Chapter 8

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Snowstar went back to the prey center she felt a tap on the shoulder. She whipped around but saw nothing.
Then Marina materialized beside her.
"I'm back from suntime!"

"Oh, hi Marina" Snowstar greeted.
Snowstar saw blue scales pass by, it was Loch.
Oh, it's her, I wonder If she is nice, Loch thought.
I really need to talk to him.

A Snowstar was going to go walk over to him the class be rang, that means that they need to get to the next class.
As she was walking to her class she saw her mother, Moonwatcher.

"Mom!" Snowstar called with a smile on her face.
She ran to her mom and gave her a hug.
"Snowstar!" Moon replied wrapping her wings around Snowstar.

"So how is your classes? Have you made new friends?"
Moon asked. Snowstar nodded," Yeah, Feather, Nightfire, and Lantern are my new friends, but Marina is my bestest friend, oh and there is this one dragon Ivysong, she is confusing," and I can't read her mind for some reason.

Oh did she have skyfire on? Moon replied in thought.
Snowstar shook her head. She did have teardrop scales so I think she can read minds, Snowstar thought.

Moon gave Snowstar a small kiss on the forehead and said,"
You need to get to class, bye my little Snowflake"
"Bye mom" then Snowstar walked to the cave with the rest of her class.

She entered a cave with an opening to the outside.
The dragon teaching was Riptide, Tsunami's mate.
The Jade winglet also,came in the cave.
She saw Ivysong who was glaring at everyone, but once they saw Snowstar saw less hatred in her eyes.

Snowstar looked around then saw Blackdrift.
"Blackdrift!" Snowstar said running over to him.
He had a smile on his face. "Hi Snowstar!"
He replied, he looked at her then in his mind there was a flash, it was her, covered in blue blood, her blood.

Blackdrift looked scared. I am already a lot like him!
Once again the words he had said ruffled through her brain. "Um...I'm going to go talk to Viper,",Blackdrift mumbled.
"Oh okay bye" Snowstar walked back to Marina

She saw Teardrop and Destiny.
"Hi, Teardrop, hi Destiny," Snowstar greeted.
"Oh hi Snowstar," Teardrop said, Destiny waved.
They talked for a little bit when Riptide motioned with his tail to quiet down.

"We are going hunting to fill up the prey stand," He announced. The winglets nodded even though most of the winglets' thoughts were, really hunting! I dont want to go hunting, and, but I am a vegetarian!

Marina raised her talons. "Yes Marina?" Riptide said.
"Um..What if you don't eat meat do we have to go hunting?"
She asked. "You still have to come but instead of hunting you guys pick fruits for the fruit stand" Riptide answered.

"Okay let's go" Riptide ordered.
The winglets flew out of the cave and spread out.

                                                 *   *   *
Snowstar was stalking up a rabbit. She had already caught a bird and some fish. She could feel the cool breeze on her dark blue and white scales. She crouched down then pounced on the rabbit making sure not to squish it.
She killed it with a bite to the neck, and was going to walk off when she saw movement.

She looked around and saw that it was Ivysong.
"Oh, hi" Snowstar greeted, her voice muffled by the rabbit in her mouth. "Hi," Ivysong muttered back.
"So have you caught anything?" Snowstar asked.
Ivysong nodded in response.

"Um...hey Ivysong, you know if nightwings have teardrop scales next to their eyes that means that they can read minds, well except for Fatespeaker" She said.

Ivysong nodded again.
"Well I have teardrop scales and I can read minds, but the thing is, I can't read yours, why?" Snowstar continued.
"Oh, because I have learned to block mindreaders," She muttered lost in thought.

"How? Can you show me? When did you learn how to?"
Snowstar buzzed with questions.
"Just leave me alone!" Ivysong snapped.
Snowstar pinned her ears back feeling emotionally hurt.
"Just go," Ivysong ordered.

"Fine!" Snowstar snapped back. She picked up the rest of her kill and flew towards Riptide and the others.

Sorry that Ivysong is getting more screen time then the others it's just her character has plot to it soooooo yeah
Sorry I will try to give the others more screen time.
Well have a good day/night!

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