Chapter 3

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Fawn's P.O.V
I jolt out of bed quickly. I look around wildly for an intruder. Then a white light lights up my room. I look outside to see a storm.
I smile to myself and crawl back in bed. It's just a storm. And that means it might keep storming. So tomorrow is a reading day no matter what. Well that and the rest of my unpacking.
I really really like this place.
"Food." Is the one word I hear that makes me get out of bed.
"I'm up I swear." I say and looking around for the one who told me food was ready for me to eat.
"Whatever. You have to say goodbye to dad before he leaves also." Vivian says and walks out.
I jump out of bed and run past Vivian and downstairs. I see mom and dad hugging. I squeeze in between them. Dad laughs and kisses the top of my head. "I'm off to work." He calls out.
"Bye." We all say while waving goodbye. We all watch as he ducks under his suitcase and runs to the car trying not to get soaked.
I turn around and so do they after awhile. "So, is dad still an accountant at a bank? Or what?" I ask.
"Yes he his. This bank ran into a little trouble with their last accountant and needed a new one quickly. So your father took the job." Mom explains while giving me a plate with a waffle, scrambled eggs, and ham.
I rub my tummy and walk to the table. I grab the syrup and starting drizzling it over everything.
"Your disgusting." Vivian says while taking the syrup bottle and sitting down.
"And you have a pimple." I remark taking a bite of my waffle.
"Oh my gosh. This can't be happening." She gasps and runs out of the room.
"That wasn't very nice. You know how she feels about her appearance." Mom scolds.
"She called me disgusting." I defend myself.
"Two wrongs don't make a right." Mom says.
"You don't know that. It's called defending yourself." I mutter.
"Oh sweetie you need to learn how to mutter." Mom laughs.
I just groan and go back to my glorious food in front of me. "Liar." Vivian sneers.
"Made you look." I stuck my tongue out at her.
"And to think your the older one." She says sadly.
"And don't forget smarter, taller, funnier, more fun to be with, and more artistic." I list off on my fingers.
"Well I'm more fashionable." She defends.
"Fashion isn't the only thing in this world, Vivian."
"Says the one who just wears jeans, sweats, and athletic shorts."
"Wrong. I wear a bra, shirts, shoes, socks, and underwear also." I smirk at her.
She groans and starts to eat. I smile and start to eat also.
"Don't you just love this place?" I ask hearing another boom of thunder.
"I like the house. I don't like the weather though. It's either going to be raining and when I step outside its going to get my hair wet or it's going to be humid and absolutely kill my hair." Vivian groans.
"I can help with that." I say cheerfully.
"You? Help with hair problems?" She raises her eyebrow at me.
"Yeah. Either chop off all of your hair and buy a wig. Or buy an umbrella." I laugh at her horrified face.
"How could you say that?" She shrieks and clutches her hair.
"Or I can start to do your hair just like mine. Always in a ponytail or bun or just let it go naturally." I smile evilly.
"Not all of us can have naturally wavy hair, Fawn. I have to either straighten or curl my hair." Vivian pouts while looking at my hair enviously.
"Whatever. Isn't there like a protect thingy for hair or something like that?" I ask uninterested in the subject anymore.
"Oh yeah there is! Can you give me a ride to the store?" She asks.
"Can't you see I'm eating?" I say. I know I'm already going to take her but I just want to mess with her.
"After? Please, Fawn. I'll love you forever." She pleads.
"You already love me." I smile and push my glasses up.
"I'll love you even more. Plus I'll buy you ice cream." She smiles knowing she won me over. Ice cream is my weakness.
"Really?!?" I asks excited.
"Yes. But you gotta take me to the store." She smiles.
"Well then, now that changed my no to a yes." I slam my hand on the table. "It's a yes from me." I say impersonating a judge from America's got talent.
Vivian just rolls her eyes and continues to eat. I sigh and start to dig in once again.


"Can we go now?" Vivian pulls on my arm making me shake the book in my hand.
"Yes after this chapter." I say and go back to my book.
"You said that an hour ago." She wines.
"Yes I did but, you were on your phone not caring so I started to read again. Plus it's getting good. I'm only a few pages away so calm down." I growl at her.
"But you've read the book already."
"Yeah? So? You read the same magazines over and over again."
"That's different." She mutters and sits make on my bed.
"Oh wait yeah it is. My books are better." I say and finish the last page. I close the book and groan.
"Are you done now?" She asks eagerly.
"Yes. As you can tell from me closing the book. I have to go pee though." I say and head for my bathroom.
"Hurry up." She calls out after me.
I start mimicking her voice and making funny faces in the mirror. Oh right I have to pee. I do all the stuff and wash my hands.
I look at myself in the mirror. Hmmm same dark brown wavy hair. Same brown eyes behind my big glasses. I'll brush my teeth. That seems like a good idea. You never want to not have fresh breath. I do that and look at myself. Time for my hair to go up in a bun.
I just carelessly through it up and pull little strands away so it looks even more messy. I'm ready.
I walk out of the bathroom to see Vivian in skinny jeans and a black knitted sweater. I look down at her shoes which are her platform shoe boots. I then look at her face.
She likes like her face is just natural with some mascara and lipstick but I know it's not. No she has on a concealer over her blemishes, a foundation over that, and a powder to set it. Then she has a golden eyeshadow with mascara and eyeliner on her bottom eye lid to make her eyes pop. And for her lips she has a clear lip balm and red lipstick put over that lip balm and then she puts the lip balm over the lipstick and blots her lips and then puts another layer of lip balm. Finally for her hair. Every single strand is curled to perfection and she pulled back her side bangs and clipped them in with a lace black bow.
I then think about how I know all of that and remember she took me on a tour of how she does her makeup and all her shoes and what they were called. Ugh I stilled don't know how she can do all that and be ready before me.
"Come on, lollipop." I smile and walk down the hallway.
"Don't call me that." She scowls.
"Why not? Isn't that what Brad called you? And you were fine with him calling you that." I smile innocently.
"I broke up with him like four months ago and yet you still bring him up." She groans.
"I think the name suits you. You do love lollipops."
We get downstairs and I grab my car keys. I don't know where the movers parked it since dad wouldn't let me drive down here.
"We are going to explore the town. Do you need anything?" I yell out to mom.
"No, sweetie we're good. Just be home by seven." My mom yells.
I look at the time. Only twelve well that gives us about six hours. Give or take some.
"Alright. Love you." I yell.
"Love you too, honey."
I grab one of the umbrellas and walk outside. I look around for my silver neon. I see it parked on the side of the drive. I quickly run to it and get in. I unlock the doors for Vivian. She gets in and huffs.
"I wish it will stop raining."
"I don't." I smile and start the car. I wait a minute for the engine to warm up. Now we go.
After a few minutes of me driving Vivian starts to talk. "Do you even know where we're going?" She asks.
"Nope. But it's an adventure so we'll drive some and explore this place. What is the name of this place again?" I ask.
"Ravenswood. It's medium size so not big or small." Vivian replies and looks out the window.
"That's what medium means, sweetheart." I say in a motherly tone.
"Oh shut up." She growls and looks back out the window.
I snicker at her duh moment. I keep driving down the one road until there's a three way split in the road. The one on the left has a sign that says 'School'. The one on the right has a sign saying 'Town'. The middle one doesn't have a sign at all. It just looks like woods with a trail in the middle.
"Well this is a hard choice, Fawn. Do you want to go to school early, to town where there is ice cream, or to the creepy woods?" Vivian asks in a game show voice.
"I'll pick the town." I smile and go right.
"Great choice. Ladies and gentleman we have a winner." She goes on.
"Shut up." I laugh.
After awhile we get to where all the shops and stores are. I look to the right to see the bank where most likely dad is working. The left has a grocery store. We then go farther down to see other odd little stores and at the very end there is a medium size mall.
"Oh my gosh. They have a mall. Yes. I mean it's not that big but it will have to do." Vivian starts muttering to herself excitedly.
"You are such a dork." I mutter.
"What did you say?" She asks.
"Oh nothing. I was just thinking what was in the mall." I say and nervously push up my glasses.
"You're right we should go check it out." Vivian nods and looks at me like I invented high heels.
I park the car and grab my umbrella and we walk into the mall. I quickly close my umbrella and have it hanging on my wrist. We start walking stopping a few times for Vivian to see what was in all the clothing stores. We finally get to a cosmetic store and Vivian barges in.
"Hello, how may I help you?" A perky red head comes up to us. She looks around Vivian's age. I'm guessing they'll be great friends.
"H-h-hi um...w-w-we are uh... W-we are new to um....uh.." I get nervous and start to stutter and lose my train of thought.
Vivian moves in front of me and starts to talk. "Hi I'm Vivian." She sticks her hand out for the girl to shake.
The girl extends her hand and shakes Vivian's hand. "I'm Marisa." She smiles warmly at Vivian.
"This is my sister Fawn." Vivian motions to me. I only raise my hand and slightly smile at her. She smiles warmly back at me.
"We just moved here yesterday." Vivian starts to explain.
"I know." Marisa states simply.
"You know?" Vivian asks confused.
"Yeah. I saw your moving trucks and this is a small town everybody knows everybody. And I don't know you therefore you're new." Marisa explains.
"Oh. Well okay moving on. This weather will literally kill my hair so I was wondering if I could get some protection for it." Vivian starts talking about hair and I kinda drift out of the store and start to explore the mall some more.
There isn't a lot of people here just a few that are just walking around. Some teenagers just hanging around. I find a bench and sit down and pull out a book. I start to read for awhile until a finger pokes me.
"Go away, Vivian. Can't you see that I am reading. Go get your nails done isn't that pearl pink color your favorite?" I ask.
"Well I'm not Vivian and I don't think I would look good with pearl pink nails." A deep voice says.
My eyes widen and I lower the book to see a hot guy standing over me. "I-I-I um...w-w-well uh..." I start getting nervous and I push up my glasses.
"I know. I'm guessing you didn't know I wasn't Vivian." He laughs. I smile uneasily. "I was going to say you should probably read in the bookstore. It's less noisy." He explains.
"They have a book store?!?" My eyes widen and shoot out of my seat almost knocking him over.
"Woah that got your attention didn't it?" He chuckles.
"C-c-can you uh...please t-tell me uh...w-where the bookstore is?" I ask stuttering a little.
"Sure. Follow me." He says and leads the way. I quickly follow him. "My names Calvin." He says after slowing down a little so we can walk side my side.
"Fawn." I say simply not really caring about him. I just want to go to the bookstore.
"Well hello Fawn. It's nice to meet you." He smiles. I nod at him. "Not much of a talker are you?" He asks. I look at him and narrow my eyes at him. What's he going for? I slowly shake my head no. "That's good because I've been told I talk to much." He starts rambling on about how he's always being told to be quite or stop talking. I understand why. I block him out and look around the mall. "Fawn?" His voice breaks me out of my concentration. I look at him in a questioning way. "We're here." He motions to the store that has a big book opened that says 'Story heaven'.
I smile and rush past Calvin into the store I look around and breath in the air. Oh they must have pretty old books. I love the smell of old books it just makes me happy.
"So I'm guessing you like it?" Calvin asks.
I nod my head yes and wander off to find a new book. I go to the fiction section first. I pick out three pretty big books and start off to find the counter to buy them.
"Hello, my dear." An old lady comes out behind a book shelve.
"H-hi." I smile.
"No need to be nervous, dear. Follow me to the register." She says and starts walking. I follow behind her and we get to the register. I put my books down and she looks at the covers of each one. "You have good taste." I states.
I smile at her. She then looks behind me and a huge smile is on her face again. "Why hello, Calvin. Didn't you buy a book yesterday?" She asks.
I look behind me to see Calvin with a book in his hand looking sheepish. "Yes, Mrs. Thornton but I finished it already." I look at him confused he doesn't look like he could finish a book in a day.
"Well, you picked one of the best books." She smiles and goes back to ringing up my price. "That will be ten dollars." She says warmly. I look at her confused. Her smile drops. "Is there a problem, dear?"
I look at the books and their prices. All three are five dollars so actually it's fifteen dollars not ten. "Um....I t-think you a-are mistaken." I stutter and push up my glasses.
"About what?" She asks.
"T-the price." I gesture to the books.
"No. I'm quit sure it's ten dollars."
"N-n-no uh....e-each one is um...f-five dollars meaning i-it's fifteen d-d-dollars." I put my head down.
"You're right young lady. That will be ten dollars." She says and smiles.
"B-but i-it's-" I start but she cuts me off. "All employees get a discount." She says.
I look at her confused once again. "I can see how much you love books and that you are a kind girl. Therefore you are now working at Story Heaven. The only other employees are myself and Calvin here." She gestures to Calvin who is smiling broadly at me.
"I knew you were the one." He laughs and pucks me up and spins me around. "Welcome aboard the team, Fawn." He says and puts me down.
Mrs. Thornton comes back with a piece of paper. "Here is you're schedule. You are Monday through Thursday 3:30-6 and it's optional on Friday and Saturday. You and Calvin will be spending a lot of time together." She smiles and walks out.
I look down at the paper and look back up at Calvin's smiling face. I slowly put the pieces together. I'm working at a bookstore and I get to be with books and get paid for it. I start smile.
"Oh this is going to be so much fun!" Calvin exclaims and we walk out of the bookstore after I pay the ten buck of course.
"FAWN." I hear a yell. I swing around to see Vivian running towards me with three bags of stuff in her hands. "How could you leave me?" She whines.
"You were talking about hair. So I went out to read and I got a job at a bookstore and I got three new books!" I say excitedly.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. It's almost four. If you want that ice cream you better....." She trails off and is looking behind me star struck.
I look behind me to se Calvin smiling. "Oh that's just Calvin." I shrug it off.
"Wow, Fawn that the most I've ever heard you say." Calvin mocks.
I nod. I don't know why but I feel like we are going to be close friends. So why not start actually talk to him. "Don't feel special."
"Oh actually you should be usually she doesn't talk to people unless she trusts them." Vivian informs him. I look to see she's back to her composed self.
"So about that ice cream." I wiggle my eyebrows at her.
"There's an ice cream store here." Calvin butts in.
"Start walking then." I push him roughly.
"I love a girl in charge." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"Ewwww. Nasty." I reach in my pocket for my scented hand sanitizer. I put a flop on my palm and close the lid and put it back in my pocket. I then rub it in. I sigh all better now.
"What was that?" Calvin asks looking confounded.
"I was getting your perverted germs off me." I mutter.
He grins and starts to walk. Me and Vivian follow. We finally get to a store that says 'Mac's ice cream'. I walk in and grab a booth. I watch as Vivian and Calvin go up and order. I can already taste the creamy goodness in my mouth.
"You're drooling." Vivian's voice snaps me out of my daydream.
"Was not." I wipe me chin and in fact I was drooling. She gives me a knowing look. I look down at the table and pout. "Where's the ice cream?" I ask.
"Mac wants to greet the people who just moved into our little town." Calvin says and sits next to me.
"Will he take long?" I whine.
"Nope. I'm right here." I deep voice chuckles. I look up to see a big man with a striped apron and a little folded hat on his head. He looks about my dads age. He passed around the ice cream and smiles at us. "I'm Mac and you must be Vivian and you must be Fawn." He says and holds out his hand Vivian smiles and takes it and then I slowly take his hand and we shake. "Well I hope to see you around more often. But as you can see it's starting to get busy so I must be going." He says good bye and leaves us.
I smile and dig into my ice cream. I moan. Oh my gosh this is the best ice cream I have ever tasted in my entire life.
"I know it's that good." Calvin laughs.
"Did I by chance say that out loud?" I ask.
"Yes by chance I think you did." He laughs as I slowly go red.
"Glad you like it." Mac yells from the counter.
I push my glasses up and go back to eating the ice cream.
After we finished we get up and start walking out of the mall. We get to the exit doors and we stop. "So I'll see you both tomorrow at school and you after school." He says to me.
"I guess you will." I smile. He laughs and me and Vivian walk out after opening our umbrellas.
We get into the car and Vivian shrieks. "Ow. Vivian stop." I yell and cover my ears.
"You made a friend. A very very hot friend." Vivian says excitedly.
"Yea and I got three new books and a new job." I say.
"Yeah yeah. But I totally think Calvin is into you." She gushes.
I start laughing. "And I think Calvin swings for the other team."
"Oh." Her face falls. But then after a few she breaks out into a smile. "Yeah but he's still okay to look at."
I just roll my eyes at her and keep driving.
We walk into the door at 5:45. "We're home." I yell.
"In the kitchen." Mom yells back.
We take off our shoes and jackets and shake off our umbrellas and enter the kitchen. I smell lasagna and I look to see that mom made lasagna, salad, and breadsticks.
"Looks yummy." I smile and kiss mom's check and take a plate and sit down at the diner
We ate dinner and then watched tv for a little bit and then me and Vivian went upstairs to go to sleep.
Ugh I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Well look at the bright side you actually now have a friend.
And with that I smile and fall asleep

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