Chapter 13

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Fawn's P.O.V
"You can leave now." I say as we approach the art class.
"That was rude, Fawn." Calvin laughs coming up behind us.
"You're not my dad." I say like the kid in the vine.
"But yet you call me daddy."
"You're so disgusting." I throw my pencil at him. I immediately regret it. "Hey I need that pencil back."
"Screw you it's mine now." He sticks it in his pocket.
"I'll just get it back later." I mumble evilly under my breath.
We walk into the classroom and I sit where we sat on Friday and Calvin sits next to me and Hunter plops down in the seat that Ethan sits at.
I glare at him. "Thats not your seat nor is this your class."
"That's where your wrong, sweetheart. I'm in this class and this is my seat now." He grabs my hand and I pull it away.
Ethan walks in the room and smiles when he sees me but it falters when he sees that Hunter's in his seat. He instead sits next to Calvin.
"I guess pretty boy is used to sitting next to you." Hunter mutters.
"What you jealous?" I smirk.
His face gets red and he's about to say something when Mrs.Hood walks in in a cheerful manor.
"Alright class today we are going to do model drawing." She claps her hands and looks at Hunter and says, "Glad to see you finally joined us Hunter. Do you have a reason as to why you haven't been attending my class?"
"I actually do Mrs. Hood." He grins at her while grabbing my hand and squeezing. I try to pull away but his grip is really strong.
"Pray do tell." Mrs.Hood says sarcastically gesturing to the whole room with her arms wide.
Hunter turns to me looking me in the eyes."I guess I found a reason to come." I blush from him looking at me so intensely.
"Well then, happy to have you here." Mrs.Hood smiles slyly at me. "Who wants to model?"
"I nominate Fawn." Hunter booms.
"No." I glare at him.
"Alright no other volunteers or nominees?" Mrs.Hood smirks.
I glare at her too."I nominate Hunter." His smirk falls off his face in shock.
"Alright those two nominees then. Today will be Fawn and tomorrow Hunter. As you can gather you only get one day for each sketch, so use your time wisely. Fawn can you come up here and sit in a comfortable position. If you want to you can put your headphones in just try not to move much."
I groan and grab my headphones pitching Hunter's arm on the way up to the front.
I slouch down on the stool. "You can scoot your chair to the wall and lean on that if you want but don't slouch." Scolds Mrs.Hood.
I get up and drag the chair to the wall and lay back on it. I grab my headphones and shove them in my ears and blast my music. I look over at Hunter and glare at him before I shut my eyes.
~20 minutes later~
Someone rips my headphones off and I raise my hand to slap them but see its Mrs.Hood.
"Fawn you have to open your eyes for the last part so they can get your eyes." She scolds once again.
I scowl. "Wasn't this supposed to be voluntarily. I didn't volunteer so why am I up here?"
"Because Hunter nominated you."
I glare at his grinning face before it darts back to his easel. "That's not me volunteering though."
"Yes but then you nominated Hunter so  they cancelled out as volunteering in my book." She grins and walks back to her desk and props open a book.
I just look around at everyone drawing me. I bet they're all mad that they had to draw someone like me. It's going to look like a potato. Wait actually I like potatoes.
I feel an intense pair of eyes on me and I look over to Hunter. He's like staring into my soul and it's freaking me out. I raise an eyebrow at him but he doesn't seem to notice. He's staring at my chest. I look down and see no cleavage because of the fact I'm wearing his clothes. He continues to stare at my chest. I jerk to the side and here a lot of groans. His head snaps up and looks at me in the eyes.
I glare at him and he looks at me in confusion. I gesture to my chest. His face clears up in realization. I nod and scowl. He just grins and shrugs innocently.
After awhile I just sit there looking at the blank wall. I want to draw not be drawn. It's so awkward up here.
"It's five minutes before the bell rings, so everyone start packing up. Also give a round of applause for our model." Mrs.Hood starts clapping and everyone joins in. "Turn in your sketches when you walk out the door."
I jump from the seat and almost loose my balance. I steady myself and start walking towards my easel. I pack my pencils up that I didn't even use. I guess I'll draw something later.
I turn and look at Calvin's drawing of me. It's good. "You did a good job, Calvin." I praise him.
"Thanks but how could I do wrong with such a beautiful model." He says in a deep voice strangely close to Hunter's with a smirk.
I burst out laughing. "Nice impression." I high-five him. I look at a grinning Hunter. "Why are you grinning?"
His eyes just move slowly to his sketch. I look at it in confusion and then anger. "That's not what I was doing at all."
"It's what I was envisioning you doing though." He draws out.
"How did you even do that?" I grumble.
"I've seen what you look like when you do it so I just pictured it and went with it." He shrugs packing up his things.
"Why were you staring at me chest the whole time?" I glare at him.
"Oh I was already finished and I was seeing if you'd notice. I guess you can feel my gaze on you." He chuckles and I raise my arm to slap him when Mrs.Hood's voice calls out, "Miss.Montgomery, what are you doing?" She asks with a serious face but I see a hint of laughter in her eyes.
"I was going to slap him." I said looking at her as if daring her to stop me. I feel everyone's eyes on me.
"As I'm sure Mr.Wolfert deserves it however, I'll ask of you to refrain from slapping him until the bell rings. Also I would like to see Mr.Wolfert's sketch." She starts making her way over to us.
I start to panic and jump in front of him. "Oh um yeah Mrs.Hood, I don't think you want to see it."
"Of course I do. Now let me see." She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
"Of course Fawn, she is the art teacher and I did draw something." Hunter pushes me away gently and I hear mumbled laughter around us. He hands her the paper and I hang my head in shame.
"Hmmm. This is a very good sketch however if you can I'd appreciate it if you would stick to school appropriate poses." Mrs.Hood finally announces.
"I'm sorry Mrs.Hood. I guess I let my imagination run wild." Hunter apologizes sarcastically and on the verge of laughter.
"Oh I see. Imagination." She chuckles and walks off.
"I hate you so much." I grumble and sit down with a huff.
"Yeah yeah I know. You've only told me that a hundred times." He grins and sits down.
We sit in silence I just can't get it out of my head. The sketch is of me with bed head with my glasses in the middle of my nose. I'm looking at something next to me and my lips are parted and big as if I had just had an intense make out session with someone. Not only that but I'm wearing my black low cut cami. I'm lucky he didn't finish it because I'm defiantly sure he would have his bedroom and me on the bed.
The bell rings and I slap him hard on his arm. He doesn't even flinch even when everyone else in the room did. "That's for the sketch." I growl and stalk out.
I storm to my locker and throw my books in it and slam it shut. "Aww is little miss slut mad?" A high pitch annoying voice says in my ear. I shut my eyes and begin to count to ten. I don't even reach three before she stars talking again. "I'm surprised anyone in this school likes you."
"What's you're name again?" I ask politely.
"Melanie." She sneers.
"Well Melanie, unlike you I have personality and people actually like that in a person even more so than knowing how wide someone can spread her legs." I say in a cheerful voice. "However you make sure you have a good day." I storm down the hallway and into the parking lot.
I look to my car and see Calvin sitting in it. I grimace and approach it. I get in and buckle. I look to see if he's buckled.
"Alright. Let's head to work." I grin and pull out of the school. "How was your day?"
"It was amazing I had this girl in my bed this morning. It was great until she decided that she would rather go to school then stay in bed with me." A deep all to familiar voice says behind me.
I jump from the shock and from his breath on the back of my neck. We swerve on the road a little but I steady it. "Why are you in my car?" I grit out.
"You brought me to school and I don't have my car with me so you're stuck with me." He grins and leans back in the seat getting comfortable.
"Go hitch a ride with someone else."
"Nope. I'd rather be with you."
"Well I'm going to work so unless you want to follow me around while I rearrange books and talk to customers then I advice you to catch a ride with someone."
"I like the sound of that following you around."
"Whatever." I roll my eyes and pull into the mall. I get out and wait till they're both out of it before I lock it and put my keys in my bag.
"This is going to be so fun." Calvin giggles sarcastically.
"Do you think Mrs.Thornton will mind?" I ask worriedly.
"Mrs.Thornton loves me." Hunter interrupts and grabs my hand. I try pulling away but he just holds on tighter. I groan and just give up. I let my hand go limp and all he's doing is holding it in not holding his. I'll wait until he thinks I'm good and he loosens his grip and then I'll rip his hand out of my own.
We walk through the mall to 'Story Heaven' and walk through the door. Mrs.Thornton is working the counter and her dark brown hair is flying all around her face from the bun she has in.
"Hello, Mrs.Thornton." I wave and smile.
"Hey, Dotty." Calvin grins.
"Fawn call me Dotty. Mrs.Thornton is a pretty old name isn't it?" She smiles and walks out from behind the counter. She stops before us and looks at Hunter and her gaze travels down to our linked hands.
At this moment I decide to rip my hand out of his grip. He chuckles and grabs my hips and wraps his arms around my waist from the back. I grumble at him and he just keeps chuckling.
"Well uh yes, why weren't you here yesterday?" She asks with an almost knowing look in her eyes.
"This big gorilla thingy had me locked up in his room and I jumped on his bed and fell off it and hurt my head." I glare at Hunter while he just smirks wider. I look at Calvin and Dotty's reactions and they're looking at us mouth open. I blush. "Not like that."
"She squirted soap in my mouth, so I cornered her and she fainted. So I did the gentlemanly thing and took her to my room to lay down. When she woke up she was shocked and then jumped up on the bed I was trying to calm her down and she got tripped by one of the covers and I caught her but she squirmed out of my grip and hit her head. So I took her to the doctor and he said she didn't have a concussion just a goose egg and told me to let her rest. She woke up today and wanted to go to school." Hunter says quietly.
"Oh well that clears up everything." Calvin says sarcastically.
"Um alright. Apparently he wants to stay here and watch me work. Is that ok. I mean it's alright if you say no. I'd actually be happy with the no response." I smile at her while I'm babbling on.
"Yes! Sorry Hunter but, you gotta go." Turn to him with a triumphant grin on my face.
"-problem at all." Mrs.Thornton finishes.
My face falls and I look at a grinning Hunter. "Greatly appreciated, Mrs.Thornton."
"I've told you to call me Dotty, Hunter."
"You don't deserve to call her Dotty. I wish you'd just take a good long walk off a very short dock. I bet all dogs hate you because you're ugly...alright you're not ugly but you're mean. Yeah they hate you cause you're mean. I hope one of them bites you hard on your rear end. Then you'd understand how much of a pain you are in my rear end." I mutter under my breath while straightening books in one of the bookshelves.
I feel a sharp pain on my butt and I yelp. "Pain in your rear end, huh?" His deep velvety voice says.
"Don't touch me. I'll report you for sexual harassment." I glare and rub my butt where he pinched me.
He looks at me in amusement and chuckles. "You weren't saying don't touch me this morning."
I flush red and duck away from him. "Go sit in that chair and read. That is if you know how." I snicker to myself.
"Real funny, Fawn." I watch him walk to one of the comfy chairs and plop down on it. I almost start laughing when he wiggles around to get comfortable. He then reaches into his book bag and pulls out a sketch pad and pencil. He lays them on the small table and winks at me before lowering his head into his drawing.
I look away and at Calvin. "You want to work register or do you want me to?" I ask.
"I had my fair share of it yesterday." I laugh and he walks off.
That's pretty much how the next three hours went. Me working the register, Calvin helping people find books, and Hunter drawing something that he wouldn't let me look at.
"Alright you three, out of my shop before I get the broom." Mrs.Thornton shoos us.
"Hurry up she actually has a broom." Calvin says seriously.
I turn and hug her and we walk out of the store. I start jogging to 'Mac's Ice Cream'
"Hey Mac." I call out.
He emerges from the kitchen door. His face erupts in a huge smile. "How's my new/old regular?"
"Great. How's your day been?" I ask and lean on the counter.
"This old woman walked in here today and had the audacity to order just plain vanilla. I mean I only gave it to her because she was old and had this huge bag. I'm not kidding when I say huge. It could probably fit me in it. But anyway if I ever get that old to just ask for plain vanilla ice cream put me out of my misery." He goes off.
"Well Mac I understand your view point but think about hers. She wanted just the plain scrumptious taste of vanilla without other things covering it up." I reason with him.
He looks at me hard in the eye and then his face relaxes into a smile. "I knew I like you more than just always getting ice cream everyday. Wow I would have never thought about it like that."
"Yeah or like you said she was too far gone." I laugh and he erupts in his booming laugh making his customers chuckle a little.
"Alright little lady, what will it be today?" He asks.
"Just cookie dough." I smile.
"No extra small." I say with a serious face.
His smile drops and he looks me in the eye."Are you ok,Fawn?"
"I'm just kidding. Of course large." I laugh.
"You got me this time, next time I'll get you." He booms and walks into the kitchen to get my order.
I hear the store door open with a ding. I turn around and say, "Did you know you can't look someone in both eyes at the same time? Unless you look at the bridge of their nose but that's not looking at their eyes."
"That's very interesting, Fawn." Hunter smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.
"I wasn't talking to you." I grumble and try to squirm out of his embrace.
"To bad because I was talking to you." He nuzzles into my neck.
Right then Mac walks out with my ice cream and I about jump over the counter at him to get my ice cream but Hunter was holding me back.
"Slow down there tiger." He chuckles and so does Mac.
"Shut up." I look at Mac and start to pull out my money when a hand stops me and Hunter hands over his credit card. I glare at him and try to snatch it from his hand but he already handed it over to Mac.
Mac smiles and hands over my ice cream and Hunter grabs it and holds it high above his head. I look at him with my mouth hung open.
"Give me back my ice cream." I say calmly almost bursting with rage.
"Your ice cream? I payed for this so it's mine." He chuckles.
I glare and kick him in his thigh close to his area and he groans and when he's bent over I grab my ice cream and run behind the counter and behind Mac.
"You kicked my in my groin." Hunter growls.
"No I kicked you close to your groin. It makes you think you got kicked there but I didn't kick you there." I explain and start eating my ice cream.
"Mac can you kindly move over." Hunter almost growls.
"Now you aren't going to hurt her are you?" Mac asks nervously. I look at Mac in shock. How is he nervous of Hunter?
"I would never." Hunter grins. Mac steps aside. "Fawn, let's go."
"No." I pout and eat my ice cream.
He walks around the counter and picks me up in his arms like a baby. "Let me go." I shriek.
"I'd rather not. Come on Calvin. We have to take you home right?" Hunter asks while walking out of the store.
"Uh yeah." Calvin says.
"Alright you get shotgun and I'll drive. Miss. Kicky is sitting in the back." He bops my nose.
"It's my car." I grumble while we're walking out of the mall.
"You're grounded. No car for the day." Hunter laughs.
"I fear for your children." I growl at him but continue to eat my ice cream.
"They're going to be your kids too." He mumbles. I look at him in shock. What did he just say?
He puts me in the back seat and buckles me in. He and Calvin get in the front seats and he starts the car. Just then I finish my ice cream and throw it at Hunter's head.
He doesn't even flinch. He just keeps driving. I get bored and doze off.

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