Chapter 13

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Snowstar followed the sunset colored hybrid. "Where are we acually going?" Lantern asked.
"I need to figure out what ivysong is up to." Snowstar replied. "Snow, What happened" Destiny said. Snowstar stopped, and Destiny almost crashed into her. Lantern stopped and asked,"why did you stop?" Snowstar shook her head then answered," I just...I will tell you on the way, but take it down a notch." The two other Dragonets nodded and they continued to fly.

Snowstar explained to them about what her, Marina, and Loch had saw and heard about Ivysong, and about the prophecy that Destiny and Snowstar heard from her brother.

"So basically Ivysong is a bad guy and there is a prophecy now! Why didn't you tell me anything!" Lantern complained. Snowstar sighed, " well you don't just go up to a friend and say, hi a dragon in the jade winglet might be evil also there is a prophecy that says an evil dragon might come back!"

After that it was quiet for a little while.
"So what did the prophecy say?" Lantern said.
"Well...." Destiny replied.

Snowstar really wanted to be able to mind-read-comunicate with Destiny right now, and tell her what to say and what not to say without Lantern hearing.
"So basically it goes, In Jade Acad-" "Shhh!" Snowstar hissed, and she pointed a claw at Ivysong.

"Oh" Destiny mumbled and Lantern started to fidget with her talons.
They where in a darkgreeen forest with fog all around them, the three moons glittering over head two of them full.

Snowstar glided down close to the ground and landed.
She could faintly see Ivysong's dark purple silhouette.
All she could hear was the buzzing of questions from Lantern's mind and the deep calmness but also wonder, and questions from Destiny's.

She drained out the thoughts into the sound of raindrops like her mother had taught her too.
She heard the distant chirps of crickets and the flapping of wings.

From the noises she guessed that they where somewhat near the rainforest, what where they doing here?
She saw Ivysong and another figure showed up.
Snowstar recognised,the dark lean, brod shoulders, it was the assassin!

"So Starkiller, did you figure out how you will finnish them?"Ivysong hissed. "I... I am working on it"
He stammered. Snowstar realized that she couldn't read his mind anymore.

What? I...what's going on? Lanterns mind was as loud as bees in a behive. Destiny was silent with a few questions in her thoughts in her head. Snowstar drowned Destiny's thoughts out no problem, but Lantern's took more time and effort but she did it.

Snowstar crouched lower into the soft wet class.
She tried to cover the white spots on her with her black and white wings. If only I could hide better like the rest of the nightwings! She looked do her sides and saw that Destiny and Lantern had done the same.

Ivysong hissed, and some fire-y venom came out.
"I won't wait forever!" Ivysong barked.
"Fine! I will hurry it up!" Starkiller hissed back.

After a minute or two Snowstar heard the flapping of
wings and saw the Starkiller must have left.
After that Ivysong had leaped into the air, the direction of jade mountain.

Snowstar took off with Destiny and Lantern behind her.
They got to jade mountain. And they couldn't find her.
They gave up and said their goodbyes, then Lantern and Snowstar walked to their sleeping cave while Destiny went to hers.


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