Chapter 5

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Fawn's P.O.V
"I'm going to die before the end of this school day." I say and drop my lunch at the table where Calvin is sitting alone reading a book.
"And why is that?" He asks and takes a bite of his apple.
"Because every single class the teacher has asked me to stand up in front of the class and say something about myself. And the next teacher who does it I'm going to throw a book at them." I say and slump down in my seat.
"Interesting." He hums.
"What?" I glare at him.
"I'm a pretty intuitive guy. And you just keep surprising me." He says with a shoulder shrug.
"And how am I exactly surprising you?" I ask.
"Well first you kneed me in my jewels and now your making death threats to teachers. I thought you would be a teachers pet."
"Well your right I usually am a teachers pet but today I don't know I'm on edge." I look around as if trying to pinpoint it out of all the people around the lunch room.
"Maybe your going to start your period." He shrugs.
"Okay why are you guys talking about periods?" A voice asks.
I look up to see Vivian standing there with a bowl of salad. I see three other girls behind her. She sits down at our table and so does her little clique.
"Your loveable sister over here is on edge and I think she's about to start her period." Calvin says and smiles at the strange looks the other girls are sending him.
"Oh. Your probably right." Vivian remarks and starts to talk to her group of followers.
I move over next to Calvin and look at the book he's reading 'Moby Dick'. "Good choice." I comment.
He grins. "Okay so why is your sister and her squad sitting here?" He asks.
"Well she always has a squad following her but she would always sit with me at my old school."
"She didn't want me to look lonely." I shrug.
"But you have me now. Why do they have to still be here?" He whines.
"Old habits." Vivian says not looking at us. "And yes I can hear what your saying." She grins and directs her attention to us.
"She has the ears of a bat." I mutter to Calvin.
"Heard you." Vivian sings.
I look down at my food. Spaghetti and a bread stick with a apple and a small salad. I give Calvin a questioning look. "It's good I swear." He laughs and eats some of his spaghetti.
I look back down at it and take a small bite. Oh my gosh this is amazing. What are the lunch ladies, professional chefs? I smile at Calvin and begin eating. After about five minutes I finish my tray. "Dang your a fast eater." Calvin says wide eye.
"I do what I can." I brush my shoulders off. I get up to take my tray away.
"Fawn, can you take my tray up?" Vivian asks gesturing to her untouched salad. I grab her tray.
"Me too."
"Me too."
"Me too."
I hear her friends say pushing their trays towards me. I raise an eyebrow at them and turn and walk away to put mine and Vivian's tray up.
I return to glares from her friends. "Don't glare at my sister." Vivian snaps at them.
"Why couldn't she take our trays up?" A snobby voice asks.
"Because you have working legs and she's my sister therefore she'll take my tray up if she wants to. She has no obligation to any of you." If looks could kill that girl would be dead. "And if you have a problem with not treating my sister as your slave, you can leave." The girl just sits there with her head down.
Wow, Vivian was willing to not have friends for me. Aww I have a great sister. I smile at her and she smiles back. She turns and they start talking again as if nothing happened.
"That was amazing." Calvin says with his mouth open.
I close his mouth. "Close your mouth or flies are going fly in."
He shots me a glare. The bell rings. I stand up and grab my bag. I pull out my schedule. I have photography now. "See you later." I wave at Calvin and head to the class.
I walk in and sit at one of the desks. I wait for the teacher to come in. The bell rings and still the teacher hasn't come. Everyone starts to talk. I just look out the window.
"Hello, students." The teacher rushes in. "I'm your photography teacher. Now I hope everyone brought a their cameras." She smiles.
I raise my hand and she motions for me to come up to her desk. "Yes?" She asks.
"I-I d-dint know t-that I was t-taking this c-class. S-so I d-don't have my c-camera." I explain.
"How wouldn't you know that you were taking this class?" She asks confused.
"I-I just m-moved here. M-my d-da signed m-me up f-for this c-class." I say.
"Oh. Well that's fine. Do you want to take this class?" She questions. I shake my head yes. "Well I guess this is a free period for you. But tomorrow I would like for you to bring your camera and if it's alright with you, I would like to see your camera roll. So I can see if you actually know anything about photography." She smiles. I smile back and walk back to my desk.
She starts talking but I ignore her. I pull out my sketch book. I don't really want to draw my view from my window until I get home. I flip to a new page and look around the room trying to find something that catches my eye. I see a paper weight on the teacher's desk. It's a wolf sitting with its head held high. I smile and start drawing.
Half way through the class I'm halfway down with my drawing. I shut my eyes and try seeing what I want to draw. Trying to get all the details.
Someone taps me from behind. I turn to see who it is. "What are you drawing?" A guy asks me. He has dirty blonde hair that kinda spiked at the front. His grey eyes are looking at my drawing.
I look at him trying to see if he'll make fun of me for drawing it. "W-w-wolf."
"That's what I thought. Can you show me the end results?" He asks now looking at me.
"S-sure." I say he grins and goes back to whatever the class is doing.
I turn back to my drawing. I shut my eyes again and try seeing it. I open them and start in on the mouth. I finish it a few minutes before class ends. I smile at it. I turn around to see what the blonde guy is doing. He's looking at me. I show him the drawing.
"Wow you're an amazing artist. Are you in drawing class?" He asks looking at me. I shake my head yes. "Do you want to sit next to me in that class?"
"I-I'm k-kinda sitting n-next to C-Calvin." I stutter out.
"Well you can sit in the middle of us." He smiles.
"S-sure." The bells rings and I put my book away and grab my bag and head for the door. The guy follows me. We get to the door and I wave goodbye. He smiles and waves and walks away.
I walk to my locker and put all my books away. I shut the locker and see Calvin walking towards me. "You ready?" He asks.
"Alright come on." He grabs my hand and we begin to walking to the exit of the school.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Are we allowed?"
"Of course. I would never get you in trouble, Fawn." He says and grins.
We walk outside and then we come to a big tree he sits down in the shade. He pulls me down beside him. He closes his eyes and leans back on the tree. He has a small smile on his face. I quickly grab my sketch book and start drawing him. "What are you doing?" He asks but doesn't open his eyes or anything.
"I'm drawing you." I say.
"Oh. Alright tell me when you're done."
"I'm almost finished I'm just getting your nose then I'm done." I erase his nose and try again. After about five minutes I finish it. "I'm done."
He grabs the book and looks at him. "Wow you could be a famous artist." He smiles.
"Yeah whatever. I make a grab for my book.
"Nope. I'm going to look at all your drawings."
"That's not all of them." I mutter.
"How many sketch books do you have? Sketch books that are full already, I mean." He asks then clarifies.
"I don't know. A lot." I shrug.
"Well this weekend I'm going to come over and we'll hang out and I'm spending the night." He invites himself.
"I have to ask you a personal question." I say.
"Go on." He looks at me waiting for me to ask.
"Are you gay?" I ask and look away from his stare.
"Are you calling me gay?" He asks angrily.
"N-no I-I w-was j-just asking." I fumble over my words.
"Well you should because I am." He smiles.
"I hate you." I punch his arm.
"Got you." He laughs.
"I had to know. Because I don't think if my parents knew you weren't gay they wouldn't let you spend the night." I say.
"No. I'm gay so I'm good, right?" He asks.
"Yes. So are you a good artist?" I ask.
"Not as good as you. But I'm only good if I see something that catches my eye." He explains and gets up and wipes the dirt from his jeans.
"Where are you going?" I look at him confused.
"The bell is going to ring." He says.
"Oh." I get up.
"We're off to the art class what a wonder art class it is. Because because because of we don't we'll have to go to detention." Calvin skips along side me singing. I just smile at the weird looks everyone is giving him and he just flips them off.
We finally walk through the door to the art class and I see the blonde guy waving at me. I pull Calvin along with me.
"Hi." Calvin says cheerfully to the guy.
"Hello, Calvin." The blonde guy responds. He turns towards me. "Hey."
I nod my head because the teacher walks in. "Okay class since today is the first day you can draw or paint whatever you like. The painting supplies are in the back cabinet and so are the charcoal and oils." She waits till everyone comes back with their supplies. I walk back to get charcoal. "I'll be coming around to check on your progress. Oh and my name is Mrs. Hood." She smiles and sits down at her desk.
I look at my easel and think of what I want to draw. "Psst." A voice says in my ear I turn to Calvin. I raise my eyebrow at him. "What are you going to paint?" He asks leaning over to look at my canvas.
"I don't know yet. I'm thinking." I whisper back.
"What's he painting?" He motions to the blonde guy.
I look over at his canvas it's blank also. I tap him on the shoulder. He turns and looks at me. "What a-are you g-going to p-paint?" I ask.
"I'm thinking of a garden, you."
"I d-don't know yet." He smiles and goes back to his canvas. It just dawns on me that I don't even know his name nor does he know mine. "M-my name is Fawn." I whisper to him.
"I'm Ethan." He smiles and goes back to his canvas again.
I lean back over to Calvin. "He's drawing a garden." I say.
"That's a good idea. Gosh darn I need to think of an idea." He shits his eyes.
"How about a huge library with Mrs. Thornton." I suggest.
"Hey that's a great idea. Okay thanks." He says and starts sketching.
I look back at my canvas. Well I can't draw another wolf people might think I'm obsessed with wolfs. A wolf is a beast and I like the movie beauty and the beast. I can draw Belle with holding the rose in her ball gown. Yeah that's a good idea. I start drawing it.
Someone comes behind me right when I was about to finish my drawing. I hear a gasp and I turn around to see Mrs. Hood looking at my drawing. "You are an amazing artist." She gushes.
"T-thank you." I say and turn back to my drawing.
"You know there is a art competition in a month. I hope your name will be on the list." She suggests and walks away.
I smile and finish my drawing. "Woah. That's not even fair." Calvin whines.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Not only are you a great artist your a fast drawer." He pouts.
I look over at his drawing. He has one bookshelf and half of Mrs. Thornton. "Well time always makes things better." I pat him on the back.
"Shut up." He groans right when the bell rings.
"Alright guys write your name on your drawing and bring them to me, please." Mrs. Hood says.
I already wrote my signature in the bottom right hand corner so I grab my canvas and walk up to her desk. She smiles and me and I smile back and walk back to grab my bag.
Today was a pretty good day. I wait for Calvin to be ready and we walk out together. I grab all my homework from my locker and we head out.
"Are you ready for your first day of work." Calvin asks excitedly.
"I have to drop my sister off at my house first and then I'll be at the bookstore." I explain.
"No you don't. I'm going to the mall with my friends. And can you drive me and three of my friends to the mall?" Vivian says coming up behind us with her little friends.
"Sure." I say and turn back to Calvin. "I guess then I'll be right at the bookstore. I'll meet you there." I say and wave goodbye to him.
We walk to my car and Vivian's friends give me a weird look. "What?" I ask.
"You're parking in the Al- I mean someone's parking place." A girl says.
"Well I don't see a name on it. And he didn't get here in time." I say and get in the driver side. "Buckle up." I say. I wait till I hear all the clicks. And I pull out of the school. It dawns on me that the snobby girl this morning said I was in someone else's spot also. And I didn't stutter. Maybe this town is going to be good for me. Maybe I won't stutter anymore. I smile while I pull up to the mall. I pull into a parking place and the girls all walk away and Vivian waved at me goodbye. I wave back and breathe in a breath of fresh air.
This is going to be good for us.

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