Chapter 11

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Fawn's P.O.V.
"Give it you're best shot baby." He stretches out while putting his hands behind his head and smirk at the ceiling.
I start at his sides and he doesn't even flinch. I go for his armpits and jerk my hands away before I touch his armpits.
"Have you taken a shower?" I ask him seriously.
"You promise?" I hold out my pinky for him.
He looks weirdly at my pinky but, then chuckles and intertwines our pinkies. "I promise."
I smile and then go for his armpits. Thank the lord he wasn't lying about that shower. I look skeptical at him. "Are you just doing this so I will touch you?"
"Yes, but I'm also curious to see if you will find my ticklish spot."
"I'll bet you twenty bucks that I can find your ticklish spot."
"What if you don't."
"That's highly improbable. I guess if a miracle happens and I don't find it then I guess you can have a thingy of your own."
"You have to kiss me."
"W-what?" I stutter and look at him with huge eyes.
"You don't find my ticklish place then you have to kiss me and it can't be just a peck it has to be a passionate kiss."
"What if I say no to that?"
"Then you have to stay in bed with me for two days." He smirks.
I start furiously digging my fingers all over his body while he smirks at me.
~~20 minutes later~~
"What are you made of steel?"
"My abs are." He smirks and lifts up his shirt so I get an eyeful of his carved from stone gorgeous abs. "You got something there." He reaches up and wipes my mouth. "Yup that was drool."
I hit his chest. "Shut up it was not."
"Was too. Are you done yet?" He asks.
"Nope." I dig my fingers into his ankle.
"How about now?"
"No." I dig into his palm.
"Fine. Will it shut you up if I admit my defeat?" I shout at him.
"Yes it will."
"Fine. I admit I can't find your tickle spot."
"Good." He looks at me. "Well are you going to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Kiss me."
"And why would I do that?"
"Cause you lost the bet."
"No I- oh I guess I did didn't I?"
"Yes. Yes you did. I will gladly accept my reward." He shuts his eyes.
I look around and smile evilly. I put my hand in a fist and make my thumb and knuckle to act like a mouth. I then press it onto his lips.
He growls and shoots up and grabs me pulling me under him. "Now that little one wasn't even your mouth."
"Sure it was." I squeak out.
"Fawn are you lying to me right now?"
"I might be."
"I thought I told you I hated liars."
"You did. But then your making me kiss you. And then like you have very defined abs. Then your really intimidating. Also you have really really pretty green eyes."
"So what I'm getting from this is you're scared and intimidated by my features."
"Precisely." I nod my head.
"Why would someone like you think that way?"
"What do you mean someone like me?" I ask about to cry.
"Someone who is so gorgeous they don't even know it which makes them even more gorgeous. Someone who every time I look at them I want them to jump in my arms and we kiss passionately. Someone who I want to cuddle with forever." He says he's green eyes ringing with sincerity.
I lean up and press my lips to his. He's totally still and I get embarrassed and am about to back away. All of a sudden he slips his hands to the back of my head.
He moves away from my lips and trail light kisses down to my neck. He starts kissing and sucking my neck. It feels really good and I moan a little.
After awhile he moves from my neck and smirks down at me. I lift my hand to my neck and hiss from the hickey.
"You know getting a hickey can cause a higher chance of getting cancer. So basically you're trying to kill me."
"What?" I smile inwardly.
"I have a feeling I'm always going to be a little confused when I'm with you." He leans down and pecks my cheek.
My stomach starts growling. He starts to smile and I lean up and press my fingers on his face to keep him smiling.
He pulls away and frowns at me. "What are you doing?"
"You don't smile a lot and you smiled at me so I wanted to keep it there as long as I could before it went away." I shrug.
"You're cute. Babe, are you hungry?" He smiles at me again.
I jump up quickly knocking him off in surprise. "Yes! What are we eating?"
"Whatever I feel like making." He groans while getting up.
"Can you feel like making french toast with eggs and ham?"
"With bacon?"
"Ew no that's disgusting." I walk away from him towards the door.
"You don't like bacon?"
"Once in a blue moon." I laugh because that's something my mom would say.
"Alright no bacon. Let's go then." He grabs my hand and we walk out of the room.
We walk down the hallway and a girl with blonde hair and big brown eyes comes out of a door in front of us. She's very pretty.
"Hi." I smile warmly at her.
She glares at me and walks up to Hunter. "Hey baby." She says and leans up and kisses him.
I look at him in shock. He doesn't do anything so I push my way through them and run down the stairs and out of the door. I kept running until I reach the woods. Maybe if I run straight I could reach my house I think until I feel an arm pull me away from the woods and into a strong warm chest.
"Fawn are you alright?" Hunter asks.
"Leave me alone." I yell while crying and struggling to get out of his grip.
"Fawn look at me." He grabs my chin making me look into his green eyes. I shut my eyes tight. "Fawn if you don't open your eyes I will force them open."
His voice contains anger and power. I get angry at him for being angry at me. He has no right to be angry at me. "You have no right to be angry at me. You cheating insignificant pig. I can't believe I trusted you at all. I can't believe you were the one who took my first kiss. I loath you."
"First off I am not a cheater. And second I was your first kiss?"
"How are you not a cheater when you have a girlfriend and you've been kissing me and stuff all day?" I reach up to his neck to feel for his heartbeat.
He looks at me weirdly at first but takes a deep breath. "Christina isn't my girlfriend. She's just a girl who is always up on me. She's nothing to me Fawn." His heartbeat didn't skip a beat or anything so he didn't lie to me.
"Then why didn't you move away from her?" I challenge.
"I was shocked and didn't know how to react to it."
"Fine. However I don't like her and you have to get me ice cream also." I smile at him.
"Alright but do you forgive me?" He asks.
"Let me think about it." I say with a serious face.
"Yes I forgive you." I lean up and peck his cheek and start walking towards the house.
He picks me up and carries me to the house. I'm to tired from running to tell him to put me down so I just close my eyes and enjoy it.
He sets me down at the counter and starts taking out pans for the food.
"Can I make muffins?" I ask.
"If you know how." He responds but doesn't look at me.
I frown at him and hop down from the counter and grab all the ingredients. I look in the refrigerator for blueberries and see them on the bottom shelf. I grab them and begin to work.
I push Hunter out of the way and turn the oven on and wait for it to stop preheating and I put my muffins on the oven.
"Are you almost done?" I ask looking at his productivity.
"Almost I have enough stuff for four more french toast."
I grab a sausage and stuff it in my mouth before he can protest.
"Fawn you're gonna upset your stomach if you eat to much before the actual meal." He scolds like a father.
"You're not my father." I mutter.
"But you can call me daddy." He smirks.
"Nothing. Your muffins and the food are done." He sets the table up while I take out the muffins.
"Can I butter your muffin, Fawn?" Hunter's deep voice is in my ear.
"What did you just say?"
He holds up a butter knife and a tub of butter. "Can I butter your muffin, Fawn?"
"Um no. That's disgusting. You don't put butter on a blueberry muffin." I look at him in utter disgust.
"Well you are weird so I was just thinking....." He trails off.
"Thank you for the compliment now sit down." I grab his arm and pull him to the counter.
Before he takes a bite of the food I slap his hand away from his mouth. "What was that for?" He growls at me.
"We are saying grace. Plus I don't like your attitude." I glare at him.
"I don't say grace." He mutters.
"You do now." I say sternly.
"You can't boss me around. You have no power over me." He challenges.
I glare at him and bow my head and say grace. I start eating my food not looking or saying anything to him.
"Oh you're going to give me the silent treatment are you?" He chuckles. I continue to eat my food. "Fine two people can play this game."
We eat in silence. I finish before him and rinse my dishes in the sink. Hunter just finished and heads toward the sink. I grab one of my muffins and head upstairs.
I feel him following me. I walk to his bedroom and sit on his bed. I continue to eat my muffin. I want to see how long it will take him to snap because I'm very good at not talking to people, I've done it most my life. I start dropping crumbs on his bed.
"Oh  fiddlesticks. Oh well I'm not going to clean that up because it's not my room and I was kidnapped." I start humming to myself. I feel eyes glaring into me. I glance up and see hunter with his arms crossed while glaring at me.
I see his jaw clench and his hands making fists. I smile and plop down on the bed. I then look for the tv remote.
I find it on the stand next to his bed. I smile and turn it on to the disney channel. My smile grows when I see gravity falls is on. I hate this show because it's annoying to me and if it's annoying to me I can bet that he's going to get annoyed by it.
~~two episodes later~~
"Turn that shit off, Fawn." Hunter yells for the fifth time.
I continue to watch it. I smile inwardly. He broke after the first episode.
"Fine I broke ok. Now turn it the fuck off." Hey yells coming at me.
Inwardly I'm screaming because I'm actually scared but I'm not breaking until I decide he deserves to have my attention.
He grabs the remote and throws it against the wall it breaks and pieces go everywhere I cover my face with my arms and turn away from it.
"Oh my god Fawn. Are you ok? I'm so sorry." He lifts me up in his arms staring down at me with concern. I stare back at him. He growls and I feel the anger radiating off him like he's a heater. He throws me back on the bed.
"Stop ignoring me. I broke so you can talk to me now." I just stare at him waiting for him to apologize. "Fine. I'm sorry I was insensitive and didn't pray. For now on I'll pray."
I smile. "That wasn't that hard was it?" He just grumbles and crawls next to me in the bed.
"What day is it?" I ask looking at him shocked.
"Um Wednesday."
"Oh my gosh we missed a day of school. Oh my gosh." I start freaking out. He just stares at me confused. I glare at him. "You made me miss a day of school. Now the teachers are all going to hate me and I'm going to have so much makeup work." He starts laughing at me. "Stop laughing at me. You ruined my education."
"I didn't ruin your education. And the teachers aren't going to hate you for missing one day of school, Fawn." He speaks to me like I'm a little kid.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"11:00." He says checking his watch.
"Good then we can still go and get there before lunch ends." I smile and jump up and start for the door.
"We're not going." He says still laying down on his bed.
"I am. I don't really care if you're going or not." I glare at him.
"You're not going either." He jumps up and grabs my waist and starts to drag me back to his bed.
"Hunter I have to." I cry out.
"Fawn you don't." An idea pops into my head.
I start crying. "B-but Hunter, I-I really wa-nt to g-go."
He looks at me shocked and flabbergasted. I start sobbing harder. "Alright Fawn we can go. I'm sorry." He starts stroking my hair and shushing me.
I jump out of his grip. "Good. Let's go." I smile at him playful. He's confused then realization dawns on him and he groans.
We go down the stairs and I grab my converse on the way out. I hold them in my hand as we walk out of the house and I head towards my car when I'm about to open the drivers side door when he knocks my hand away.
I glare at him. "What are you doing?"
"I'm driving." He states.
"No you're not. It's my car so I'm driving it."
"Fawn, you don't have your shoes on. Just let me drive and you an put your shoes on while we're driving there."
I huff and cross my arms. "Fine." I cross to the passengers side. We both slide in. "I don't like sitting here. I've never had to sit here. It's my car. I want to drive." I grumble at him. He looks at me and grins and starts the car and we start heading towards the school.
"What are you grinning at?" I glare at him.
"Oh nothing I'm sure you'll figure it out." He smirks and laughs a little.
I start thinking. What's he talking about? I look down at myself and see I'm still in his sweats and shirt without my shoes on. I'm kinda mad that I'm wearing his stuff but I know he just wants a reaction. I put my shoes on and look at my hair and just shrug it's going to go natural I guess.
I look over at him and inwardly start dancing around like a madwoman. He's staring at me with his mouth open in shock.
I lean over an close his mouth. "You're going to catch flies if you keep your mouth open."
He quickly recovers. "Are you alright with how you're dressed? Because we can go back if you'd like."
"I'm perfectly fine with my choice of clothing, Hunter. I just don't want to miss anymore school." I reply cheekily.
"Do you think people will question what you're wearing?"
"Probably. But I don't really give a flying turtle what the think." I lean behind me and grab my book bag. I unzip it and grab my AP biology book.
"What are your classes?" He asks.
"Why do you want to know?" I ask suspiciously.
"I just want to know." He says his eyes on the road.
"I have AP English first hour. Second is AP calculus. Third hour is AP Psychology. Fourth of course is AP biology. Fifth photography, well I guess it's gym now. Sixth is just a free period for me and seventh is drawing class." I list them off on my fingers.
"Hmm you're pretty smart then." He says almost to himself.
"I guess but I don't really care about any of my classes except photography, drawing class, and psychology." He just looks at me and opens his mouth as if he was going to comment but I interrupt. "Oh gosh I didn't bring clothes for gym."
"Don't worry you can use my extra clothes." He shrugs.
"But they're going to be big like these." I pout.
"Well to bad you're not wearing the ones you wore the day before." He states firmly. "Why do you like drawing, photography, and psychology?"
"Well drawing and photography help me concentrate because if I'm feeling anything I'll usually draw or take a picture relating to what what I'm feeling. It makes me feel more relaxed afterwards. I like psychology because I'm going to be going to college to be a psychiatrist." I explain to him while we pull into my spot at the school.
I look at him in confusion. "How did you know this is where I park?"
"You parked here?"
"Yeah. I've been parking here since the start of school. Even though apparently it was someone else's but they never came to me so..." I trail off when I see a smile growing on his tanned face.
"This is my parking place." He laughs.
"Yeah. That's probably why people were warning you. If it wasn't you I probably would have beat the person who took my parking place."
"That's not nice. Why aren't you beating me then?"
"Because you're my mate." He says and his eyes go wide.
"I didn't know we were classified as friends." I smirk at him.
"Oh we are classified as much more." He grumbles lowly I could barely hear him.
I choose to ignore him and get out of my car. We walk into the school and I start walking to my locker with him in tow. As I open my locker I feel his breath on my neck.
"Could you please step back and tell me the time." I say without looking at him.
He doesn't step back but actually steps further into me while flipping me and pressing my back into the lockers. "It's 11:45."
"I um h-have to g-go to class." I stutter and mentally scold myself.
"You don't have to." He whispers on my neck.
"Y-yes I d-do." I try to not have him effect me but it's not working.
"You're no fun." He pouts and takes a step back.
I release a sigh and turn to put my books away when he grabs me to him and kisses me. I'm so shocked that I just stand there.
"Fawn." He growls out. That snaps me into action. I press further into the kiss. I accidentally bite his lip in my rush. He moves back a little. "Hmm you bit me."
"I'm sorry." Look at him mortified.
"It's fine. I'm a biter too." He leans in again and I lean in also. He pulls back and I whimper. "Tsk. Tsk. We are late for class." He scolds.
"You're such a lizard." I grumble.
"And you're adorable when you're mad." I just huff and start for my class. He follows me there and I knock on the door when he pecks my lips and walks down the hall.
The door opens and my teacher smiles. "Nice of you to join us Miss. Montgomery." The class laughs a little.
I'm to shocked to say anything so I just walk to my seat and wait till the bell rings so I can go to gym.

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