Venture x GN!reader

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(A/n): I love Venture so much 😭😭😭 They're so cute.

Background Info: Y/n is an overwatch agent, your agent name is specified as (o/n), meaning overwatch name. Reader comes back from a mission injured and Venture is worried about their lover.

Fandom: Overwatch
Genre: Fluff
Pair: Venture(Sloan) x GN!reader

-Venture's pov-

"Sloan! I'm back!" I heard Y/n call out, making me jump up excitedly and run out to the living room quickly.

"Finally! How'd the mission go?"

"It went well but-"

I reached the living room saw Y/n there, the side of their head bleeding and they were holding their left arm.

"-I might've gotten a little hurt..."

Y/n chuckled slightly, something they would always do when anxious. I looked at them worriedly before sighing.

"You know you aren't invincible, gem..."

"I know but i had to do something..."

I sigh once more and softly smile reassuringly.

"Let me fix you up my gem. I can't have you getting dirty and lose your shine."

Y/n seemed to smile a bit and chuckle a bit.


Y/n and I go to the bathroom and they sit on the counter as I grab a medkit from the cabinet. I place the medkit on the counter next to them and open to grab some bandages. I carefully clean and start to wrap the bandages around the wound on their head.

"So what did the great agent (o/n) have to do that got them like this, hm?"

Y/n softly chuckled, staying still so I can dress their wound on their head still.

"It was a payload mission. I had to get behind the Talon groups to the payload. After I got behind them I got the payload to the point, but once I did the Talon agents noticed. So the backline came back to attack me. Since I was alone I had to go against many, but thankfully it didn't take too long for the other overwatch agents to catch up and help me."

I softly smile, having just finished wrapping their head wound.

"And the mission was successful because you did that?"

Y/n softly smiled.


I smiled more before leaning up and kissing their nose.

"Good job my gem. You're so brave."

Y/n's face started to flush red and they hid their face in my shoulder. I softly laugh before pulling away.

"I need to patch your arm up, gem."

Y/n nodded and carefully rolled up their sleeve. Their bicep was cut deeply and bleeding. I carefully cleaned it thoroughly and started wrapping their bicep with bandages. After I wrapped their arm, I grinned and looked up to them.

"There we go, all shiny again. How you feeling my gem?"

Y/n softly smiled, a little bit of blush still on their cheeks.

"I'm good, just in a cuddly mood now."

I laughed a little and grinned.

"Then let's go cuddle, my gem."

-Y/n Pov-

I grinned as well when i saw Sloan's crooked tooth smile. I hopped off the counter and Sloan quickly hugged me, making me laugh.

We both walked to our shared bed, Sloan flopping down onto it before pulling me down with them. We both laugh a little before getting comfortable. Sloan was laying down on the bed with me laying down on top of them, my waist down being in between their legs as the rest of my body laid on their chest.

Sloan ran their hand through my (h/c) hair gently as I slowly felt myself start to doze off.

"Sweet dreams, my perfect gem."


Short one today! Have a great day/evening/night!

- Ash/Percy

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