chapter 8.

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Jc's POV -

Wow. The only thing that I can describe him as. Wow. He makes me happy like no other. He gives me confidence and makes me feel comfortable to just be myself.

I have never experienced love. I have actually never been in a relationship. Unless if a stupid 6th grade relationship counts when the farthest you go is holding hands in the hallway, then I guess I have. I don't know if love at first sight is real, but there is something about Kian that brings that thought into my mind. What if love at first sight was real. What if people are destined to be together. What if Kian and I were meant to be.

Unfortunately, reality has to come in and hit me in the face. There is absolutely no way that Kian is gay. He is dating someone. That someone is also a girl. And that girl is also one of the most popular girls in the school. He, on the other hand, is also on of the most popular guys in the school. Popular guys aren't gay. They are the ones that spit on them. But something tells me that Kian is different. He wouldn't do that to someone.

Maybe I am just so desperate for a relationship that I think that just because Kian talked to me and that he hung out with me the majority of the day that he is instantly in love with me. These feelings are probably just a phase I am going through..maybe my emotions are just playing tricks on me.

I want to tell myself that I want these feelings to go away. I am straight. That I may just have slipped into the popular group by mistake on my first day and they won't even know my name tomorrow. But I know these feelings won't go away. I know I am gay. And I know that I am going to try my best to see if Kian is experiencing that same things I have been feeling. And I know that I am determined to make my final year great, even though I contradicts everything I have stood for. I know that I am going to win Kian's heart.

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