I fought back. I pulled myself towards Jc. I started to kick my legs and move my arms, but the doctor was stronger than me. He finally got me to the door. I couldn't leave Jc in there dying with all of these strangers.

He pushed me out the door and into the arms of Andrea and Connor. Once each of them had a hold of an arm they both started to pull me back even farther away from Jc. "JC! JC! I AM COMING!! I AM NOT LEAVING YOU! JC!!!!" The doctor had shut the door and I kept moving farther away from the door. I continued to sob as I gave up fighting Andrea and Connor's grip.

They sat me down where I had fell asleep the day before.

"Kian..I know you want to be with Jc right now, but you can't." Andrea held my hand and looked up at me.

I ripped my hand away from her grip. She looked upset, but I didn't care. "I don't care if I can't be with him. I need to be with him, why doesn't anyone understand that?? His heart stopped when I was in there, Andrea. What if its my fault. This whole situation is my fault. I never meant to hurt him Andrea..I never meant to hurt him..."

I leaned into Andrea and she started to hug me. I cried into her shoulder. "'s not your fault. None of this was your fault.."

I layed in her arms for a few seconds after she had said that, then I pulled away from her. "You weren't there. You don't know what happened."

She looked at me confused. " were with Jc before this happened?" I looked at her more tears forming in my eyes. "He was at my house. I led him on. We started to makeout. It began to get farther than that, then.." I stopped and glanced at Connor who was sitting a few seats away hearing every word I said, reliving the horrible memory of what had happened. He was also crying. I looked away from him and looked down at the floor. "..then..Jc stopped and started to cry...I looked up and Connor had found us..he fucking found Jc cheating on him with me and then Connor ran out then Jc chased him and he fucking left and tried to commit suicide...all because I fucking led him on. I knew he liked me before..but damn I knew he was dating Connor..I knew..and I still did it...I caused this whole situation Andrea..I did this..."

Andrea glanced back at Connor who was still sitting a few chairs away crying. "Kian...there has to be more to the story..there has to be more reasons of why Jc did this to himself.."

"There's not Andrea..that's the thing...there's nothing else..nothing else..." I put my head in my hands and just tried to block everything out. I couldn't live with knowing that I caused someone that I love to want to commit suicide. I am so selfish. Soo soo selfish.

"Do you want me to take you home? So you can rest?" Andrea's voice rang in my head. "If I go home, I could end up where Jc is, so I think I am just gonna stay here." My face was still buried in my hands.

"Well..I am going to go to your house and bring you some clothes, a blanket, your phone charger, and some other things..I'll be back." Andrea kissed the top of my head and walked away.

Once her footsteps seemed to fade away, I lifted my head up out of my hands. I layed back on my chair. I turned my head and Connor was sitting right next to me. I jumped..he startled me. Connor put his hand on my thigh and looked into my eyes. "'s not your fault that Jc did this. Even though you think it is..Jc isn't going to blame you..I promise. I mean if Jc is going to hate's going to be me."

I looked up at Connor confused..why would Jc hate him? He did nothing wrong..he was the victim in the situation.

Connor sat on my lap and made sure that I couldn't move my hands. Then Connor placed his hands on my face. "Connor, what are you doing?" I tried to get my hands free but he was too strong for me to fight.

Connor smirked. "You're mine Kian..I have liked you for many many years. You never knew that I existed, but once I inturrupted you and Jc's little thing I definitely got your attention. I also know that you are gay, so you can finally be mine now baby." He started to circle his index finger around my face. "Date me will be a thousand times happier with me than Jc. I promise you that."

Connor leans in towards me and kisses me. I try my best not to kiss him back and to pull away from his face, but my face was in his hands and he was pulling me towards him. Connor finally broke the kiss. I looked up into his eyes. "I love Jc, Connor. I don't want to be with you."

Connor began to laugh. "Well..if you really love Jc..then you will protect him." I looked at Connor with a confused look in my eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Well Kian, here's the thing. I have been waiting for this moment for years and some guy who moved here this year is not going to ruin this opportunity for me. So, you have to do what I say and do what I want you to do, otherwise, your sweet little Jc will get hurt." He took my face and we locked eye contact. "And if you think im bluffing, then try me. See what happens."

"Connor..this isn't right..don't you want to find someone someone that deeply cares about you and loves you? Don't you want a real relationship??"

Connor began to laugh again. "What. Like you and Jc?? Ha. That is going to be us, you got that. You and I are a thing now. Deal with it. This is happeneing. So, let's see if you got what I am saying. Kian, would you be my boyfriend?"

"Never. Never Connor. I only love Jc and you aren't going to change that." I glared at him. I couldn't believe that this was happening.

Connor grabbed my face with all of his force. "You want to play this game Kian?? You will learn. I am going to win. All you are doing is hurting Jc. And if you really loved him then you would realize that. But, I am going to give you one more chance."

Connor stood up and I repositioned myself. I shook my head. I can't date Connor. That would break Jc's heart even more.

"Fine. Say hi to Jc for me okay Kian. It might be the last time you see him." Tears stung my eyes. I couldn't almost lose Jc again. I couldn't. I needed him.

"Whatever Connor. Fine." Tears started to roll down my face after I agreed to his plan.

"That's what I thought. See ya later...boyfriend." Connor turned around and started to walk away.

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