Chapter 15

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Fawn's P.O.V.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
I'm awoken to taps on my balcony doors. I roll out of bed and walk to the glass doors to find out what the noise is. I open my doors and walk out looking down. I see a dark figure on the ground. I almost scream until I hear their voice.
"Fawn, I'm coming up." Hunter's voice says and I watch as he skillfully climbs the tree next to my balcony and jumps on it and walks in with me in my bedroom.
"What are you doing?" I hiss at him.
"Told you I'd see you later, babe." He grins at me.
"What if my parents catch you here?" I whisper yell.
"You have your door locked." He states. "Plus I was lonely without you sleeping next to me."
I look at him. "Me too." I finally say after a minute of just staring at him.
His face lights up and he picks me up and throws my on my bed. He throws his shirt and sweats off leaving him in just his boxers.
I'm a little dazed at being thrown on my bed but once I feel his arms wrap around me I automatically snuggle into him.
I slowly fall asleep but the last thing I hear before I fall asleep is his voice and peck to my forehead.
"Goodnight, my little vixen."
------------the morning-----------
"What the hell." A deep voice wakes me up from the best sleep I've ever had. I groan and try to roll over but I feel like I'm strapped down.
"Who the hell wakes up at six in the morning to go to school at eight?" The same husky voice growls out.
"Me." I smile up at his annoyed face.
"Where is your alarm?"
"Behind you." I laugh at him. He turns around and grabs my alarm clock and shuts it off.
He turns back to me and tightens his grip on my waist. "So where were we?"
"We were getting up." I smile and bop his nose.
"Or we could just stay here all day." He nuzzles into my neck.
"No. We have to go to school. I can't be late again." I say struggling to get out of his grip.
"My little goody two shoes." He grins down at me.
"I'm not a goody two shoes." I grit my teeth. I hate when people say that. Vivian always says it and it's so annoying. "So what if I don't like getting in trouble. I'd rather not get in trouble and have a better chance for college than to get in trouble and have a poor record and get turned down by a college for it."
"Woah there. I'm sorry I didn't know you would take offense to it." He tries to soothe me.
I jump out of bed and go to my closet. I throw his shirt off and pull on my light blue robe. I feel arms wrap around me from behind.
"I'm sorry, baby." Hunter says into my neck.
I try to shrug him off but he's not budging. "Get off. I have to take a shower."
"I think you smell just fine." He sniffs my neck.
"Ew get off." I push him off me. His eyes have a flash of hurt and he stumbles back. My posture softens and I look at him. "I got to take a shower and you got to go home and take one too and get a different pair of clothes on. I'll see you later alright?"
He grins while coming closer. He pulls me flush against his body. "Do you forgive me? Because I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just don't know anybody else who would actually want to go to school."
"I don't necessarily want to go to school. I just have to have good grades and attendance to get into a good college. So I guess I do forgive you because, that's probably what everyone's impression of me is." I explain.
"You know that a goody two shoes isn't anyone's impression of you, right?" Hunter laughs out loud.
"What do you mean?" I'm confused.
"Well their impression of you is that you're an intelligent badass."
"I'm still confused."
"They know you have impeccable grades but you've also made me apologize and you poured soap down my throat." His eyes kinda darken at the mention of those two things.
"You're not even scary or intimidating though." I challenge him with my eyes.
"Oh you don't think so." He smirks at me.
"Nope not at all." I grin towards him.
His fingers dig into my sides and I drop to the ground. He follows me down to the floor. I wriggle around on the ground trying to get away from him.
I feel cold air hit my leg. I stop and look down. My robe had fallen open just a bit and I'm not the only one who noticed. I look up to see Hunter's eyes are black. I'm slowly realizing that when they turn black it's from anger and I think like sexual feelings or something like that.
"I-I'm gonna u-uh take that sh-shower." I stutter trying to get away.
"Yeah tha.....that sounds like uh....good idea. I'll take you to" He gets up and I watch as his eyes go back to green.
"You'll have to take Vivian too." I say getting up.
"That's fine. I'll see you in a bit. You better hurry up with that shower. We just lost about twenty minutes." Hunter grins and walks out of the closet.
I follow him out of the closet and I see him sitting on the balcony rail. Right when he's about to jump out he turns and winks at me.
"I'd give you a kiss but I'm afraid we'd lose to much time." He jumps out chuckling.
I all but run to my shower. I have to take a quick one because of him. I jump out and decide to just towel dry my hair and throw up in a high messy bun.
I go to my room and put a pair of ripped skinny jeans with a silky long sleeve lavender shirt that has lace on its sleeves. I don't know why but I feel like dressing up a little. I paired my outfit with my black combat boots. I put a swipe of mascara on and put my silver camera necklace on.
I look at myself in the mirror. My acne is pretty clear so I don't want to clog my pores with some cover up. I decide I look fine and I grab my sketchbook and put it and a few books in my backpack. I start walking down stairs.
While I walk by Vivian's room I knock on it and peek my head in. She's grabbing her backpack too. She looks up and smiles at me.
I take note of her outfit. She's wearing a light burgundy dress that has random flowers on it. In the middle of it it has a black see through lace cut out all around her middle. It's a tank top dress so she paired it with a jean jacket with the sleeves being leather. She has her hair down and curled to perfection with only a swipe of mascara on also. She's wearing black wedged boots and she's also wearing a sliver rose necklace.
"Wow you look great. I told you, you didn't need any of that makeup." I gush out.
"You look amazing too. Why this sudden change of apparel?" She gives me a small knowing grin.
"I just felt like it alright. Stop badgering me. Come on we gotta eat something." I pull her down stairs with me.
"Hey mom." I say as I enter the kitchen.
"Hey sweeties. I made waffles, eggs, and sausage."
"Great. I'm starving." I say and grab me a plate pilled with food.
"Wheres dad?" Vivian asks.
"He just walked out the door." She says and we here the door open.
"Hey dad." I say still piling food into my mouth.
"Babe, I'm not your dad but you can call me daddy." Someone whispers in my ear. They straighten up and sit next to me at the bar.
"Oh hello, Hunter. Nice seeing you here. Are you hungry?" My mom asks.
"No, Mrs. Montgomery. I just ate but thank you anyway." He puts on his polite mask or whatever it is. He turns to me and smiles. "You look beautiful as always."
"Um.....thanks." I mumble out after I finish my food in my mouth. I look down and see I only had a bite left of my waffle and two sausages left. I finish them quickly and excuse myself to go brush my teeth.
I walk back downstairs and see Hunter standing and looking uncomfortable and my mom is giving him a scary calm threatening look. Vivian looks like she's about to pee herself from laughing.
"Do I make myself clear?" My moms voice asks.
"Y-yes uh...perfectly clear. Cry-crystal clear even." Hunter stutters.
"Good." My mom turns around and messes with my dishes.
"You guys ready?" I ask walking in.
"Yeah. Let's go. Nice seeing you again, Mrs. Montgomery." Hunter basically bolts to the door.
"I told you to call me Alexa." My moms singsong voice carries through to him.
"Uh...right Alexa." He says and opens the door for me and Vivian.
We get into my car and Hunter gets in on the drivers side. I grumble about getting in on the passengers side because it's my car. Hunter just grins and still proceeds to start the car.
We sit in the car for about a minute and it's full of blissful silence until my little sister had to open the vortex of obnoxious vocal vibrations.
"So you have a boyfriend now?" Vivian raises her eyebrow at Hunter's hand on my thigh.
I discretely try to move it while answering her question but his grip tightens when I try that and yelp before I answer her. I glare at his smirk. "No we're not dating. He's just an immature boy who is on the borderline of creepy and stalker personality."
"Aww babe you know just what to say." He pats my thigh.
"Get your hand off my thigh, perv." I push his hand away as we pull into the school parking lot.
"Maybe not dating but about to." Vivian mutters.
"Why does everyone say that? I only met him like a few days ago." I throw my hands up in the air.
"Some of them can just see were meant to be." Hunter smiles a crooked smile at me.
I blush and grab my backpack and sketchbook. I start walking towards the school's entrance when I feel him grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. He leads me to my locker and keeps my left hand in his hand never letting go.
"Hey when is volleyball practices start?" I ask him.
"Um I'm pretty sure the sign up meeting is today and practice tomorrow." He looks at me confused.
"Great. Where do I sign up?" I shut my locker and start up at him.
"During activity period." He says in a duh tone.
"Oh yeah I knew that." I grumble.
He laughs and pulls me to AP English. I look at him confused when he walks in the classroom with me. I grow even more confused when he sits beside me at my table.
"Hunter, you have to go to class." I whisper at him while the final bell rings.
"I am in class, doll." He gives me a sexy smirk.
Wait sexy? No not sexy just a regular smirk that he gives me all the time. Nothing for my heart to start beating rapidly. I swear he can hear my heart because his smirk grows.
"Glad to see you're in my class, Mr. Wolfert." The teacher smiles.
"Glad to be here." Hunter throws back casually.
"You sure you're ready for this? I mean I'm not trying to call you out but you were in the English class below before." The teacher says nervously.
"Oh that. I'm perfectly fine with the change. If I need any help I'll come to you or I could get someone else's help." His eyes shift to mine and I see them light up in mischief.
"Oh yes. Mrs. Montgomery, is top of the class here and was too in her class last year. I guess it's just luck that you sat next to her. Mrs. Montgomery, if it's no problem with you could you by chance help Mr. Wolfert if need be?" The teacher asks. All eyes turn to me.
"I mean if he really needs it I guess." I respond and slouched in my chair crossing my arms.
"Perfect." They clap their hands and turn back to the assignment on hand. "Alright today we're going to do a partner project. You'll be writing a one page paper over a topic that you will choose from my hat. Since we were just talking about a duo Mrs.Montgomery and Mr.Wolfert will partner up can one of you come up here and pick your topic?"
Hunter gets up and walks to the teachers desk. He reaches in and grabs a piece of paper and unfolds it.
He scowls angrily. "What kinda fucked up topic is this?" Everyone laughs and the teacher fidgets nervously.
"Um...what ever do you mean?"
"How is books a topic? I want to have a redo." He puts his hand back into the hat to grab another one but I intervene.
"Stop! Hunter stop that is the perfect topic. Get your big hand out of that hat and sit down." I yell out.
Hunter looks at me shocked but comes back to sit down. "Are you sure, Mrs. Montgomery?"
"Perfectly. However you didn't specify on the origin of the paper is it a argumentative paper, persuasive paper, or could it be our personal connection to the topic?" I ask my brain already ready to do the paper.
"Anything you want it to be." The teacher smiles and starts grouping people.
I turn towards Hunter excitedly. "This is just perfect. I love books! I have this paper already finished by now."
"Want do you mean? Books aren't a topic." He grumbles sourly.
"Yes it is Hunter. Think of it this way, this paper can be our thoughts towards the book. We can each put how we feel about books and how they make us feel." I explain to him.
His mouth pops open. "Alright I understand. We're going to get an A+ on this paper." He smiles and grabs my hand again.
"I'm counting on it." I grin back at him.
That's how the rest of the day went. Hunter continually made sexual advances or comments throughout the day and I found out he changed his schedule to have every class with me.
We walk in drawing class from gym with me laughing at Hunter's grumbling.
"Awww is big bad Hunter angry about something?" I ask while sitting down at my canvas.
"It's not fair." He grumbles again.
"Maybe if you actually knew how to play volleyball you would've maybe won." I laugh again at his glaring face turned towards me.
"How was I supposed to know its only three touches or whatever?" He throws his hands up in aspiration.
"The teacher did say that when she explained the game to everyone."
"You were talking to me the whole time."
"You're such a liar. If you would've stopped whispering things in my ear you would've known what to do." I gasp at him.
"Whatever. Oh yeah I don't sit here I gotta sit up in the front. Have fun staring at my body, babe." He winks and strides to the chair. "Not that you haven't stared at me already that is."
I blush and duck my head behind my canvas.
"Hey, Fawn. Can I sit beside you?" I look up to see Ethan's face.
"No you can't. That's my seat." Hunter says.
"And you're modeling so Ethan has every right to sit beside me. Yes, Ethan you can sit next to me. I might not talk a lot because I usually put my earphones in to block out the noise but I'll leave a earphone out for you if you want to talk." I say and grab my headphones out of my pocket.
"Hey Fawn. Have a nice time in gym?" Calvin asks from beside me.
"I did however some people in this class are sore losers and didn't like it at all." I raise my voice so Hunter can hear his scowl deepens at my comment.
"Alright everybody get to work on drawing, Mr. Wolfert. I don't want to rush anyone however you only have this class period to draw him so get as much as you can done. I'm not grading you on how much you've done but by your perception to him." Mrs. Hood says while clapping her hands together to get our attention.
I plug my headphones in and grab my bag of sketch pencils. I look at Hunter and he's scowling back at me. I cast my eyes down and take a breath before I look back up he's still staring deep in my eyes.
I shake myself and stare back trying to get a picture in my head of what I should do with his scowl. An idea pops in my head and I smile and look down and press play on my phone I start on the sketch while 'Wild Things' by Alessia Cara plays.
After about 20 minutes I have Hunter's body and scowl and facial features done and I start in on the background.
"Hey how far are you?" I hear Ethan whisper.
"I only have the background left." I say back not breaking eye contact with my sketch.
"Wow, Fawn. You never cease to amaze me with your talents." Ethan's sharp intake of breath makes me look up at him. His eyes are on my sketch and I lean back and try to look at it with someone else's eyes.
It's not finished but what I have right now could be presented as finished. I have Hunter standing in the middle of canvas with jeans and a button down shirt holding a slightly drooping rose scowling down at the flower.
"It's not finished I have to finish it." I say quietly. "Can I look at yours?"
"Yeah sure." He moves it so I can see it. It's just Hunter's body sitting on the chair nothing else. Hunter's right foot is slightly deformed where the heel and ankle connect. Ethan doesn't have Hunter's face yet.
"It looks great! Maybe a little less swoop on his right heel." I whisper back.
Ethan looks at his sketch and his mouth pops open. "I didn't even realize that I messed that up."
"You shouldn't be talking while drawing." Hunter's voice calls out.
"You shouldn't be talking while your modeling." I fire back.
He continues to scowl at me. I stick my tongue out at him and turn back to my work.
After about fifteen minutes I finish the background and I lean back and look at it with a lot of critique.
The sketch in whole is Hunter in jeans and a button down shirt and a drooping rose in his hands scowling at the rose. He's in a clearing in the forest but instead of it being bright and sunny and perfect it's raining and there's storm clouds all around him. Some lightening can be seen in the clouds. On the left hand corner where Hunter's back is there's a girl in a white dress however her hair covers her face and it looks like she's running towards him. Behind were she stands you can see the sun peeking a little out of the storm clouds.
I was going for the storm representing Hunter's mood and a girl in his life will soon give him happiness and joy. I shake my head at my work and start packing my stuff up.
"I really hope you're entering the art contest, Miss. Montgomery." Mrs. Hood says behind me.
"I don't know when it is and what I should be drawing." I say sheepishly.
"It's this Saturday. It'll be in the auditorium at 5 p.m. and you can just enter anything you want." Mrs. Hood says still staring at my sketch.
"Alright I'll get you a drawing before Friday then." I smile.
"May I use your sketch as an example?" She asks but she's already carefully grabbing my sketch and walking towards the front of the room.
"Students can I have your attention? First off you should begin to pack up we only have three more minutes. Second I'm going to show you someone's sketch and I'd like to hear your perception of it." She turns my drawing around
"That's beautiful."
"How the hell am I supposed to compete with that?"
"Damn that makes mine look like shit."
"I wish I could draw like that."
I hear everyone start to buzz around me. I blush a lot and I look up to Hunter gazing at me with an emotion in his eyes that I can't pinpoint. I look back at Mrs. Hood.
"So someone tell me what they think of it." She asks everyone.
"Well it's an amazing drawing I love how they incorporated Hunter's scowl and the changing weather together it's truly amazing." A girl that I don't know says.
"My thoughts exactly Helen." Mrs. Hood says and the bell rings she smiles. "Alright put you're drawing at the back o the room please. See you tomorrow everyone."
I get up and walk towards her. She hands me the drawing and smiles I smile a shy smile back and quickly pull a pencil out and write my signature on it and put it in the back of the class.
"That was amazing, Fawn. Breathtaking." Calvin hugs me and we walk out of the classroom I can feel Hunter following closely behind us.
We walk to mine and Calvin's locked and we deposit our things and head to our cars.
"I'll see you at work." I call out and get in the driver's seat of car waiting for Vivian to get out.
Hunter climbs in the passenger seat. I can feel him staring at me. "Is that how you really see me?"
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"The drawing. Is that how I look to you? Do I look broken and ever changing as a storm?" He ask.
"Not necessarily. To me you look like someone who has had a lot of responsibly given to you at a young age and you're used to having things go your way. However you don't really like when things don't go your way you probably always blame yourself for other people's actions. To me that just shows that you're an amazing person inside and out." I explain to him.
He opens his mouth to say something when Vivian opens the door and climbs in the backseat with two of her friends. Hunter shuts his mouth and grabs my hand while putting on his seatbelt.
I drive to the mall and Vivian and her friends leave real quick while me and Hunter slowly walk towards Storybook Heaven.
"Why are you coming with me?" I ask him quizzically.
"Cause I want to hang out with you and I might get a book and read while you're working." He grins and opens the door to the bookstore. He holds it open for me and I smile at him.
"Mr. Wolfert, nice to see you again. Two days in a row whatever has you coming back here?" Mrs. Thornton asks with her eyebrow raised.
I snort in my hand and Hunter flashes a charming smile. "Why it's you of course, Dotty."
"It's got nothing to do with my new employee?" She grins.
"I'm wounded. I just confessed my love towards you and you try to pawn me off to someone else." He clutches his chest dramatically. He straightens up and sends me a wicked grin. "But if she wishes to pawn me off on this young fair maid I wouldn't mind being pawned off."
I blush and grumble, "Go find a book and read."
"Aw of course malady." He salutes and walks off to the bookshelves. I just shake my head at him still smiling.
"He's a keeper." Dotty gestures to Hunter.
I smile politely and ponder that. I think I'm starting to like Hunter. Is that a bad thing?

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