Chapter 2

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Fawn's P.O.V
I'm dreaming about a hot guy with a six pack flying to me on a unicorn. He kneels down and pulls out a ring box and- cold water splash down on me.
I shoot up and splutter out water from my mouth. "Oh my gosh you should have seen your face!" Vivian laughs.
"Well then I'm going to love your face when it's being strangled." I make a move towards her.
She screams and runs out of the car. I run after her. I then look up at the house and my jaw drops. It's huge. It has a few balconies. It looks pretty old. I love it. I look around at the scenery. It's woods everywhere. I take a deep breath in and I smell rain and dampness. I think I'm going to like it here. I smile and walk in the house.
I don't even care that I'm dripping wet this house is beautiful. "Mom." I yell.
"Yes, honey." Her head pops out of a doorway. "Oh honey, why are you wet?" She asks concerned.
"Ask your devil of a daughter." I glare at Vivian who is sitting on the bottom of the staircase.
"Vivian." Mom scolds.
"What? You told me to wake her up. She couldn't here me with her headphones in. And you didn't actually specify how to wake her up." Vivian shrugs.
"You knew what I meant by waking her up." Mom advances toward her.
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Alright. Just stop your quarrel." I yell.
Both their heads snap up at me.
I walk past them to find my room. "What does quarrel mean?" I hear Vivian ask mom.
I don't wait for her answer and I hurriedly walk upstairs. I walk down the hall a bit and see a door on the right. I open it to see a big bed with boxes already in it. Wow those mover guys are fast. I look at the boxes, they're marked mom and dad.
I walk out of that room and shut the door. I walk down the hallway again to see a door on the left. I open it to see its a bathroom. Of course it's a bathroom. Ugh I just want to change clothes and lay in my bed. Maybe get some food before that.
I walk to a door in the middle of the hallway where there is two more hallways split. I open that door and don't bother to check out the room I just go straight to see what name is in the boxes. And just my luck it's says Vivian. I groan and walk out and shut the door.
I look at the two other hallways. Hmmm. Which one should I choose? The left or right. I quickly grab the penny in my shoe and flip for it. Heads is right and tails is left. I flip it and let it drop. I look over at what it is. Tails. I quickly flip the coin over to heads so, if someone comes by they will have good luck.
Now continuing my quest to find my room. I march down the left hallway. I see a door on the right and I see a door on the left. Ugh I'll pick right. I open it and see it has boxes. Yes, hopefully this is my room. I look at the boxes and see books written on them. I pound my fists in the air. I do a little happy dance and look around my room.
It's really big. It has walk out balcony. I open the balcony doors in excitement. I walk out and look at the breath taking scenery. There is woods all around us and you can see a big clearing about 20 miles away. Or what I think is a big clearing. It's pretty far away. But it looks so beautiful. I take a deep breath and walk back into my room. I look around at it.
There is a medium size window with a sitting place on it. That's the perfect place to read when it rains. I look at a small vanity. It's just a simple white color but it looks pretty old. I look around to see a door. I open it to see a walk in closet. Not going to need all this space but, then again I can use some of it for books.
I walk out of the closet and see a queen size iron bed in the corner next to the balcony. I then look to see about three bookshelves lined up on the opposite wall. I'm going to have to have more but, it's a good start.
The walls are painted a sky blue and the carpet is a fluffy light brown. I'm in love with this place. I change into a white t-shirt that reads 'books are life' and another pair of dolphin shorts. I put my hair into a side braid. I then start to unpack all of my books.
I'm halfway through my books when a knock is hear on my door.
"Come in." I yell.
My dad walks in and looks around the room. His eyes land on me putting my books away. "Only you would put your books away before your actual clothes." He chuckles. "I was sent up here to tell you supper is ready." He says.
"What's for supper?" I ask.
"Ham sandwiches, madame." He says in a fake British accent.
"That will be just lovely." I say in my British accent.
He holds his arm out for me. I get up and put my arm through the loop. We walk out and I shut my bedroom door. He then extends his arm to the other door on the opposite side of mine. "And here we have the washroom. For your washing desires, Madame."
"Why thank you kind sir. I will of course be needing to wash myself."
We walk arm in arm all the way down to the kitchen. He extends his arm to the room. "This is where you will eat, my lady." He sits me down at the table and sits down beside mom.
I look down at my plate and see a ham sandwich and barbecue chips on a plate in front of me. I smile.
I hold my hand out for my mom and Vivian to take. We all now our heads while I say grace. "Dear lord, thank you for letting us get here safe and for blessing this family with food and shelter and good jobs. In Jesus's name we say Amen." We all lift our heads and begin to eat.
After awhile of us munching on our food dad starts to talk. "So how is everyone liking the house?"
"I love it." I say.
"It's really old but my room is awesome." Vivian says.
"I love the kitchen." Mom put in.
We all start to laugh. "I think we will be okay here." My dad says. We all nod our head.
After dinner we all go into the living room. I really just want to go upstairs and finish packing. I guess everyone else had the same idea.
"Me and your father are going to finish unpacking so, you guys can do whatever you want. Don't forget you guys are starting school Monday." Mom says while they go upstairs.
"Ewwww. School." Vivian scrunches up her nose in disgust.
"It can't be that bad. Just think on the bright side for you. New boys." I reply sarcastically.
Her face lights up instantly. "Ooh your right, Fawn. New boys." She gets a far away look on her face.
I stand up and walk to my room. Time to unpack the rest of my books. I really don't want to pack up my clothes. I'll do that tomorrow.
I sigh and start putting the books on the shelves. I don't want to go to school at all. I'd rather not be bullied but, hey that's alright. I can take care of myself.

Hunters P.O.V
"Hunter get up. We are leaving for a week. So you'll get out of the first week of school. I know you'll love that." My dad says.
"I love the idea of that but where are we going?" I ask rolling out of bed.
"California. We have a meeting to attend. Important matters." He says.
"Fun." I mutter sarcastically.
"Heard that." He through a over his shoulder.
"Of course you did." I mutter again getting up to get dressed.
"Get Blake and Aidden up they are coming too."
I throw some jeans and a dark purple v-neck on. I look in my mirror after I brush my teeth. I look good.
I walk out of my room grabbing my phone I send a quick text to James and Aidden telling them to get ready and pack a few things.
I go downstairs to see my mom making pancakes and ham. Yum she knows exactly what I love. "Thanks, Mom." I say and peck her cheek while taking a stack of pancakes and three pieces of ham. Something about today feels different but I can't place it. Maybe it's just the lack of food in my body. I shrug and start eating.

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