Chapter six

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A/N: After fifty years of trying to write this beautilicious story, we finally made it to the sixth chapter!!!

We can not thank you enough for reading this so far, even if it's only the sixth chapter, we'd really appreciate it <33 /gen

Without further ado, here's the cringe ass chapter!


After a very painful and exhausting math lesson with Nagy, a very boring biology lesson, and a totally-didn't-embarrass-myself-by-tripping-over-my-shoelaces PE class, it was FINALLY lunch.

I picked up a food tray (whatever that's called) and walked my way to the open-counter display.

Did you know that when giraffes mate, they will fight for a partner, the males will use their necks to swing their opponents, the one who wins usually has the longest necks, that way the long neck genes get passed down!

I have a very long neck so... yeah. (Yes, we learned about it in the biology lesson today and I thought it was very interesting for you to know...)

Anyways back to reality, I was staring at the menu. It said 'Take only one slice of pizza'. The pizza looked very gushy and my appetite literally just vanished when I saw it. But I need to try it first before I say it's bad, right? The queue behind me became longer and longer, I looked forward and saw no one. Oh no! Everyone must be waiting for me! I quickly grabbed a slice that looked most normal and went to sit at an empty table-



All the tables were full, not a single one that's completely empty. Oh boy, I had to sit at a table with people now. You should know that I am super shy (stream 'super shy' by NewJeans), so shy I can't even look in other people's eyes without melting, evaporating and photosynthesising. But this time, I need to overcome my crippling fears! Because I'm not weak! >_<

I looked around the cafeteria, but I couldn't see anyone that looked that kind. That's when I saw the girl from earlier, Nathalie! She was sitting with Max and three more boys. Weird, the three boys sitting beside her look quite familiar...

"Hey! Y/N! Over here!" Nathalie waved her hands when she noticed me, wait, me? Is she being fr? Like fr fr??? Nathalie wants me to come? (Yes bbg uwu 18+, anyways). She signed me to come closer with her hand, and I did.

"Hey Y/N! I saw that you looked lonely, so I thought that you might sit at our table!"

I looked at Nathalie, she's so kind to think of that, but will the others at the table think that too? I took tiny steps to the table, refraining myself from using centripetal force. After what seemed like a hundred years, I finally made it to the table. I put my tray down, then sat beside Nathalie. I looked up from the table and that's when I saw it.

"Okay Y/N, I want to introduce you to these four idiots." She pointed at the four sitting across the table.

"Firstly, I think you already know who this is." She looked at the brunette sitting directly in front of me.

"Yeah... you're Max right? Like in... what was it... Math class...?" I questioned myself, looking up at the ceiling. The brunette looked at me for a second, then quietly nodded before continuing eating some brocolis.

"Anyways, these idiot heads are Billy, Poco and Chris!" Nathalie pointed to the three guys sitting beside Max. "The blond, tall, french fry looking thing- I mean man, is Chris. As you can see he is very popular."

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