Chapter 17

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Snowstar groaned and opened her eyes.
She flinched at the loud buzzing like noises that came from so many thoughts being heard at once.
She looked around and saw Marina, Loch, Destiny, Lantern, Feather, Nightfire, and Teardrop.
All seven of them where huddled near a dragon, Snowstar guessed it was the nurse.

Snowstar looked to her left and saw her parents, Moonwatcher and Winter. They where talking with Tsunami, clay and Sunny.

Snowstar looked down and saw that she was on a flat boulder cushioned with moss and big leaves.
She saw her arm, it was wrapped in a white cloth.

Marina glanced at Snowstar and exclaimed,"Snowstar! Your awake!!" The she ran over to her and gave her a hug.
"You gave me a heart attack!" Marina said. The rest if the dragons where rushing after her.

Snowstar wrapped a wing around Marina in a hug. "I'm glad that your happy to see me." She replied softly.
Her parents rushed over to her and gave her a hug, while Marina ducked away.

"Snowstar! You're okay!" Moon exclaimed. "Snow!" Winter said happily, wrapping his wings tighter around her, like if he would let go she would disappear.

"Hi Mom hi dad," Snowstar murmured, as she buried her head in her parents' wings. "What happened?" Winter asked relising the tight hug. "I-" She started, she remembered the cold glare that her brother had given her.

I hope she's alright, she heard Destiny think.
After she dround out most of the sounds of thoughts she was a little startled on how quiet it was, she realized that the skyfire really did work, and she had basically given it to everyone she usually hang out with.

She looked back at her parents, should I tell them what happened? She pondered about it for a good minute.
"Well..I..I guess it was complicated" She studdered puzzled for a moment on what she should say.

"It.." she sighed "my brother, Blackdrift, he.. he has been acting up, I'm sure it was an accident! I'm fine really!"
"Snowstar? When did he start acting up?" Moonwatcher asked.

"Uhh about a few days ago?" She guessed. "Oh, by all if the snow in the ice kingdom" Winter mumbled.
"Sorry to interrupt, but there is one more thing," Destiny but in, she glanced at Snowstar," Snowstar if I may,"
Snowstar nodded knowing what Destiny was going to say by her thoughts.

"There is a prophecy too," Destiny announced.
She took a breath and recited,
"In Jade Academy's sacred halls they'll train,
Dragons of diverse tribes, linked by destiny's chain.
Powers untied, their strengths combined,
To thwart Darkstalker's return, a daunting sign.

From hidden shadows,a danger takes its form,
Assassin's blade poised, seeking in deform.
Three queens' lives in peril, their thrones under threat,
To keep the crown, dragonets must the darkness beset.

Whispers in the wind, a secret to confound,
'Hide the one who wants not to be found...'
Through trials and tribulations, they'll stand strong,
Against the tides of darkness, where they belong.

In unity they'll rise through fire and storm,
To save their world a fate forlorn.
Jade Academy's teachings guide their way,
They unravel the secrets night turns into day.

Dragons of jade and silver, they will see,
Not all is destined to be in a prophecy.

With courage and heart, they'll strive to succeed,
Defying destiny's strings, they'll plant a new seed.
To protect the queens and a kingdoms throne.
The dragonets' United, strength shall be known"

"So there is a prophecy, and Snowstar you never told us?"
Winter's blue gaze turned to her. "Well there wasn't really any time to-" "it was my fault, I said we shouldn't tell you two, that you two have anough already on your claws."
Destiny but in.

Winter stared at Destiny, then took a deep breath and calmed down. He sat down and looked deep in thought, well Snowstar guessed, he was currently blocking his mind from her mindreading.

Every one -including Moon- was talking about the prophecy. Destiny pushed out of the crowd and sat next to Snowstar. "I'm Sorry that I kind if pushed you away," Snowstar finally said,"it's okay, I see now that you needed a break,"Destiny replied her green gaze turning to Snowstar.
"Friends?" Snowstar smiled,"Friends" Destiny answered.

"Wait I wonder...." Snowstar looked around and found the earing,"ah ha!" She mumbled. In was on the smooth stone floor where she passed out. She grabbed the earing and went back to Destiny. She couldn't hear any thoughts anymore because she was touching the skyfire.

"Take it, it's skyfire, it will shield your thoughts from mindreaders," Snowstar offered. Destiny took it, and her thoughts disappeared,"where did you get this?" She asked.
"I found the gem at the beach, and I just crafted it into jewelry, everyone that I have given it to is wearing it," Snowstar explained.

"Oh," then Destiny put the earring in her ear.
"Wait," Winter said, "did you say to thwart Darkstalker's return a daunting sign?"
"Yes?" Destiny replied.

Winter let out a small gasp."what?" Snowstar asked.
"Well..when you where just a year old and your brother was two, you two where playing and a blade shot out of nowhere," he started. "Me and your mother where startled, but that wasn't all....there was a note attached to it, it literally said,to thwart Darkstalker's return a daunting sign"

"Wow.." Snowstar mumbled. "That's kind of freaky"
Moon walked over to them and sat down and started to talk with winter about everything. Her other friends started to gather around and join the conversation.
Snowstar joined into the conversation too, then realized something.

"Uh, where is Blackdrift?" She asked. "Oh, I think I saw him leave," Lantern answered," I called out for him to see where he was going but the just snapped at me then left,"
"Oh and Ivysong wasn't there either," Destiny but in.

"What!? Blackdrift left?" Moon said, "And who is Ivysong, and why do you guys need her?" Winter asked.
Snowstar sighed and explained everything, about the assassin, Blackdrift becoming paranoid, and the meetings.

"Oh," Moon mumbled. "Wait! What about the queens? The prophecy did say 'Three queens' lives in peril, their thrones under threat,'" "I don't know, but I think we need to go stop it," Snowstar said truthfully, something was telling her that she needed to go her and her friends needed to go and stop it.

"But you possibly can't do it by yourselves!" winter exclaimed. "Winter," Moon called her green eyes gazing into his," They have been called to do it, to save the queens, to fulfill the prophecy, they have to do this, it is their calling, I can feel it, I believe it with every inch of my being,"

Winter sighed," okay," he turned to the dragonets.
"You guys should pack your stuff," he said with a forced smile.

Snowstar gazed out at the open blue sky, meadows at the bottom, you could see the desert from here. She had already said goodbye to her parents. She looked at all if her friends that she had made and smiled.
"Come on guys, we have a prophecy to fulfill" Snowstar said.

Then she lifted off and took to the sky with her friends traveling behind her, they where going to head straight for the rainforest.

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