Chapter three

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A/N: It's here guys!!! THE third chapter has arrived!!!

We wonder what would happen to Y/N in this chapter... will she get a friend or not? Let's find out...😉😉😉 (she wont lmao)

Feeling extra quirky, listening to Dork diaries right now 💕💕💕. And I'm in my math lesson TwT


I entered the principal's office and was amused by how well decorated the room was. Everything was in order, on the window sill there were a few healthy green plants planted in white flowerpots. The principal even had a very cute couch, it matched with the room so much and I LOVED it! If stealing was allowed in this world, I would have stolen the entire room.

After a while, I heard someone cough behind me. I turned around and locked eyes with a middle-aged woman with caramel colored hair. Her forest green eyes shot through my orbs and the only emotion I felt was fear. Honestly, she looked like she was planning to kill me on the spot.

At first I was so scared to say anything. But after I did some psychological constructions, I got the courage to talk, (because I am not weak like the 60 times I addressed that I'm not like other girls).

  "H-hello Mrs. Aloe vera eyes..." I cutely mumbled, making a very matured face🧓so that the lady would think that I am not a baby. Wait... oh shit, Mrs. Aloe vera eyes? That slipped out automatically.

  "So, my name is Mrs. Aloe vera eyes now?" The principal queried. She didn't really look that happy to be honest.

  "I-I-I-I a-am s-s-s-s-s-so ùwú..." I accidentally stuttered out. Well uh that was awkward, I thought to myself.

  "It's okay. I want to speak to you." She pointed at the couch in front of her desk, giving me a sign to sit down. I did what she wanted and sat on the couch while I played with my 20 meter long lush blonde hair.

Mrs. Aloe vera eyes- no I mean... uh, the principal sat across from me behind her desk. She was tapping something on her computer that looked SUUUUUUUUUUUPER expensive, (it could be the newest model MacBook air pro 420). Why would she spend like, 666 dollars on that when she can buy an old one for just 0.00000001 cents?

  "So, you're YN/LN?" She looked up at me, staring in my precious face. I'm pretty sure she was shocked by my very abnormal beauty.

  "Y-y-y-yes m-ma'am!" I quickly answered. Gosh stop stuttering Y/N! This is embarrassing. I saw the lady randomly tapping on something in her computer, then she made some final decisions and printed out a couple of papers.

  "Okay, here's your schedule." She slid the freshly-printed papers to me, looking me straight in the eyes. "Your homeroom is in the third corridor on the left, I'll draw you a map if it's hard to find it, or if you're blind. Do you have any questions?"

  "N-n-n-n-n-no m-ma'am." I took the papers in my hands and was about to leave, when I suddenly stopped.

  "Alright then-" Mrs. Aloe vera ey- ehum yeah, sighed, and reached for her coffee cup. But then, I felt the urge to ask her something really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really xN important.

  "No no no, Mrs. Aloe ve- NO um Mrs. Uhhhh principal um I uh, I have a question." I got out of my dry ass mouth. Like seriously, why is there no water in here. Now everyone is going to think I never brush my teeth. Or they're gonna think I brush my teeth with a toilet brush or something. 

  She stopped her movements from getting her cup and slowly turned her head towards me. "Go on then." The principal said, a bit annoyed, her eyes twitching a bit.

I bit my juicy lips a bit as I played with my long lush hair. "D-d-d-d-d-do you have a boyfriend?" I looked at her with my ùwú-orbs, waiting for her to answer my important question. (Because  "저기요 누나 혹시 남자친구 있어요?").

It became really quiet for a second, only the chatter of the students outside having their P.E lessons could be heard. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the crows that sat on the tree outside the office before now were at the window staring at me.

  "Ms. L/N, when I said that, I meant general questions about school or about the students. And not about my private life." She got up and grabbed the coffee cup again. Without looking at me again, she walked past me to the coffee machine.

   "I-i-i-im s-so s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry úwù (becomes Eminem)." I apologize-rapped and did a 180॰ bow towards Mrs. aloe vera principal. I stayed like that for a couple of years until the principal finally fixed her coffee machine.

   "What- th-e- nevermind cough- cough- cough- '' The principal cleared her throat. Surely she was shocked by how amazing my 180॰ bow was, so that's why she also stuttered. Now it's fair for me uwu. "You should go, class is starting soon."

   "O-o-o-ok :3" I replied. I exited the office and closed the door behind me. That's because I am so nice >:3!!! That meeting with the principal went smooth like butter! (Like a criminal undercover) That's what I thought at least.

    "Seriously, what's up with the extra reaction thingies..." The principal sighed as she smashed the coffee machine once again. "And why won't the shit ever work... "


A/N: Well there goes the third chapter we suppose. Do you like Mrs. Aloe vera ey- I mean the principal? (hopefully yes...)

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter, because it's getting interesting ùwú.😏😏😏

/Two emos

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