Charlie x Vaggie x child!Y/n

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Background Info: You are the adopted child of Charlie and Vaggie. The events of this story will be moments after episode 6, where you went with them to heaven and found out Vaggie was an exterminator angel. This will basically be episode 7. You are about 15 in this.

Warning! Spoilers!

Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst, fluff
Pair: Charlie x Vaggie x child!y/n

-Y/n pov-

I can't believe it... I can't... fucking... Believe it... My mom is an angel...?

I sat on my bed, running my hands through my hair as I stared at the ground. I felt many things. Betrayal, anger, sadness... There was so much running through my head. I just couldn't believe that Vaggie, one of my own moms, was an exterminator angel.

I could hear my other mom, Charlie, crying in the next room over. I know that this is hitting her harder than it is hitting me.

I hear my door open, and by the footsteps I know it's Vaggie. I don't try to look at her as she walks over to me and sits down on my bed next to me. I can hear her sigh before she begins to speak.

"I'm sorry kid... I should've told you and Charlie..."

Vaggie sounded genuinely sorry, making this a whole lot harder on me. I close my eyes and lean backwards onto the bed, laying on my back.


My voice came off a little harsh, and I tried to soften my voice a little.

"Listen... If you speak to mom and she isn't sad like how she is now by the end of the day..."

I try to think of my next words carefully.

"I'll put it behind us. I know you probably had good intentions... But you hurt mom a lot... She probably feels betrayed... I feel betrayed."

I keep my eyes shut as I wait to hear what she says, and she replies with a sigh.

"Alright kid... I promise I'll make things better... For you and Charlie..."

I could tell she was trying to be reassuring, trying to sadly smile. I sat up and opened my eyes, looking at her for a moment before nodding.

Suddenly the ceiling got this weird green tint to it, and I realized that I couldn't hear Charlie's crying anymore. Vaggie quickly stands up and starts to head to their room next door and I quickly follow.

Once I get to the door after Vaggie I hear Alastor speak as he walks away.

"Don't worry, she still has her soul!"

I pause for a moment before looking into the room cautiously, seeing Vaggie and Charlie talk.

"Charlie there isn't a way to kill angels!"

"If there was would you have told me...?"

I felt my heart get heavy hearing Charlie's words, then I notice Charlie walking out of the room and walk pass me. I quickly turn and follow her.

"Mom, wait!"

I quickly catch up to her, walking next to her.

"Are you okay...?"

Charlie sighs before stopping and turning to me, giving me a soft, sad smile.

"Yeah... I... I just need some time... I'm heading out with Alastor for a bit... I'll be back before dinner and make you your favorite dinner, 'kay? I know this is hard for you too."

Charlie ruffles her hand in my hair, trying to cheer me up. I sadly smile, nodding my head.

"Alright, please be safe..."

"I will..."

And with that, Charlie walked off out of the hotel with Alastor to wherever they are going. I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to see Vaggie.

"I'm so sorry kid... I need to head out, hopefully I won't be long.."

I just nodded my head, keeping a sad smile on my face. Vaggie sadly smiled as well before leaving the hotel too.

I sigh heavily and take a seat on the couch in the lobby, trying to not get too worked up or too upset.

-A couple hours later-

I eventually put my headphones on and played my music, trying to distract myself. Suddenly my headphones are taken off my head.


"Oh calm down ya kiddo!"

I look to see Cherri Bomb in front of me.

"Stop your mopin! We got some stuff to cheer ya up!"

"Huh? What do you mean by we?"

I stare at Cherri confused for a second before noticing Angel, Sir Pentious and Husk there to.


"Come'on kid, let's maybe have some drinks and play some games."

Angel spoke in his usually upbeat tone.

"But their only 15 Angel! Their jussssst a kid!"

I look to Sir Pentious with a chuckle.

"This is hell dude, pretty sure no one cares."

"Maybe not othersss, but your momssss do!"

Everyone chuckles a little.

"I'll make sure I won't have too much to drink then."

-A couple hours later again-

I finished bording up some windows on the outside, huffing and taking a deep breath before taking a sip of whiskey. I stand on the little balcony outside the window and look to the entrance of the hotel, seeing Charlie and Vaggie hugging.

I immediately grin and hop down from the balcony, landing on the ground and leaving the bottle of whiskey on the balcony. I ran to them, which they noticed, and I hugged them tightly.

"Someone's happy! What did you do while we were gone?" Charlie questioned as she and Vaggie pulled away slightly.

"Nothin' much!"

I knew I had a stupid grin on my face, but then i noticed something.

"You have wings Mom??!"

I look to Vaggie's wings with a surprised and entrigued look on my face. Vaggie chuckled before also realizing something.

"Have you been drinking?? Your breath smells like alcohol!"

Both Charlie and Vaggie have a shocked expression on their faces.

"Uhh... Maybe?"

I give them a small, mischievous grin before beginning to run back to the hotel.

"Nu-uh! Get your ass back here Y/n!"

It wasn't long before both Charlie and Vaggie were chasing after me, trying to catch up. Right as I got to the doors of the hotel I felt Charlie tightly hug me from behind.

"Nooo! Let me goooo!"

"Not happening kid!"

Suddenly I feel Vaggie ruffle my hair roughly.


The three of us couldn't contain our laughter, laughing loudly.


Have a great day/evening/night!


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