Chapter 8

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Fawn's P.O.V
"GET UP, CALVIN!!!" I yell in his ear. I quickly jump away from him.
His eyes shoot open and he jumps up on the bed. He jumped to fast and he falls on his face.
I double over laughing. I have tears coming out of my eyes and I don't notice Calvin sneaking up behind me.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!! Help me!!!" I scream while Calvin digs his fingers into my sides.
"Why did you wake me up at," he looks at my alarm clock, "5:45!" He yells.
"I'm----going--to-to pee!" I try to get out.
"I don't care. Why would you wake me up this early?" He asks calmly almost to calmly for a person on top of another person trying to tickle the pee out of that said person.
"Let me up! Please!" I yell laughing.
"Fine." He lets go of me and stands up like nothing just happened.
I groan and roll over and stand up. "It's time to get ready for school." I say.
"Who gets up at 5:45 to get ready for school?" Calvin asks.
Just then Vivian barges into my room with her green face mask on holding a straightener in the other. She's wear a fluffy pink robe. She has half of her hair straightened and the rest in a bun at the top of her head. "I get up this early. Actually I get up earlier." She says.
"Why?" Calvin asks disgusted.
"Well some of us aren't naturally beautiful we have to strive for our looks." Vivian yells and runs out of the room after slamming my door.
"You shouldn't have said that." I mumble.
"What did I say?" Calvin asks clearly confused.
"In junior high she wasn't always this popular and always this perfect. She has braces, glasses, and she hadn't lost her baby fat yet. But the summer she got her braces off she begged mom to get her contacts. Finally mom complied and got her the contacts. That summer she worked at diary queen and followed this workout and diet routine. So when school came around she had saved enough money to throw out all her old clothes and went on a major shopping spree with my mom. She got a whole new wardrobe, makeup, heating products, and all these face thingys. She still is a little self-conscious about how she looks or how she acts. She built this wall up that summer. She doesn't let anyone in expect for the family. I sometimes forget the walls there when we hang out just us but when someone walks up to us you can see in her body and most of all her eyes. I'm trying to tear down the wall. It hasn't worked yet, I'm afraid." I tell him the story.
He just listens with his mouth open. He then grunts and clears his throat. "So why do you get up this early?" He asks.
"What you think it doesn't take time for me to look like I look?" I asked shocked.
"Sweetie all you do is maybe comb your hair and throw random clothes on. And that's a maybe on the combing of the hair." He smirks.
"That is totally not true." I gasps at him. "I get up and go to the bathroom, I then wash my hair, then I put my clothes on, then I read while my hair is drying, then I go downstairs and eat, then I come back upstairs and brush my teeth and freshen up. And finally I walk out of the house." I say.
"Ha you didn't say you combed your hair!" He points out.
"Oh shut up." I groan and walk out of my room. I then do exactly what I told Calvin I was going to do. But I walk into my room and stand in front of him and comb my hair while he laughs.
Finally I'm ready  in a tank top floral blue dress that goes to mid thigh on me. I slip on my black flats. Calvin has been ready for the past hour or so.
I check my phone, 7:27. Alright time for breakfast. I grab Calvin and we run downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and sit down at the counter.
"You look nice sweetie." Mom says from behind me.
"Yeah you do. Do you have a fever?" Vivian asks coming over and putting her hand on my forehead.
I slap her hand away and glare at her. "No I don't have a fever. I just had a feeling to wear something nice to school today." I look over at Calvin in jogging sweats and a black muscle shirt. "Unlike some people."
Calvin looks taken back. " I don't look dressed up?" He asks shocked. He looks down at his outfit and grumbles. "I was going for black tie material." He says.
I burst out laughing. He grins at my obnoxious laugh. I finish my food and run back upstairs and brush my teeth and grab my backpack. I check my phone again, 7:47.
We all head out to my car. Calvin hops in the front seat and Vivian slides into the back. I wait for the click of the seat belts and then I start up the car.
We drive in silence and I pull up to the spot where I have been parking for the last week.
"Uh...Fawn. I don't think you should park here today." Calvin says nervously.
"Why not?" I ask and turn off the car. I turn towards him. He has worry in his eyes.
"Because this spot is actually reserved for someone." He says.
"Oh." I look around for a sign saying so. I don't see any. "I don't see any sign."
"Well there isn't one. But like its an unwritten rule that this is someone's parking place."
"Well I've been parking here for a week and no one has directly come up to me saying that, that is their spot and to please move it. So I will not do that until someone does just that." I say and get out of the car.
"Please, Fawn." Calvin says in a weird voice.
"It's not like the person is going to kill me over using their parking place, Calvin." I reassure him.
His eyes only get wider and he gulps loudly. I shake my head and turn to walk into the school. I hear Calvin come up behind me. "It's nothing to worry your pretty little head about." I say in a Texan accent and ruffle his hair.
He glares at me and fixes his hair. "Alright see you in AP Psychology." Calvin says and walks away.
I start walking down the hallway to my locker. I don't know why but today is looking up to be a good day for some reason.
The bell rings and finally it's free period a whole period just to hang out with Calvin. I quickly get up and walk to my locker. I start day dreaming and when I finally look up I see the halls are empty. Shoot I don't know where Calvin is. Maybe we are going back to the tree. I smile and start heading for the doors.
A strong arm suddenly wraps itself around my waist. I feel tingles where it touches me. I'm pulled into a empty classroom. The lights are off and the blinds shut. The arm let's go of me but I still feel the tingles.
"Is that you Calvin?" I ask smiling.
I hear a low growl and then I pushed up against the wall. I squeak out. "Mine." The person says.
"Huh?" I ask.
"Who is Calvin?" A low husky voice says.
Tingles go all over me where the stranger is touching me. "Get off me or I'll scream." I warn. My brain is saying to get out of there but something else is saying to stay in this person's embrace.
"Oh yeah you'll scream alright. My name." I see him smirk and hear him chuckle. "It's Hunter by the way." He winks.
I look at him confused. I don't get the joke. "Okay Hunter. Can you please let me go?" I ask as nicely as possible.
"Why would I do that when I'm finally alone with you?" He asks and dips his head to my neck. He begins kissing my neck.
My brain shuts off and I lightly moan. He apparently hears and smirks. That makes me come back to reality. There is a stranger kissing your neck and you aren't doing anything about it.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"Hmmmm. For what, sweetheart?" He asks.
I push him off me and kick his feet from under him and as he's falling I flip him on his back. "Bye." I step over him quickly and run outside.
There's Calvin leaning on the tree. I run over to him and land on him with a thud. His eyes snap open and he grins at me. "Where were you?" He asks then looks at my neck. "And how the hell did you get that?" He asks shocked.
"It's not nice to curse." I glare at him.
"And it's not nice to share secrets from your best friend." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused. He hands me his phone with the camera on. I look at myself and see something purple on my neck. That meany gave me a hickey. I give Calvin his phone back and I feel my face heat up.
"Spill." He says excitedly. So I tell him about the crazy stranger. "Wait. What was his name?" He asks with his eyes wide.
"Hunter." I say. Calvin's mouth pops open. "Why do you know him?" I ask.
" I don't know him." He says quickly then cups his ear. "That's the bell we got to go to class. Come on." He says and drags me up. I decide to let the matter drop.
I move my hair over my shoulders so no one can see the hickey. We walk into the class and the teacher asks me to come up to her desk.
"Mrs. Montgomery." My photography teacher says.
"Yes, Ma'am." I say politely.
"Can you please come here and bring your camera up also?" She asks. I nod and turn to get my camera out of my book bag. I grab it and walk up to her. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I walk.
I hand her my camera and she looks at my pictures she gasps at some but I don't know if it's a good or bad gasp. After awhile she puts down the camera and looks at me straight in the eye. I start fiddling with the bottom of my dress.
"Mrs. Montgomery, do you know what you are?" She asks.
"I know the photos aren't that good, I'm sorry." I hang my head in shame.
"What are you saying girl? These photos are amazing! I especially love the one where you got that boy's face in the light just right and the two paths. These are professional photos." She praises.
"They aren't that good. They aren't in good quality." My cheeks heat up.
"I don't want you to ever say that in front of me. You have raw talent. I've also seen your drawings. You are a pure artist." She says.
"Uh...Thank you." I say awkwardly.
She hands me my camera.
"Ah. Yes Mrs.Montgomery. Since this week is nothing but learning the basics for cameras, you are being transferred to gym." She says.
"Wait what?" I ask.
"You are going to gym class for this whole week." She says.
"But I don't have gym clothes." I say.
"I'm sure they have some. Now go before your late." She dismisses me.
I quickly run to the gym and go up to the gym teacher. "Hi I'm Fawn Montgomery. I'm apparently being moved to this class for the week." I say.
He looks down at his clip board. "Ah yes. There should be some old clothes in the girls locker room. Ask the girl gym teacher she should be in her office. He turns away from me and I walk in the locker room.
I feel the girl's eyes on me as I walk into the locker room. I quickly go to the office. I knock on the door and a lady opens the door and I walk in. "I'm Fawn Montgomery." I say.
"Yes I know, honey." She smiles warmly. She points to a gym outfit. "I'm sorry this is the only extra outfit for gym class." She says sympathetic.
I pick up the clothes. I smile at her and walk out of the office and quickly change. She comes out and looks at me worriedly. "Oh my." She gasp.
I look down and see what she's talking about. The t-shirt is two sizes to small. It's basically a crop top and emphasizes my chest more. The shorts are way above my thighs they are booty shorts. I gasp at my reflection.
" you have a cami?" She asks. I sadly shake my head no. "Well it's just for one day I'll put in a order for a outfit for you after class today." She says and we walk out of the locker room.
I throw my hair up in a quick pony tail since the t-shirt covers my neck. When we walk out all the conversation ends. I keep my gaze on the floor.
"They said I couldn't wear something like that and they're letting her. What a slut." I blonde hisses to her friend and they both laugh.
I hear wolf whistles from the guys. The teacher blows his whistle and everyone looks at him. "Today we are going to pla-." He gets cut off my a loud bang. Everyone looks at the boys locker room door where two guys walk out laughing and fooling around. "Nice of you to join us Hunter and Blake." He says.
Wait did he just say what I think he just said. Just then one of the guy's attention snaps to me. He looks me up and down and he clenches his hands in anger.
He turn toward the teacher. "Sir, I do not think she should be wearing that." He points at me.
The teacher looks at me and then back at the guy. "We didn't have another outfit, Hunter. So I'm sorry but she will have to wear the uniform for today." The teacher says.
Hunter just looks at her and clenches his jaw. "As I was saying before I got interrupted. We are playing dodgeball. Who would like to be team captains?" Hunter raises his hand and the blonde girl raises her hand also. The teacher nods to them. They step up to the front. "Alright pick your teams. Hunter you can go first." The teacher says.
Hunter locks eyes on me and grins. He points at me. "Her." He says.
Everyone looks at me. I hear a growl and all the boys look away but the girls look at me. I slowly walk up to where he is. He smirks at me and then pushed me behind him. When he touches me the tingles start again. I back out of his touch.
The blonde is shooting death glares at me and she picks her friend. Hunter then picks a boy named Blake. Blake comes over to us. And looks at me and smiles he offers his hand to me. I take it and I hear a growl and Blake takes his hand away. I look at him confused.
"I'm Blake." He says.
"I'm Fawn. Nice to meet you." I say politely.
He grins and turn back to the front. I see the picking is almost over all that is left is two awkward boys. It's Hunter's turn to pick.
He turns to me. "Fawn how about you pick the last person." He says.
"Uh." Is all I say.
He motions me in front of him and leans down. "Pick the last person on our team." He says huskily.
I shake him off and look at the guys. One is blonde and the other one is a ginger with freckles. I pick the ginger. He gets up and walks towards us. I smile at him and he smiles back but drops it when he looks behind me. I turn around to a glaring Hunter.
I huff and walk away from him following the ginger. I catch up to him. "Hey can I call you Ron?" I ask.
"Uh. Yeah that's my name so..." He says.
"No way. Really?" I ask.
"Yeah. It's actually Ronald but I go by Ron." He says.
"Oh that's so cool. I was going to calm you Ron off Harry Potter you know?" I explain.
He starts laughing. "Well I've never had anyone say that but I guess."
"Hello, Ronald." A voice comes up behind me. They put their hands on my shoulders. I feel the tingles. I squirm away from him.
"H-hi Alp-." Ron starts to say something but Hunter gives him a look. "Um. Hunter?" He asks uncertainly.
Hunter smiles and nods. He turns towards me. "You have a very unusual way of picking people for a dodgeball game. At least the other one could throw a ball." He says. Blake laughs behind him.
Ron's face heats up. I glare at him. "Maybe you should go and jump off a cliff. His name is Ron. You should learn some manners first off." I'm getting really mad. "Here's your first lesson." I dart forward and bend Hunter's arm behind his back. He goes to his knees. "Now apologize for talking about Ron like he wasn't right there in front of you. And for trying to embarrass him. Even though you embarrassed yourself." I command. I try to ignore the tingles.
"I'm not doing that." Hunter spits out. I push his arm a little harder.
"Say it or I'm breaking your arm and maybe after that I'll break your leg." I threaten.
"Fine. I'm sorry Ron for being mean to you. I will make sure to not hurt your feelings anymore and to not embarrass you." Hunter spits out. I hear gasps of surprise.
I look around to everyone looking at us. Even the teachers but they aren't doing anything about it. I quickly let go of his arm and jump back. "I'm sorry." I mutter.
"Uh. Yes. Uh. Go to your sides of the gym. Everyone with at least one hand on the bleachers." The teacher yells.
I quickly walk over to the bleachers with my head down.
"Wow. I can't believe you did that." Ron says shocked.
"Me too. He just got me so angry." I say and shut my eyes. Just then the whistle blows. I open my eyes to see Hunter staring at me. My cheeks heat up and I look down.
"That was so cool. No one has ever heard him ever apologize before. That was so awesome." He says jumping up and down.
Me and Ron just lean back on the bleachers talking. I look around to see that all that's left on our team is me,Ron,Blake, and Hunter. On the other side is the blonde her friend and this huge guy.
The big guy just got Blake out. Blake curses and stomps over to the sidelines. The blonde girl motions for the big guy to come over she whispers in his ear and points at me. He smiles and starts walking over to where me and Ron are.
Hunter is trying to get the blonde and her friend out but he doesn't notice that the big guy is coming. I start to panic and then I calm down. Ron starts running to the other side. I stand perfectly still. The big guy looks at me confused and then smiles. He throws the dodgeball at Ron getting him out. He then looks back at me. I stay perfectly still.
He starts laughing and cocks back his arms and aims at my face and I watch him let go of the ball. At the last second right before the ball hits me I take a step away it misses me. I smile at him.
His face gets bright red. He gets the ball again. And stops and watches me. I look over to where Hunter is. He got the blonde and her friend out. He's standing there watching us.
I scowl and turn back to the big guy to see a red thing coming I me. I crouch down. It barely misses me. I smirk at him. He growls and gets the ball. I stand up again. I control my breathing and calmly open my eyes to watch him. He's so angry I can see a purple vein on his forehead jutting out. I hear laughter around me.
I stick my tongue out at him. "Awww. Come on you almost got me that time." I mock. "Oh wait. That's right you missed. Let's see if you'll miss again." I say chuckling.
He squares up his shoulders and this time his wind up he puts more force into it. I'm kinda bored of this game so instead of dodging it I catch the ball. It's actually stings my hands but I push it away and smile at him.
"I think this means you lose." I mock.
His face gets kinda blue and he stomps his foot. His eyes change a color. I look at him closely but he turns around quickly.
Ron starts running towards me and hugs me. "You did it. You won!!" He says.
"Did you see his face?" I say laughing.
"I almost didn't think you were gonna win." He says.
"I could have won the first time he threw the ball. I just wanted to rile him up. Did you see his eyes? They like turned icy blue." I say.
"It was probably the lights." Hunter says coming up.
"I guess." I say then I glare at him.
"What?" He asks.
"You didn't even help me." I say.
"Well it seems as though you didn't need my help." He says.
"Still." I mumble and walk away. I hear him chuckle I get to the locker room and change back into my dress. I quickly put down my hair so no one can see the hickey. I scowl at no one in particular. Curse that guy.

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