Chapter 4

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Photo of Fawn
Fawn's P.O.V
Beep beep beep beep
I hear an annoying noise and roll over away from the horrible sound. I clench my eyes shut hoping it will go away. And of course it doesn't.
I groan and roll back over and slam my hand on the alarm clock. Ha, now you can't kill my eardrums with your beeping.
"Wake up, Fawn. It's your first day." My mom sings.
"Don't remind me." I groan and look at the time. 6:00 a.m. Time to take a shower and get all clean.
I stretch and get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I look at myself and see I look exactly like a zombie. I start making zombie faces and walking around like a zombie until I trip on the rug and fall face first on the floor.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Mom says knocking on the door.
"I'm fine. I tripped on the rug." I grumble and start getting back up.
"Okay then. Hurry up. You don't want to miss breakfast,do you?" She asks.
I shake my head no. As if she can see me. I look back at myself and see that I look like Rudolph. I groan and take a shower.
After the shower I walk into my bedroom and now it's time for my clothing arrangement. I look at my phone to see the weather report. Cloudy with a seventy-eight percent showers. So jeans and a long sleeve shirt it is.
I grab a random pair of jeans and a dark blue long sleeve pullover. I'll just let my hair go natural today. I grab my backpack and my high top black and white converse and head downstairs.
I see mom and Vivian sitting drinking coffee. I just scoff at them. "Is there something you wanted?" Vivian asks.
"You know if you didn't drink so much coffee you wouldn't have to wear high heels. You'd already be tall." I point out. She just sticks out her tongue at me. "Real mature." I give her a thumbs up. I turn to the kitchen counter where a bowel of oatmeal is waiting for me. I see that it has slices of bananas, blueberries, and strawberries on it. Yum. I smile and start to eat it.
"Dang slow down." Vivian laughs.
"Shut up, or I'm going to tell Calvin not to be your friend." I threaten.
"Wait hold on, Fawn. You wouldn't dare." She says shakily.
"Wouldn't I?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I was kidding. Only kidding, sis." She smiles and takes a sip of her coffee.
I laugh and finding my oatmeal and put my dish in the dishwasher. I look at my phone to see the time. 7:30 a.m.
"Come on. We don't want to be late." I say and bend down to tie my shoes.
"Lead the way." She says with a purse already at her side.
We pull up to the school. I quickly try to find a parking spot. I find one right up front. I don't know why no one got that but it's good for me.
Me and Vivian jump out of the car. I look back down at my watch 7:38 a.m. Okay so it takes eight minutes to get to school. I look back up to see I'm standing alone and Vivian is off talking to a group of girls. I see that the group also includes Marisa. Okay so not going over there.
I look around to find Calvin. He's not in the parking lot, maybe he's in the school. I push up my glasses quickly and keep my head down and walk into the school.
"Hey bitch you're not supposed to park there." A blonde girl with to much makeup says.
"W-what?" I ask nervously.
"That parking space is taken." She squeaks out.
"T-t-there w-was n-no o-o-one p-parked t-t-there." I stutter and push my glasses up.
"Whatever,nerd." She sneers and wobbles away.
I keep my head down and head to the main office. I walk in to see the secretary typing on the computer. "H-h-hi." I smile slightly.
"Well hello there. And what are you here for, Hun?" She asks.
"U-um......I-I'm n-new." I push my hair away from my face.
"Your name please."
"F-Fawn M-Montgomery."
She smiles and types away at her computer. "Ah yes, Fawn Montgomery. Do you want me to print out your schedule and give you a map to our school?" She asks.
"Y-yes p-please."
"Alright. Hold on." She does things on her computer and the printer starts to print. She grabs the paper and hands it over to me along with the map. "Here you go, Hun. Have a great first day. I also printed out your locker number and combination. I also marked where your locker is on the map. Also all your books are in your locker already."
I smile and take the papers from her. I walk out of the office but stay close to the door so I don't get rammed into by all the people.
I look down at my classes. Oh good they put me in all the advanced classes. So I have AP English first hour,AP calculus second hour , AP Psychology third hour, AP biology fourth hour, photography fifth hour, free period sixth hour, and drawing class seventh hour. I frown at the photography. Dad must have put that there.
I check the map for my first class. I check the time 7:45. Alright so let's go to my locker. I stick to the sides of the wall so no one will hit me. I have my head down looking at the map when I run into a wall. I get knocked down. I look up to see I had ran into an open locker door.
I hear all the laughter but no one comes over to help me up. I wipe away a tear and get up and start walking again. I check my phone 7:47. Great only two minutes actually in the school and I've already embarrassed myself. I finally find my locker and I enter my combination.
"I've been looking for you, baby." Someone says from behind and wraps their arms around my waist.
I jut my elbow into his gut and turn around and grab his hunched over shoulders and knee him in the groin. He grunts and falls down.
I bend down to see who it is. "Oh my gosh, Calvin. I'm so sorry." I apologize. I quickly help him up.
"I guess you can take care of yourself huh?" He grunts out.
"Yeah. My dad put me and my sister in defense classes." I mumble.
"They worked. You caught me off guard." He smiles.
"That's the best way for me to win. Have you seen my size compared to yours?" I ask.
"Touché. So what classes do you have?" He asks and takes my schedule from me. He scrunches up his face is disgust. "Ewww. You have all AP classes. Dang girl you must be smart." He laughs and looks back at the chart. "We have lunch, AP Psychology, free period, and drawing class together." He frowns. "I want more classes with you. But of course you have to be smart." He groans.
"I'm sorry that your dumb." I smile and look down at my phone. 7:54. "Hey I have to get class. I'll see you third hour." I say and grab my books and head to class, following the map of course.
I get to the class room and see there is only two people there. I walk up to the teacher's desk. He's sitting there doing stuff on his computer. "U-um I-I'm n-new." I stutter out.
"Oh hello. I'm Mr.Martin. And you are...?" He trails off.
"F-Fawn M-Montgomery"
"Ah. Yes, Fawn. Welcome to our little town. There isn't a seat arrangement so sit anywhere you want." He says and goes back to his computer.
I look around the room. If I sit in the front he might call on me if I sit in the back I'll be with the delinquents. So that leaves the middle. I sit straight in the middle. I look at my phone to see we have two minutes till the bell rings. I might as well start drawing. I start to draw my view from my window. I start sketching the sides of the forest when the bell rings. I look up and see everyone is already in the classroom. I quickly put my drawing book away.
"Okay, class today is the first day of the school year and I'll be telling you kinda how I run this class." He claps his hands. "Alright, first things first. We have a new student here today, Miss.Montgomery." He motions for me to stand. I nervously stand up but keep my gaze on the floor. "Tell us a little bit about yourself."
"I-I-I um...... I uh.... L-like t-to d-d-d-draw." I stutter out.
"Oh. Is there anything else you would like to tell the class?" He asks looking at me concerned. I hear the laughter and shake my head and sit down. "Alright this year is going to be a little different then...." He drones on and I start to zone out.
I hear the whispers start up. "Freak." "Ugly." "Fat." And oh my favorite "Nerd."

A/N hope you guys liked this chapter it wasn't the greatest by far.

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