Chapter 14

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4 days had past sence they saw Ivysong meet up with the assassin, Starkiller. They day after they saw the meeting
they had told Marina, after Snowstar said they should.

2 days ago Snowstar had met up with Destiny to talk about the prophecy and discuss it.
Snowstar enjoyed talking with a friend with about it instead of bundling it all up. She had also told Destiny about how she was made fun of as a smaller dragonet, well no dragon told it to her face but they always had the some thoughts, oh another hybrid freak, Icewings and nightwings don't mix, what a mistake.

Snowstar thought she knew what Darkstalker looked like more then the rest of her friends because most of the dragons who saw her would jump while flashes and images of Darkstalker would appear.

"If anyone makes fun of you I will personally claw their face off myself!" Destiny had said.
Snowstar really appreciated it.

She had also told Destiny that she can read minds.
Destiny at first was a little shocked then she calmed down and had said, " I kind of knew, I mean you have teardrop scales and you aways seemed like you knew what I was thinking" Snowstar smiled and gave Destiny a hug,"Thanks for understanding," She had replied.

She saw pink swirls on Destiny's scales but payed no attention to that.

                                        ~Present time~

Snowstar was walking when she saw Loch.
"Oh, hey what are you going to do?" Snowstar asked.
"Oh I'm ju-" He started but then someone cut him off
" Snowstar! Let's go discuss more about....." Destiny saw Snowstar and Loch, and looked down," Oh your with him, I'll just, see you later, I guess..."

Destiny walked away her tail curled close to her scales had swirls of gray-blue.
Snowstar saw her shadow dissappear and looked back at Loch. "So like I said, I'm just going for a swim, want to come with me?" Loch offered.

"Uh..." Snowstar mumbled. She thought of the visions that she had seen in her brother's mind, she was supposed to be with Loch right now, but the hurt look on Destiny's face.
I can talk to her later..... Snowstar told herself.

"Yeah I will go" She said. Loch smiled and led the way.
While they were flying too the beach, Snowstar couldn't help but feeling guilty for leaving Destiny.
But I need a break, something to rest my mind.....i....I just need some time.

As they flew to the shore all of Snowstar's worries went away. The view was beautiful.
The pale rose colored sunset sinking into the sapphire blue sea, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

She landed on the soft sandy beach, and let out a relaxed sigh. "This is beutiful!" Snowstar exclaimed.
A flock of birds flew overhead, and you could see schools of fish swimming about in the waves.

She layed down and rested near the waves, feeling the little bit of water on her talons from the waves rising and falling. Loch dived into the water and disappeared.

After a minute or two Loch came back with two fish.
"Here, eat one" He said tossing it into her talons.
She took a bite of the, cool,wet, scaley fish.

"Well I'm going back into the water so...see ya!" he announced and jumped back into the water.
She watched the sun sink into the water, amazed at the wonderful colors, she had to paint this.

She took a good look at the sky and remembered what colors she would use. After a little bit of watching the sunset, the sun had finally disappeared.

She sighed and got up. Loch walked out of the ocean and
Said,"we should get back, it's about a half an hour flight"
Snowstar nodded in reply. Snowstar saw something shimmering in the water, she picked it up, and recognized that it was skyfire. Oh! I could give this too Lantern and Feather, and Nightfire, and Teardrop, and Destiny!

She sighed again this time out of sadness, Destiny looked sad, she should have been there for her but instead she went with Loch. But at least Snowstar felt good and refreshed, and I found this skyfire!

Snowstar grabbed on tight to the skyfire and motioned that she was ready to take off. Loch nodded back at her and the took to the air, going back to jade mountain.

Hi guys! Sorry for kind of ya know getting off track like last chapter Snowstar, Lantern, and Destiny sees Ivysong with the assassin and so you would think that they would be trying to figure out what's going on and how to stop it but noooo it's a drama and love chapter or whatever.

Sooo basically what I'm trying to say is that I will try to get back on track with the story now soooo, yeah.

Also yes Snowstar is going to be the blind on e in this relationship :]

~ Bean

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