Chapter 9

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Fawn's P.O.V
"I can't believe the nerve of that guy." I groan while throwing my stuff on the counter.
"Huh?" Calvin asks.
"Are you serious?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him.
"Oh yeah you and Hunter." He mumbles.
"Yeah and also that he gave me a hickey and then the gym clothes and then how he humiliated Ron and how he didn't even help me with that guy." I gasp and start flinging my arms all around.
"Stop moving or you'll poke someone's eye out." Calvin says and grabs my wrist and puts it on the counter.
"Are you dodging my questions?" I ask skeptically.
"I don't know. I have other problems on my mind, Fawn." He snaps at me and walks away.
My mouth pops open in shock and surprise. I quickly shut it then look down and glare at the counter. That was extremely rude I mean he's the one that asked me how my day was going and when I tell him he snaps at me.
"Um excuse me can you help me?" A voice asks. I look up to see a younger girl about six or seven with a small teddy bear in her arms.
I smile down at her. I walk out from behind the counter and crouch down to her height. "Sure, sweetheart. What do you need?" I ask.
"Do you have the book with the mermaid?" She asks.
I look at her trying to figure out which one she's talking about but then it dawns on me. "The Little Mermaid?"
"Yes!" She says excitedly.
"Of course we have The Little Mermaid. What kind of bookstore doesn't have The Little Mermaid?" I tease her.
"A not very good one." She smiles and follows me to the children section.
I rub my chin as if debating on where it is. Even though I knew exactly where it was. I can just feel the waves of excitement rolling off her. I then gasp in surprise and reach out to take the book. I smile down at her and hand her the book.
She takes it and squeals. Then she looks down at the cover and frowns. She starts crying.
I look at her confused but quickly bend down and wrap her in my arms. "Shhh. What's wrong, sweetheart?" I ask in a soothing voice.
"I-I can't r-read." She sobs and buries her face into my neck.
"It's alright. I can read it to you." I say while rocking her back and forth.
She sniffles and pulls back to look at me. "Really?" She asks in aww with her with her bright blue eyes that were even more mesmerizing then before.
"Of course. First I have to ask my employee if he can take over the counter." I smile and her and move to let her go when she nuzzles more into me. I smile even more and pick her up when I get up. I switch her to my hip so it's easy to walk with her.
I walk until I find Calvin with his nose stuck in a book. "Can you run the counter while I do something?" I ask as icy as possible.
He looks up and me holding the girl and sighs really loud. "Fine." He says and walks away from us. I glare at his back and sit down where he was sitting. I move his book away from me and settle the girl on my lap. I smile down at her reassuringly.
"I never did get your name." I say.
"Gwendolyn. What's your name?" She asks.
"My names Fawn. I like your name." I say while she blushes. "Let's start the book." I smile at her.
She smiles back and snuggles up closer to me. I start the book and she giggles when I imitate the sisters voices. When I finish the book she had fallen asleep on me with her thumb in her mouth.
I didn't want to wake her so I grab my phone and text Calvin.
F- Do you know who this little girl is?
It takes him about five minutes to finally text back.
C- Yeah
F- Do you know who her parents are?
C- Doesn't have any
F- Then how did she get here?
C- How am I supposed to know?
F- Maybe if you weren't such a meany then you would know.
C- Me not knowing has nothing to do with my attitude.
F- Whatever
C- She probably walked here
F- I thought you didn't know how she got here
C- I answered your question didn't I?
F- Fine. But what am I supposed to do?
C- Our shift is over in two minutes so you can take her to where she lives.
F- But I don't want to wake her up.
C- Fine then I will come with you to take her there
I groan and rub my head. He is so annoying. I mean what the actual heck is going on with him. One minute he's perfect and we go to school and then even in school he is fine but since last hour he has been a real moody person. Is it me or him? Most defiantly him. I haven't done anything wrong.
"Come on." Calvin says in a bored look.
"How about you just tell me where it is so you don't have to spend another minute with me. Because we all know that you don't want to have anything to do with me." I snap at him.
He opens his mouth to say something then a look flashes across his face and he snaps it shut. "I'm sorry." He says guilty.
"You better be." I glare at him. I then soften up. "What is going on with you?"
"Just things that I can't tell you about." He sighs defeated.
"Is it anything life threatening?" I ask.
"Not really." He shrugs.
"Alright. But I would like to know in the future." I say and carefully stand up with Gwendolyn.
"Trust me you'll know sooner rather then later." He mutters. I look at him confused but then shake it off. "Really I can take Gwendolyn myself you don't have to come." He says reaching for her.
I back away and glare at him. "She doesn't even know you. How did you know her name?" I ask.
He averts his eyes from me and twitches. "You told me."
"I don't remember....."
"It doesn't matter. I can take her."
"No. Like I said before she doesn't know you. What if she wakes up and I'm not there she'll think you're a kidnapper." I say imagining what would happen. She would probably scream and start hitting him with something and jump out of the car.
"Fine." He huffs. "He's so going to kill me." He mutters.
"Who's going to kill you?" I ask.
"Uh. No one." He says and we walk out of the mall.
We get to my car and he gets in the drivers seat and I put Gwendolyn in the back and buckle her up. I then get in the passenger seat and buckle up. I wait for him to buckle up before I give him the keys. He huffs and starts the car.
We head the way back to my house but where the split is he goes the other way. I sit up straighter in my seat curious to what's there.
He keeps driving often mumbling to himself. About ten minutes of driving with nothing but forest surrounding the road we get to a dirt road. Another five minutes and I see a gigantic house. My mouth falls open in aw. It's so beautiful there are a lot of people walking around I see a lot of people from the school. They give us curious looks.
Calvin parks the car and gets out. I get out too. I open the back and gently pick Gwendolyn up. I softly shut the door and turn around Calvin is next to me handing his head concentration.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh nothing I'm just going to get killed in a few seconds." He smiles.
I start to ask him why when the door to the house slams open and out comes Hunter in just low shorts. He storms up to us. I try not to stare at him. He is just so gorgeous.
"Why the fuck would you bring her here?" He screams at Calvin.
"She wanted to take Gwendolyn home." Calvin says in a official voice.
"And why couldn't you just bring her here instead of Fawn coming also? I told you not to let her come here. And yet you disobeyed me." He growls out.
"I told him to take me." I say. "And please be quiet Gwendolyn is sleeping." I say in a soft voice while Gwendolyn starts stirring.
"I will be as loud as I want to be, Fawn. You shouldn't even be here." He yells.
I take a step back when a feeling washes over me. Rejection. He doesn't want me here. Well to bad I'm already here. I glare at him. I carefully give Gwendolyn to Calvin and walk up to Hunter. "You know what? I don't like your tone of voice." I stand with my hands on my hips.
"You know what? I don't give a flying fuck." He growls at me.
I push him back with a hard jab of my finger. "Don't you curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap." I glare at him. "There are children here." I gesture to the crowd around us. Some of them are in fact children.
"You think I care? I don't give a shit." He says in a threatening tone.
I swing my leg out and kick his legs from under him and jump on him while he's on the ground. I quickly grab the little bottle of soap in my pocket. The container is actually a hand sanitizer but I replaced it with soap a long time ago. I force his mouth open and squirt some of it in his mouth and shut it. I quickly jump off him and stand a few feet back.
He jumps up and starts spitting the soap out of his mouth and gagging. I hear laughing from behind me and I turn to see Gwendolyn and most of the kids cracking up. The older adults are staring at me with horrified faces and some filled with sympathy towards me.
I'm confused and turn around to see a female hand Hunter a glass of water. He grabs it a takes a mouthful and swishes it in his mouth and then spits it out he does this for awhile, all the time glaring at me. The laughter stops and I begin to get nervous. I shouldn't have done that. That was a stupid mistake.
Finally he stops and hands the glass to a random person. They scurry away. He smiles a scary smile at me. He then straightens up. "Calvin will you please take Gwendolyn back to the orphanage?"
"Yes." Calvin says while nodding his head he gives me a sympathetic look and walks off.
"Everyone else, leave." His booming voice says. They all run off. So it's just me and Hunter standing there. He then turns to me and smirks. He starts walking towards me while jiggling his finger. "Tsk Tsk. Now Fawn, you embarrassed me in front of everyone. You embarrassed me in front of the gym class. And also you almost broke my arm. You also poured soap in my mouth. Now how many things is that? Oh yes four. So I think you should get four punishments." He says and when he finishes I'm backed up into the car. I try to dart away but he gets there before I can. He cages me in with his arms and I beat on his chest he doesn't even flinch. He then starts laughing. I get mad and kick him where the sun don't shine. He crumbles to the ground holding himself.
I start running but not even thirty seconds later arms are wrapped around me and I'm thrown over his shoulder. I start kicking and twisting trying to get out of his grip he tightens his hold and slaps my butt. "I like the view."
"Oh my gosh. Let me go. Help me!!! Help me!!! Get this pervert off me" I start screaming.
I'm thrown down on something and I bounce a few times before I stop. I look around and see I'm in a bedroom. And since I can smell Hunter's cologne all around it. I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's Hunter's. I see him over by the door locking it. He then puts the key on the dresser and starts advancing towards me.
I scurry back as far as I can and stare horrified at him. "I am not a pervert." He growls. He looks to angry and I start getting scared.
"Y-yes you a-re." I stutter.
"How?" He stops and looks at me confused.
"You touched me two times without my permission. And not in a friendly manner in a sexual manner." I say and push up my glasses nervously.
He looks at me amused. He starts his advance towards me again. I curl up into a ball. I wait for him to do something. I feel his hands gently pull my arms away from my knees and he pushes me so I'm laying on the bed on my back. He gets on top of me. He smirks down at me.
I try moving away from him but he doesn't budge I then try to kick again but he quickly pins my legs together with his own. "Fawn. Fawn. Fawn." He mutters while grinning. "What am I going to do with you?"
"You could let me go." I say hopefully.
"And where's the fun in that?" He smirks. "Now you did four things to me that made me very angry I think you should be punished." He says.
"Well I don't think I should. Because you deserved everything." I glare at him.
"You're so sexy when you're mad." He chuckles deeply. I stay blushing madly. "Awwww you're even blushing." He traces my cheek with his finger. He starts leaning down and I turn my face away and he kisses my cheek instead. He pulls back and I can see the anger in his eyes again. He roughly takes hold of my chin and then he brings his lips down. I see sparks behind my eyes. His touch softens and bites my bottom lip and I gasp at the contact. He then slips his tongue in my mouth. It feels weird but then it feels amazing. He breaks away and I stare at him.
He growls. "Kiss me." It's then that I realized I didn't kiss him at all. I look at him uncertain. He growls at me again and I quickly kiss his cheek embarrassed. He turns his head so my lips aren't on his cheek they are on his lips. I start to pull back but his hand pushes me closer and I then start kissing him he doesn't move he doesn't even breath. I pull back but then his lips crash down on me again. I get lost in the feeling of his lips on me.
I feel his hands start to move around they go to my hips and start to roam around its when he gets to the sides of my stomach when I jerk back. He looks at me confused and then he starts to smirk.
"Is someone ticklish?" He grins.
"N-no." I stutter.
"I think you are. Let's test that theory." He grins and begins digging his fingers in my sides. I start laughing uncontrollably. "Now say that I'm not a pervert and that I have the most gorgeous body ever created." He says.
"No." I scream out tears coming out of my eyes.
"Say it and I'll stop." He says.
"Fine." He stops and looks at me waiting. "Hunter is a pervert and has the ugliest body ever created." I say and try to roll out of his grip.
He grabs me. "Now that wasn't very nice. I'm going to die of heartbreak." He says and clutches his chest. He falls on me. I roll him off laughing. He doesn't move. I start getting up ready to grab the key and make a run for it but he still isn't moving. I look at him wondering if it's a trick. I wait for him to start breathing but, he doesn't. I start panicking.
I run towards him and climb on top of him and pushing on his chest trying to make him breath he doesn't. I open his mouth and blow air into it and start pushing his chest he still doesn't move or breath. I start crying. "Hunter. Oh my god, Hunter. You're not a pervert and you have the most gorgeous body ever created. Hunter. Please breath. Please, Hunter." I start going hysterical.
"Why thank you. I think you have a pretty good body yourself." He sits up on his elbows and grins at me.
"Oh my god, Hunter." I shout and jump on him.
"Now that's what I like to hear. You shouting my name." He smirks.
I look at him shocked and then I start hitting his chest. "You scared me. I thought you were dead."
"Ouch. Okay I'm sorry. Ouch. Hey I said I was sorry." He pins my fists to his chest. "For such a tiny girl you pack a mean punch." He chuckles. I don't I glare at him. He then looks at me and his eyes soften. He wipes away my tears. "Aww you cried to for me. Wow you are so gullible." He laughs.
"Shut up." I mumble suddenly feeling tired.
"Are you tired?" He asks. I nod my head. He moves me so he's behind me on his side and I'm in front of him on my side. He wraps his arms around me. My back is pressed against his chest. I don't like that position so I turn and my chest is against his chest and it starts to get dark. "Go to sleep, little one." I hear before I fall down into the dark.

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