Legion(Susie & Julie) x fem!reader

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Background Info: You are a part of the Legion, the 5th member. You have been with the legion since the beginning, since before the legion was made. You go into a trial and go back to Mount Ormond Resort afterwards to be comforted by your two girlfriends, Susie and Julie.

Fandom: Dead By Daylight
Genre: Fluff
Pair: Susie x Julie x fem!reader

-Y/n pov-

3 gens are done... And I'm still chasing this MOTHERFUCKER MEG! (No hate to Meg mains tho, I am a Meg main myself). I have been chasing her this entire game!

I'm finally catching up to her when I hear another gen pop. I don't bother looking and go into feral frenzy, catching up to Meg. Right as I went to swing, she dropped... A FUCKING PALLET ON MY HEAD!

This motherfucker-

I hold my head in pain before breaking the pallet, but MOTHERFUCKING MEG BLINDS ME WITH HER FLASHLIGHT! I finish breaking the pallet while blinded and just stop, giving up after hearing the final gen pop, meaning that all the survivors had to do now is open the exit gates and leave.

Fucking Meg is so annoying today...

I sigh as I get covered in a black fog, indicating that the trial is over and all the survivors escaped. I close my eyes and sigh, taking my hood and mask off before looking at my hand and seeing blood. I sigh again and watch as the black fog fades away, revealing Mount Ormond Resort.

I put my hood and mask back on before walking into the building with my hands in my hoodie pockets and my head down. I continue walking into the building and flop face first onto the broken down couch in the main room.

"Hey Y/n! How was your trial?" Frank asked as he watches me walk in and flop on the couch.

I just groan and feel tears form in my eyes, the pain in my head from the pallet earlier getting worse. I reach my hand under my hood and feel the spot that was bleeding before bring my hand back, seeing a great amount of blood on it. I let my hand hang off the side of the couch, the blood visible to Frank, and Joey who just walked in the room.

"I'm guessing it wasn't good then..." Frank sighs as he crouches next to the couch beside me.

I hide my face in the couch, my mask squishing my face slightly. I feel someone's hand rub circles on my back to comfort me.

"I'll make sure that when Susie and Julie get back from their trials that they come straight to you, k?" I hear Joey say, trying to be comforting.

I just groan again and lay defeated on the couch, now laying on my back, my mask still on my face to hide my tears that are now falling.


"Hey Susie, Julie!" I hear Joey say, making me pull my hood over my mask.

"Hey Joey! What's up?" Susie says in her cheerful tone.

"You might wanna head to the main room, N/n didn't have a good trial earlier and has been laying on the couch upset since she's gotten back." Joey replies, trying to speak quieter, but honestly failing to.

Then I hear two pairs of footsteps walk over to me. When they get close, I feel someone's hand grab one of mine.

"N/n?" Susie mumbles to me.

I turn my head so I can look at her through my mask. Julie then softly takes off my mask to reveal my tear stained face and red blood on the side of my face.

"Oh darling..." Julie gives my mask to Susie before continuing.

"Let me go grab stuff for that blood..." Julie adds on as she walks off to get some first aid.

Susie pulls down my hood despite my protests and kisses a part of my forehead that isn't covered in some blood.

"What happened N/n?" Susie questions as she looks into my eyes lovingly.

"... Fucking... Meg Thomas..." I mumble quietly, my voice cracking slightly.

I see her frown and her eyebrows furrow in anger.

"I'm gonna fucking murder that bitch..." Susie whispers, furious.

I squeeze her hand and that makes her snap out of it. I smile softly at her and she cheerfully smiles back. She quickly leans in and kisses the tip of my noise, making me smile more. Julie comes back a minute later with first aid.

"Alright, I got the medkit, now you need to sit up darling." Julie states as she gets closer towards the couch.

I sit up and bring my legs off the couch, giving Susie and Julie room to sit on the couch. Susie quickly sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. Julie stands infront of me and crouches down to my height, opening up the medkit and grabbing bandages.

"Stay still for me darling."

Julie begins to wrap the bandages around my head, stopping the bleeding.

"So- how did this happen?" Julie questions now.

"Meg Thomas, that's all I got outta N/n." Susie answers, sighing as she looks towards me.

"She dropped a pallet on my head really hard today. I was chasing her the entire trial, so I didn't even get anyone hooked once..." I add on, sighing and getting frustrated at myself.

"So she was extra slippery today..." Julie says, finishing the bandages on my head.

I nod my head after she ties the bandages off, huffing and leaning back into the couch. Julie puts everything back and sits down on the other side of me, holding one of my hands reassuringly.

"Good to know Susie and I have a target now."

Susie quickly nods and kisses my cheek, hugging me close. Julie leans her head on my shoulder and squeezes my hand reassuringly. Susie quickly swings her legs other the arm rest of the couch and lays her head on my lap, looking up at me with a smile.

"Will... Cuddles make you feel better N/n?" Susie giggles as she boops my nose.

I grin and nod my head at her, booping her nose back.

"I would love cuddles Sues." I reply and turn my head towards Julie.

"What about you Jules?"

Julie lifts her head and looks at me before kissing my lips.

"I'm down." She says happily, laying her head back on my shoulder.

I smile more and lean into the back of the couch more, getting more comfortable. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, feeling better than before.


Have a great day/evening/night!


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