Chapter nine

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A/n: Spring is here, you know what that means (smirk)

Whatever, lemme sing a song in order for you to remember. *clears throat*

"Who live in the pineapple under the sea"

Anyways I cringed by my own words lol.💀💀💀


"Wait, are you being for real when you said you've never tried out fast food before?" Nathalie stopped her steps and held my shoulders so we stood face to face. We were on our way towards the fast food place that Nathalie just suggested.

"Yeah? Why would I be lying tho?" I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk again.

"You're soon to be seventeen (모두 우릴 쳐다봐)! How the heck have you never been to a fast food restaurant?"

"I don't know, my father told me it was only bad food that tasted dry and oily. Maybe that's why I never thought of trying it." I thought for a second. "I mean I could try, but I'm not sure if I would like it..."

Nathalie still had a shocked expression on her face. Not believing what I just stated, she slapped the back of my fragile head and then looped her arm around mine. I was there groaning in pain while Nathalie just stood there laughing hard enough for her to faint. We were actually really close to tripping because she was practically dragging me without looking at where she was walking.

"Nope, I'm very sure that you will like it. If you don't, I'll air fry you." She threatened with a not so sweet smile on her face. "I mean I have plenty of them at home, so you could choose which one..."

I felt very upset by how Nathalie just threatened me, how dare she?! I have to show her my inner wolf- okay y/n take it chill. I thought to myself and breathed out. Nathalie didn't seem to care or even notice about my sudden-almost-breakout, which I was pretty glad she didn't.

We walked for a bit, on the busy streets in the city. Cars passing by were scaring my pure little soul out of me. Why do they drive so fast? Aren't they aware of them hurting my afraid heart?

The fast food restaurant was just across the street. It was a lonely building, separated from civilization. I felt so bad for the burger place to be located by the highway. That somehow reminded me of myself, all lonely and different. Anyways, after a while, we finally arrived. It was now time to try fast food for the first time of my life and I'm a tad bit nervous if I have to be honest.

We walked in through the automatic doors and not going to lie, the inside wasn't that bad. I just learned by reading on the sign outside that the restaurant is named 'Max'. Huh? Funny, it has the same name as my friend Max!

I started to search for an empty table to sit at, when Nathalie pulled me away towards where it seemed like to be the counter. As she was dragging me like a dead corpse, I felt questioning eyes from strangers staring at me.

"Lets go to the counter and order!" Nathalie said while taking off her coat, hanging it on her forearm.

"W-wait, doesn't it have like machines to order? W-why do we have to g-go to the counter???

.・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・." I asked shyly.

"We need to train you to speak to strangers, so you don't get too... um, awkward, BUT if you really don't I can order for you!" (Nah bro why did you use the word 'Train', it just makes it sound like a pet or something 😭😭😭 HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE IDK ANYTHING ELSE 😭 thats what my parents tell me to socialize more bruh. Anyways-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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