Chapter two

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A/N: Time for chapter twooooo!!!! 😆😆

Guess who y/n will meet 😏😏😏. (Your mom hopefully)


I rushed to the school, even though I didn’t oversleep. Instead of doing some make up like other girls, I was peacefully reading my book.

Even though it was the first flush of the morning, the bus was almost filled with passengers. It was my first time being outside and I was pretty shocked by the large number of people.

After my dad remarried to my rich evil stepmom, we moved into her million dollar mansion. The house was located in the rich area, which is a bit far off from the school. So there were many stops I had to pass until I finally arrived.

I was too busy getting off the bus, so I accidentally bumped into a few people. Quickly I apologize to the ones that almost died. Then I got on my feet again and started sprinting toward my new highschool.

It was the first time I saw the school with my own blue orbs. I’ve only seen it a couple of times from my father’s computer when he wasn’t home. Honestly, I have no idea why my own biological father will send me to a local school when I’m totally fine with homeschooling. I mean, I am used to it, plus I am very non-social so… it’ll be very awkward.

I checked the time on my old watch, which was almost broken. My father and so called “mother” won’t even give me a new watch. Are they trying to make me come late to school or something? Anyways back to me checking the time, 7.59,999999999… Thankfully I wasn’t late, I had a few milliseconds left until I had to meet up with the principal.

As I sprinted through the corridor, a figure suddenly appeared in front of me. Because I was rushing (stream Sugar Rush Ride - TXT) with super mega maximum neoumw speed. I couldn’t stop my feet, so I ended up flying into the figure. CRASH! My backpack flew off my shoulder. All my books and papers scattered all over the checked floor.

   "Ah! I'm so s-sorry!" I apologized and got up. Quickly, I brushed off my pants, then I offered a hand to the person I just crashed into.

It was a boy that looked a bit older than me. He had short golden hair and a pair of green eyes. I'm pretty sure he's one of those boys that has a bunch of girls chasing after him. But I'm different. I wouldn't just stupidly chase after a boy that wouldn't ever notice them. That's just too girly.

   “Ow… Watch where you’re going!” He spat, staring deeply in my orbs.

   “I-I am s-so sorry, a-are you o-ok.” I stuttered. Gosh why did I stutter? I thought to myself. Now he's going to think I'm like the other girls that get shy and…. Ugh!

   "What do you think, of course I'm not okay!" He replied, fixing his golden hair. The boy spotted my hand, I heard him scoff a little and then he stood up without taking it. He fixed his clothes and left without saying anything.

Right after he disappeared from my eyesight, I felt the surrounding people starting to gossip and taking glances at me. How rude? I just accidentally bumped into him and I even offered him a hand. And the reason why this happened was because I was running late. Oh yeah I was running late… WAIT, I STILL HAVE TO MEET UP WITH THE PRINCIPAL!

I rushed to the principal's office, luckily I got there on time. You see, I'm faster than Flash, so of course I wouldn’t be late! And I totally didn’t leave a total destruction behind me.

I sat on the chairs outside the principal's office. It was very quiet up here, so quiet I could hear the clock ticking, and I couldn’t see any students. Wonder how the principal is, I mean, they could be strict… I don’t know??? I sat there, fidgeting with my clear nails. Yes, I never use my time to paint my nails into some girly color. I only use clear nail polish to prevent me biting my precious nails.

After using 3 seconds of my boring, drama-free, lonely, single life waiting patiently for the principal, the door finally opened. A woman dressed in blue and black high-heels walked through the door, she checked the notepad and then took a glance at me.

  “Ms. YN/LN, would you please come to the office? The principal would like to talk to you.” She said, monotonously. Right after she disappeared in the room again.

Okay Y/n, here we go, I thought to myself, I am finally going to meet the principal! I am finally starting my high school life! I hope I will find some friends here!


A/N: OMGEE!!! (stream OMG by newjeans) Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️❤️❤️. We hope you have a wonderful, slaying day!!!

Will Y/N find a friend? WHO KNOWS? 😆😆😆. (prob not). We are SO excited for the next chapter aahhh!!!
Also, please don’t bully Y/N, it's not her fault for stuttering so much UwU 🥺🥺🥺.

/Two emos

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