Chapter 16

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Hunter's P.O.V.
She's just so gorgeous. She's everything I ever wanted. She's strong and opinionated, she's beautiful beyond compare, she has the most amazing artistic capability, and she's funny. She's actually way more than just that.
I love how her body reacts to mine. When I kiss her she melts into me and it's wonderful. And lord help me her moans are music to my ears. I get all hot and bothered just by thinking about it.
I'm watching her as she closes up the store. The way her body moves is amazing. I've watched her all day today and I know she's going to be a great mother because of the way to treats all the kids she encounters.
I see her walking towards me and I grin at her.
"So did you have fun just staring at me the whole day?" Her velvety voice floats to my ears.
"I did. The sight was very pleasing?" I give her a lopsided smile.
"Huh?" She asks her face crinkled up in confusion.
"The way your butt looks in those jeans and the sway of your hips are just so perfectly wonderful." I say in a husky voice.
Her face flushes and her eyes dart all over the place. I laugh and pull her into my side while kissing the top of her head. I can feel the warmth of her blush on my chest.
"You all done?" I ask already pulling her out of the store.
"Yeah just let me lock up real quick." She says and turns the key to lock it. "Alright all done."
"Let's go, babe." I pull her to her car.
We get to her car and I turn around and start kissing her neck while pushing her into her car. She gasps out but after she gets over her shock she melts into me while wrapping her arms around my neck. I slowly let my hands wander down to her oh so magnificent butt. I grab her butt and pull her even closer into me. I hear a sound come from her that's a combination of a giggle and a moan and I chuckle at it.
I pull back abruptly after having got what I wanted. She looks at me with her eyes full of want. I grin at her little whimper at the loss of my lips on her neck.
I grin mischievously while dangling her car keys from my fingertips in front of her.
Her eyebrow raises in confusion and then shock and anger cross her face.
"You are not driving my car again." She yells and lunges towards her keys in my hands.
I merely laugh because I was already expecting my feisty little one to do that. "Oh I think I am. Seeing as if I have your car keys." I tease, swiftly dodging her attacks towards me.
"Hunter whatever you're middle name is Wolfert, if you don't give me my car keys I'll-I'll......I'll I don't know what I'll do but when I think of it, it will happen." She yells at me.
"It's Jay by the way." I chuckle at her.
"What?" She stops everything and stares up at me.
"My middle name is Jay." I clarify for her. I almost burst out laughing at her sudden change in emotions.
"Alright Hunter Jay Wolfert, give me my car keys back."
"Baby, I'm just going to drive you home. You've worked all day and I just want you to relax." I say in a soothing manner reaching out to brush her cheek with my hand.
She tilts her dark brown hair to the right in confusion. I've got to say she's got to be the most adorable human being in the whole world when she did that. She just stares at me and then she shakes her head reluctantly and crosses to the passenger side and waits for me to unlock the door for her.
I smile to myself and cross to the passenger side unlocking the door and opening the door for her.
She grumbles to herself but gets in anyway.
I walk back over to the driver side and slid in the front seat but as soon as I do that the steering wheel in wedged uncomfortably in my lower region. I groan in discomfort and look around for the seat control things. I finally find them and pull them all back till I'm sitting comfortably in her car.
"God you're so short." I mumble to myself.
"I am not short. I am 5'6.5" which is actually point five inches above the average height for a girl my age. So technically I am tall." She informs me in a pissed off voice.
"Babe, that seems like you've said that quite a bit." I smirk at her growing red face. "I bet that point five inches is because you wore you're highest tennis shoes to your physical."
Her mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water until she glares at me and crosses her arms while turning towards the window. She starts mumbling to herself. "My names Hunter and I think I'm all that because I'm tall. Everyone below six foot is a little midget. I think I know everything just because I'm tall and sexy. I get whatever I want because I have to die for abs and comfy muscles. Look at me I'm Hunter and I pull girls into empty classrooms and make out with them whenever I want. Because of course who could turn down my perfect face with gorgeous green eyes oh that's right no one...."
She keeps mumbling until I pull into her driveway. I park her car and shut it off. She reaches over and grabs her keys before I can open the car door for her and jumps out of the car. I laugh at her behavior and follow behind her. When she gets to her front door she notices me behind her.
"You can leave now." Her sharp tongue lashes at me.
"No little one I'm gonna come in and hang out with you." I grin down at her.
"I'm not little. And you are not coming in so go home." She starts pushing on my chest but I only laugh at her feeble attempts.
I bend down and lift her up over my shoulder. She screams hitting my back like a little five year old throwing a tantrum. I continue to walk towards her house. I turn the knob but it's locked.
"Ha you psychopath it's locked. Bet you didn't see that with you're egotistical pea size brain." She yells at me. I raise my hand and start searching in her back pockets for her keys. She starts shrieking, "Stop touching me. I'll file charges on you, you jerk. Rape!!! Rape!!" She starts screaming.
"Oh baby when we do it you're not going to be screaming that. You'll be screaming my name." I grumble lowly and I pull out her keys triumphantly and unlock her front door. I don't know if she heard me or not but she quiets down a little.
As soon as I take a step in she starts screaming. "Mom get this psychotic douchebag off me! Dad get the rubber band gun! Vivian help!"
Her mom and dad rush from the kitchen and see me calmly closing the front door behind me. "What's going on?" Her father asks.
"He kidnapped me!" Fawn screams in aspiration.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. Nice to see you too. This might look weird but it's perfectly fine-"
"It is not perfectly fine. Mom he kidnapped me!"
"I did not. I merely drove her home from work and I slightly commented on her height and then when I walked up to hang out with her she blew up on me." I state reasonably.
Her parents look at each other and burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing? This man has your daughter and he kidnapped her and yet you stand here talking to him, completely ignoring you're kidnapped daughter and start laughing?"
"Oh honey, calm down. Don't get so worked up." Her mom tries to soothe her.
"She tends to get a bit dramatic when someone mentions her height." Her dad explains. "Did you know when she went to her physical she wore her highest pair of tennis shoes?"
I chuckle. "I did not. They just happened to be the ones that I grabbed. Purely coincidental."
"Well you two kids have fun. We'll be in the living room if you need us." Her mom says pulling her father out of the hallway.
Fawn slumps over my shoulder putting all her weight on me. I barely even feel her weight though. I walk into the kitchen and start rummaging around in the refrigerator. "I don't know about you but I'm famished. What do you want to eat? Ham sandwich, fruit salad, ice cream, strawberries and whip cream?" Her stomach starts growling. I grin and pat her butt. "I'll just take all of it. You have a refrigerator in your room right?"
She nods. "Alright you want mayo on your ham sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and pickle slices, right?"
"How did you know that?" She inquires.
"Lucky guess." I shrug and that jostles her around and she shrieks a bit but reigns it in.
I finish with the sandwiches and grab the rest and head up the stairs.
"Could you possibly put me down?" She asks in an huffy voice.
"Not with that attitude." I grin and walk into her room.
"Hunter, would you be so kind as to put me down?" She says in a sarcastic British accent.
I set the food down on her bed side table and laugh. Which rattles her some more. "Why of course, babe."
I throw her on the bed and she bounces in shock. I don't give her time to gather her bearings before I'm on top of her.
"W-what are y-you doing?" She stammers.
"Just admiring a beautiful young woman." I smirk at her. She gets red and looks away. "Hey, don't look away from me. You're beautiful when you blush. Well actually you're beautiful everyday."
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" She changes the topic.
"Maybe later." I grin down at her.
"Well what are we going to do?" She questions.
"We could play a game." My grin broadens.
"Um....what kind of game?" She begins to get nervous.
"Have you ever played doctor before?" I  ask.
"Like acting like someone is hurt and the other one has to fix them up? Of course I used to play that when I was little." Her eyes brighten.
I chuckle at how innocent she is. "Well this game is kind of like that. Do you wanna play?"
"Yeah. That sounds fun. Who's the patient and who's the doctor?" She asks.
"Well since I thought of it I'll be the doctor and you'll be the patient." I smirk at her. She has no idea what I'm planning.
"Alright. What's my injuries?"
I don't answer her. "We have a patient here who has been stabbed in the chest. We must take action immediately." My voice drops an octave when I say that and her eyes darken a bit.
"Oh Doctor please save me." She cries in an over dramatic way and giggles afterwards.
"We have got to get the shirt off." I say and her eyes snap open in shock. I slowly peel her lavender silky shirt up. With her in just a lavender lacy push up bra I openly stare at her.
She shifts around nervously but I hold her still. "So beautiful. You're so beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking." I start kissing down her neck to her cleavage.
She arches her back to press more into my body. I start sucking and leaving hickeys on her flesh. She starts to whimper and I pull back making her whimper more.
"So what movie did you want to watch?" I ask getting off her to her movie selection.
"I-you-um... wha- I-" she starts stuttering really bad and look over at her and chuckle. She glares at me. "I don't care. I'm going to get changed." She says and struts to her closet.
I pick out Hocus Pocus and sit on her bed and begin to eat the sandwhich I made for myself. I lift my eyes from the screen when I hear her coming out of her closet. My mouth drops open.
She stands there wearing spanks and a sports bra. Her hair is surrounding her in a sexy innocent look.
"What movie did you pick?" She asks as she comes over. She sits down and grabs her sandwhich and begins to eat not looking at me but instead fixing her eyes on the movie.
I can't seem to tear my eyes from her but finally I do. If she wants to play let's play. I'll start it when she's finished eating. After about ten minutes I see her put the plate to the side and feel her lay back down on the bed.
I roll on top of her. "You think you're so cute don't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Hunter. Enlighten me." She grins mischievous.
"You know since you're wearing spanks I guess I have every right to spank you don't I?" I growl in her ear.
Her eyes go wide with shock and then they begin to fill with lust. "Maybe you do."
I gasp and I grin down at her. "You shouldn't have said that darling."
I flip her over my lap and begin to massage her beautiful ass. "This is your punishment for a lot of things."
"Oh really? And what are those things?" She asks seductively.
"Poring soap down my throat, you're attitude, and for teasing me. And I didn't even name all of them. You ready my little vixen?" I ask.
"Why of course, sir." She says and I shudder.
I lift my hand and strike down on her bottom. I watch it jiggle. She shrieks but I know she enjoyed it I can smell it. I massage her again and then strike the second time. She moans on me and I began to get even more excited. One more and she's done.
"Last one baby." I soothe. She nods her head eagerly. I lift my hand for the last time and strike down. She moans even louder. I begin to massage her to take the sting out.
After about thirty seconds she springs up and straddles me. "That Why?" She questions.
"I didn't even know you were into that stuff, baby. But that was amazing." I say and peck her lips.
"I didn't know either. But when I was younger my mom told me when she spanked me and Vivian, that I would always laugh and say," that's it." She of course would get mad and hit me harder. I guess I have a high pain tolerance. Plus I read a lot." She blabbers I groan at our position.
She looks down and grins while her eyes darken again and she begins to grind into me. "Thank you, Hunter."
I let out a husky moan and begin to kiss her. We both let out our frustration through the kiss.
After a while we lay back and continue to watch Hocus Pocus. Her hand starts to play with mine.
"What are we?" She asks quietly like she's nervous.
I turn towards her to give her my full attention. "Well I had a date planned out for tonight to ask you to be my girlfriend but we kinda got distracted. So will you Fawn Montgomery be my girlfriend?" I ask hopefully.
"Of course I will be." She giggles and kisses my cheek.
My whole body shudders in excitement. "Really?"
"Yes really. Why wouldn't I say yes?" She asks in confusion.
"Because you say I'm cocky and arrogant." I mutter out.
"Now when have I ever said those words?" She chuckles at me.
"Maybe not actually said it but you thought it." I grumble.
She laughs. "Of course I thought it because you are. But you're my cocky, arrogant, sweet, handsome, and wonderful boyfriend now." She says and strokes my face.
"You've made me the happiest man in the world." I say and pull her closer towards my body.
"You sure you want me as a girlfriend, though?" She asks with a small grin but I can see in her eyes that she actually wants to know the answer.
"If I didn't want you as a girlfriend why would I ask in the first place? Plus who wouldn't want an amazingly beautiful girl as yourself as a girlfriend?" I say and I also think that I want her as a girlfriend because we will be married and have kids later on in our life.
She smiles and snuggles closer into me and we drift off into a little nap.
"Fawn, it's supper time." I wake up Mrs. Montgomery's figure in Fawn's doorway smiling at us.
I look down and Fawn is nuzzled into my chest and my arms are wrapped around her. I smile lazily down at her.
"I get her down there, Mrs. Montgomery." I smile at her.
"Of course, dear. Please call me Alexa." She smiles and walks downstairs.
I turn my attention back to the beauty in my arms. "Fawn." I wait for her to wake up but her face scrunches up and she snuggles closer into me. "Babe." She pushes her head further into my chest. I smile down at her. "The most wonderful girlfriend in the whole wide world."
"You rang?" Her head pops up and she smiles at me.
"You're mother is awaiting you're arrival to eat some food in the dining room." I say and begin to get up.
"I'm not hungry." She says and pulls me back down to lay with her.
"Ah yet I can not allow you to not eat, my darling." I continue in my English accent.
"Fine, but you gotta eat with us." She grins mischievously.
"Why?" I ask wary of her grin.
"Because you have to eat too."
"Alright then. Let's go." I pull her up from under the covers. My eyes automatically get drawn to her spandex and sports bra. " might want to change before you go down stairs."
"Why?" She asks before she looks down at herself. When she looks down and shrieks and runs for her closet.
I start laughing hysterically. "Will you stop?" She asks coming out a few minutes in sweats and one of her old school t-shirts.
"That was hilarious. You should've seen you're face." I wipe my tears away.
"Yeah yeah, come on." She groans and drags me down the stairs.
"Nice of you to grace us with your presence, my dear sister." Vivian retorts sarcastically.
"Nice of you to take your mask off, Vivian." Fawn counters.
"Girls be nice." Mrs. Montgomery says.
"I so do not wear a mask." Vivian exclaims.
"Then why is there a pimple on your face that wasn't there this morning?"
Vivian grabs her phone frantically and stares into it. "You're such a liar." She pouts and puts her phone away.
"That was a good one, Fawn." Her dad praises.
"Thanks, dad." She high fives him before sitting down. "Hey mom is it alright if Hunter stays for dinner?"
"I thought he might so I made enough food for him as well." She smiles warmly.
"So what are we having my dearest wife?" Fawn's dad asks.
"Fettuccine alfredo sauce with grilled chicken." Her mom says.
"And?" Fawn asks.
"Breadsticks." Her mom says looking at Fawn. "Is there something wrong with that?"
"Where's the salad?" She challenges.
"Oh my gosh. I forgot the salad, George. Oh what a horrible mother am I." She falls on the floor dramatically.
"Mom, get up. Me and Hunter will just go make it. Since you refuse to acknowledge that there are other foods than just meat and bread."
"We will?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, we will, Hunter. Unless you'd like to walk home." She glares at me and grips my hand tight.
"My mistake. Of course we will. I'm all for vegetables!" I say in an overly-happy voice and jump up from my seat.
We walk into the kitchen and she lets go of my hand and pulls out a head of lettuce.
"Do you not like salads?" She says in a small voice while pulling out a tomato, cucumber, black olives, carrots, and spinach leaves.
"No, I like salads." I respond and wrap my arms around her waist while she gets the cutting board out.
"You better not start eating without us." She yells to her family.
"Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart." Her father yells back at her followed by some snickers.
"Are you always like this?" I ask and nuzzle into her neck.
"Like what?" She starts cutting up the tomato.
"A health freak." I chuckle into her neck.
"I'm not a health freak. Is it wrong to want my parents to live a long and healthy life? Is it wrong to want to stay in shape? Plus I don't always eat healthy. I just think that lunch and dinner should have some sort of vegetables or fruit in it."
"I'm not harping on it, I was just wondering. It's actually a really good thing that you like to have a healthy lifestyle."
"Good. So you wouldn't mind running with me?" She asks turning around with her hands in her hips and her eyebrow arched almost daring me to say no.
"Why of course." I grin at her shocked face.
"You have to run at least a mile. That's my last distance."
"Alright." I smile at her again. I reach over and put the chopped vegetables in the bowl of lettuce.
"You sure you can handles that?" She asks.
"That and much more." I chuckle at her growing red face. I toss the salad and hold the bowl out in front of me.
"How far can you run?" She follows me out of the kitchen and into the dining room where her family awaits.
"I don't necessarily record it but I know I can run at least to the next town over which is about twenty miles." I set down the salad bowl and sit down.
"Yeah right, dude." Vivian laughs at me. "I mean you're muscular but there's no way you can run at the minimum twenty miles."
"Believe what you will." I simply say.
"If he's lying we'll just find out tomorrow if he can keep up." Fawn says and settles next to me grabbing my hand and squeezing.
"Let's say grace shall we?" Fawn's mother says.
We all grab hands and bow our hands while Fawn's father says grace.
"Alright kids, dig in."
I grab a breadstick and place it on my plate. I see Fawn go for the salad bowl first.
"Do you want me to put some on your plate?" She asks.
I nod and watch her scoop out some salad and put it on my plate. I then wait for the chicken alfredo spoon to be open so I can scoop myself some. When it is I do exactly that and turn to Fawn.
"Do you want me to put some on your plate?" I smirk down at her.
"Why of course, Mr." she giggles.
I scoop a big spoonful on her plate and watch as her eyes widen at the amount I gave her. I stare into her eyes daring for her to complain about it. She chuckles lightly and an evil glint passes through her eyes.
She grabs a breadstick and dips it in the white Alfredo sauce. She looks at me while she eats the breadstick.
Oh my God. What the even hell does she think she's doing? I cross my legs and shift a bit.
"Hunter, you didn't put your napkin down. Here I'll help you." She smirks at me and puts the breadstick down.
She grabs my napkin and smooths it down on my lap. I groan at the feeling of her hands on jean clad crotch.
She pulls back while chuckling and continues to talk with her family like she didn't just do that to me. I stare at her shocked that my innocent little one could do that to me and act like she didn't. What have I done to her?
We finish eating and my problem starts to go down. I stand up and thank her parents for the wonderful meal and she walks me out to the door.
"So I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks with a smirk on her face.
I turn around and see her father watching us. I smile and wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear, "I expect your bedroom window to be unlocked and you in your room on your bed in thirty minutes."
"And what if it isn't?" She giggles.
"You don't want to find out, little Fawn." I reply darkly.

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