Chapter 6

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The silver winglet had a few of their classes and now it was brake time.

Snowstar was walking down the hallway with the smooth cold, grayish brown stone under her talons.
She was smiling she new this place like the back of her talons.

The dark red skywing with amber eyes walked up to Snowstar and asked," So uh, where is the prey center?"
Snowstar looked at the skywing and answered," just follow me"

Feather nodded and fell back behind Snowstar.
Oh I'm starving!, Feather thought.
Same, Snowstar thought silently.

Snowstar started walking faster and Feather caught up to her. The hallway started to get bigger and bigger until it opened to a massive cave. There was lanterns for lights and
stands with fruit on it.

There,was also a stand with chicken rabbit and fish on it.
There was one class every day that would have to go hunting to fill it up again.

Feather thanked Snowstar for showing the way then went to Nightfire to go talk to her.

Snowstar walked to the prey stand and grabbed a fish and
Was walking to the opening of jade mountain for some fresh air. I wonder where Marina is? Then Snowstar remembered that it was suntime for the rainwings.

Snowstar flew near to the top of the mountain and sat on a small hedge that Snowstar would sit to stargaze.
Once she was close she realized that there was another dragon sitting there.

Snowstar silently flew to the hedge trying not to annoy the dragon. She landed softly claws tapping softly on the rough but smooth rock.

"Hi?" Snowstar greeted softly. The dragon turned around and growled showing sharp white fangs.
"What do you want?" The dragon hissed.

Snowstar realized that this dragon was familiar.
What was her name vinesong? Ivymelody?
Ivysong! that's her name!

Calming her mind and fear she took a deep breath and answered," Nothing, acualy I was coming here to eat in peace," She glared at Ivysong in her most calm but challenging face she could make.

Ivysong scoffed and sat down. Snowstar sat down too but a good distance away. Snowstar started to tear into the flesh
When Snowstar heard Ivysong say," So what it like living at jade mountain for your whole life?"

Snowstar was surprised by the question.
"Well about the same as not living in a mountain just there is a lot of dragons. Also I didn't live at jade mountain my whole life." 

"Hm" Ivysong mumbled. "So what about you? Whats your life like?" Snowstar tried asking. Ivysong looked at her claws then mumbled something but Snowstar couldn't hear what she said, and her mind was blank.

Why can't I read her mind? Snowstar searched Ivysong for the black crystal named skyfire, it would sheld any mindreading dragons from reading their mind.
Snowstar couldn't find any skyfire on her.

"What did you say?" Snowstar asked, she couldn't hear what the dragon said the first time so that is why she asked again. "Nothing!" Ivysong snapped.

"O-okay" Snowstar mumbled. Ivysong got up and glided toward the entry of the mountain.
Snowstar finnished her food and glided down after her.

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