Chapter 11

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"A-a prophecy" Snowstar stumbled. Blackdrift passed out.
"Blackdrift!" Snowstar called.
She ran to him as he was falling, Destiny behind her.
She caught him in her tallons just before he hit the ground.

"What do we do? First there is I prophecy and now your brother is passed out!" Destiny asked.
"I- we wait, don't tell anyone in your winglet yet,"
Snowstar replied.

"What about the teachers? All of them have been in a prophecy before, they would know what to do,"
Destiny suggested.
Snowstar sighed," I will take care of that, now if you don't mind could you help me take Blackdrift to the nurse's cave?"

"Sure, I will help" Destiny replied.
The two dragonets grabbed the hybrid and picked him up.
One dragonet went on one his sides, wile the other dragonet went on the other.
They grabbed the wing that was on their side and carried him out of the tunnel.

"The nurse's office is this way," Snowstar said, pointing her tail to the left. Destiny nodded and the two dragonets carried Blackdrift that way.

While they where walking Marina appeared from the way of the history class.
"What happened to Blackdrift?" Marina asked, her scales changing into a pale blue, with swirls of pale green.

"Uh.." Snowstar started.
"We found him passed out near one of the caves, I guess he was just vary tired" Destiny finnished.
"Yeah.." Snowstar agreed.

Hopefully that lie was convincing enough,please belive me!
Destiny silently pleaded.
"Hm... okay?" Marina mumbled slowly.

"Well we got to go see ya" Snowstar said.
Then the two dragonets walked off, carrying Blackdrift.

They passed by the prey center, unfortunately Snowstar's parents came out from there.
Moon looked at them,"Oh my stars! What happened!"
"We found him passed out by a cave, from the looks of it he was exhausted," Snowstar answered.

Yup! That's what happened! That's all,

Okay...Moon's mind whispered.

Winter huffed obviously not convinced, but instead of complaining he sighed and said," Okay, let me carry him"
Winter grabbed Blackdrift and put him on his back.
"Could you two lead me to his cave?" He asked.

Destiny nodded and said, "follow me"
Destiny started to walk and Snowstar and her parents followed.

They got to the the cave for the male dragonets in the jade winglet. Snowstar heard Winter think, this place has a lot of memories.

Snowstar looked around the room, she recognized the satchel that Blackdrift puts his scrolls in.
Snowstar looked at the through the hole in the cave and saw that is was sunset.

"I missed my class!" Snowstar exclaimed.
"What class did you miss?" Destiny asked.

"It was my art class with Fatespeaker"

"I'm sure if you tell her what happened she will understand" Destiny replied.
Snowstar smiled at her.

Two dragonets walked in, one was a hivewing and the other was a mudwing. "Uh what's going on?"
The mudwing asked.

I know shorter the usual and nothing really happened I just kind-of didn't know what to do in this chapter.
The next one I will try to make it interesting.

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