Katniss Everdeen x GN!reader

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Background Info: You are from District 12 and you are Katniss's only bestfriend (excluding Gale). This takes place in the first book/movie (depending on how you know it) and it is reaping day right when Katniss volunteered.

Fandom: The Hunger Games
Genre: Angst and Fluff again (ik jeez lol)
Pair: Katniss Everdeen x Gender Neutral Reader

-(Y/n)'s Pov-

I can't believe it... Katniss no...

"Well I'll bet my hat that that was your sister." Effie Trinket says to Katniss.

"Yes..." Katniss replies quietly into the mic.

"Well, now onto the boys!" Effie yells as she shoves her hand into the jar of names.

Her hand rummages through the jar, trying to find the perfect person. I don't pay attention to Effie at all, I just stare at Katniss, and she stares right back at me. I can see her eyes start to water, but our concentration on each other breaks when Effie yells.


It goes eerily quiet before she yells out the name.

"Peeta Mellark!" she yells.

Before Peeta could move towards the stage I raise my hand.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I yell out before bring my hand back down.

I get many stares and see many wide eyes as people back away from me.

"Another tribute?" Effie says before smiling.

"Well! Come here!" I make my way towards the stage and climb onto it.

"Two tributes in one day! This is amazing! Now what is your name mis-" I cut Effie off before she could finish.

"Y/n L/n... and I don't go by miss or mister, I go by Mx." I state as I stare at her, then I divert my attention to Katniss.

Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open in shock. I can see fear and sadness in her eyes, tears threatening to spill too.

"Well now you two, shake hands! And my the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie cheers happily as she takes a step back.

I reach my hand out for Katniss to grab, and she hesitantly does. Her hands were shaking and when we shake our hands, we are taken away to our seperate rooms for people to come in and say goodbye.

The first one to come in for me is Gale.

"What the hell are you thinking Y/n?!" He quietly yells as he grabs my shoulders.

"I'm doing this to help Katniss, Gale." I state as I take his hands off of me.

"Yeah but now only one of you will be able to come home! Does that not scare you?!" He questions as we stare into each other's eyes. I take a second before replying.

"I wont lie... I am scared, but I'm doing this so Katniss can come home, so Prim won't loose her sister."

Gale only sighs as he grabs something out of his pocket, a ring with a phacelia flower designed on it.

"Phacelia flowers symbolize determination and endurance..." I whisper.

"How did you find this?" I question as I hold the ring in my hands.

"You don't need to know how I found it, but i was going to give this to Katniss, but I figured you should have it." Gale says as he puts the ring on my finger.

"You know I have a crush on Katniss... Gale... Thank you..." I whisper as I tightly embrace him in a hug.

Gale begins to hug back, but before he could fully the door swings open.

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