Chapter five

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A/N: Lying on my bedroom floor while writing this chapter. This chapter might be a very cringey and awkward one lol. No wait, actually I'm in physics class listening to Nagy...

And I'm in English class! yippie

By the way, short chapter this time ig. Let's jump right into it! 🥰


The lesson went on, not so smoothly, if I'm going to be real. This class seriously had no brain cells that were actually working. The girls in the front rows were discussing make-ups and scrolling on their iphone 69s, trying to find a sugar daddy. The boys sat in a clump by the window. They were either gaming on their computers or they were having a world war with erasers and pencils.

I thought it would turn out as a great math lesson, because I'm a math genius. But no, I didn't understand a thing, because the teacher's handwriting looked like he just started kindergarten. Now you may think: Y/N, maybe the reason why you didn't understand was because you suck at math. And I can just tell you. No, I am Albert Einstein re-born into a cute uwu body. Plus I know that 4-3=7.

Anyways, all I wanted to say was, this lesson was very very boring. Nathalie, the girl I just became friends with, left early because the principal called her and said something really bad happened. I don't know what tho-. Max was quietly calculating in his note book. I couldn't understand anything. Why was he writing Xs and Ys instead of numbers, isn't this supposed to be math class?

Suddenly, an amazing idea popped up in my smart head. I could go to the toilet the rest of the lesson and read my book instead. There was only forty minutes left in this lesson, plus I haven't even got my math books yet.

I picked up my bag and dug deeply trying to find my book. After five minutes I finally found it.

"365 bedtime stories for newborns? Is that what the new kid reads? Man, that's gotta be the reason we're still calling her kid." I heard a student some desks away from mine whisper to another, followed by some giggles. I didn't care anyways, because who cared about what they were thinking? I actually thought that this book was very interesting!

Quickly, I got up from my seat and raised my hand straight into the air like a pole. Much more straighter than the boy I crashed into in the hallway. I mean he looked like a pole when I saw... Anyways moving on. Suddenly, I felt all the eyes in the classroom gather on me. Some students were confused, some laughed for some reason. I boosted up my mind to have the courage to talk. Come on Y/N, you can do this!

"Uh-h-h-h-h-hh, Tea-c-che-r... Can I uh- go to the- nurs-er-ry or... I mean uh..."

"Take a chill pill." My hot teacher said and winked at me. I felt my heart explode as my cheeks turned red. Then I suddenly snapped out to reality.

"Excuse me miss L/N, what do you want now?" The teacher asked, very annoyed in his tone.

"I-I-I- w-a-aant t-to eh... go-o t-t-to th-e-e-e eh- BAthroom! YEah BAtehroom!" The words stumbled out of my mouth. I heard some giggles and whispers in the front of the classroom. Gosh, couldn't the teacher just say yes now and let me go?

"You wanted to go to the bathroom, you say?" The teacher looked at me. "Then could you tell me what the answer is on this formula?"

He pointed at the white board, the numbers and letters were almost unreadable. And that just made the situation even more awkward. I was now standing in the classroom with hundreds of not so pretty orbs staring at me.

"I uh-, Umm..." I tried to calculate.

"Um, miss L/N. You have been thinking for ten minutes now, do you have an answer?" The teacher asked, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

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