Chapter eight

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A/N: Wassup. Chapter Eight has arrived at your door!

My dad bought crabs and they're about to die. I honestly feel bad for them, but they keep nibbling my fingers 💀.

There ain't going to be any crabs in this chapter, but who knows if there are going to be any crabby patties?


Nathalie's house wasn't that far off from mine, it was only a couple of streets away. September had arrived and the temperature had dropped a bit. But it was still warm enough for me to wear a pair of shorts and hoodie. I was in a rush because I nearly forgot about the hangout, so I sadly forgot my book at home.

The early-autumn breeze blew past me, making the loose strains of my 20 meter long lush hair swivel around in the air. (That rhymed! Nice job Lucy!) After a few milliseconds, I finally arrived at Nathalie's house. I knocked on the door, footsteps could be heard from the other side.

"Coming!" I heard someone shout in the hallway, struggling with unlocking the door.

I stood there, nervously fidgeting with my hair, waiting for the door to open. My head looked up when my sharp ears heard the clicking sound from the door lock. Right in front of me stood a middle aged lady in some pretty decent clothing. She eyed my precious face up and down, trying to figure out who I was.

"He-l-l-l-o Mrs. Ar-m-ms-t-r-ong... Is... is like, Nathalie ho-ome?" I told the lady by the door.

"Yeah she's up in her room. And you must be... Y/N right?"

I nodded a little.

"Well nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Nathalie and Billy's mom. Come inside!" Mrs. Armstrong said, moving away the door letting me in (stream Let Me In (20 cube) - Enhypen). I quickly walked inside as the chilling air from the air conditioner crashed into my face. The living room was very clean and had a minimal-ish style to it. Cream white walls with some framed-in abstract oil art above the dark gray couches. It looked very cozy in my opinion.

"Nathalie is upstairs, just go up and you'll find her door." I turned around to see Nathalie's mom leaning by the doorframe looking at me.

"T-t-t-t-tha-thank you mrs. A-ar-armstrong." I gave her a smol smile.

I walked up the large stairs and walked through the corridor. At the end of it I saw two doors, one with half ripped up flowers, butterflies and hearts stickers and the other one with nothing on it. At first I thought the one with flowers and hearts was Nathalies room, until she came out of the plain one.

"Oh Y/N! I was just heading downstairs!" She exclaimed.

"Hi Nathalie, um...isn't that Billy's room?" I asked her while twirling my 20 meter long golden hair.

"Oh! This is my room actually, it's just that when we were kids I put stickers on his door as a prank, but we couldn't peel them off, so they just stayed there."

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