Legion(Julie) x fem!reader

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Background Info: Again in this story you are the 5th Member of the legion, though this story will take place before and after they get into the entity's realm.

Fandom: Dead By Daylight
Genre: Maybe some angst, fluff
Pair: Julie x Fem!reader

-Y/n pov-

"Why are we doing this again?" I questioned the group, bored and confused why we are heading to the place Joey got fired from.

"We're just getting somethings for free." Joey replied, looking at me through his mask.

All the legion members were in their outfits. Mine was a dark gray hoodie and camo cargo pants, my mask was a little different than the others though. My mask was a raccoon mask, why a raccoon? I don't know, just something I went with for no reason. It covered my entire face like the other's, but it was definitely different.

"Alright, Susie you know what you're doing?" Joey questioned the girl, looking at her.


I felt an arm wrap around me and I turn to see Julie there, looking at each other through our masks.

"Hi there beautiful."

I smirked after speaking, even though she couldn't see my face and I couldn't see her we both knew that we were smiling at eachother. I saw her shoulders bounce slightly as she laughed.

"Hey there kit."

I rolled my eyes immediately.

"Haha. I get it, I'm a raccoon and you wanna call me a baby raccoon. I'm not a baby raccoon, I'm a big one."

I grinned teasingly as I spoke, then I realized Julie moved her mask and mine before softly kissing my lips. It took me a second to reciprocate the kiss since I was surprised, but I was still quick to reciprocate it. After Julie pulled away she fixed both our masks before speaking.

"Alright let's catch up to the others, they went ahead already."

I quickly turned my head to see them walking away already.

"Motherfuckers- Wait up!"

I quickly ran up to them, Julie following along but just walking. We all talked as we walked to the station, getting there quickly.

We walked into the station and we all split up, Susie talking things off the shelves and into bags sneakily. I was in a random aisle when i suddenly hear someone shout. I leave the aisle to see Joey stabbed the man that fired him.

I stand there, shocked as I stare at the scene in front of me. Next thing I know Frank stabbed him too, then Julie. After Julie stabbed the dude she turned to me, holding her hand out for me to grab. I gently grab her hand and walked closer to her, standing next to her.

Julie softly placed the knife into my hand, gently making my hand close around it. She backed away slightly, letting me make my decision.

I quickly stabbed the man, stabbing him in the abdomen. The man cried out in pain, but I didn't care, I even twisted the knife in his body.

I pulled away after a moment and carefully handed the knife to Susie before backing away from the man. After I back away, watching Susie stab the man now.

I felt arms wrap around my waist for behind and someone's chin on my shoulder.

"That was hot, kit." Julie whispered in my ear, and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

I softly blushed, leaning my back into Julie's front. Julie softly moved her mask again and moved my hood down, softly kissing my neck.

"Let's get out of here guys."

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