9|➴Calm Before Storm➴

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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚✧

"Divya please na yar" Raunak holds Divya's hand from behind.

They're sitting on the park lawn when Raunak said something and she got up.

"Why do you have to go?" Divya's eyes welled up

Sighing, Raunak pulled her and she landed beside him.
"Trust me, it's important. Either I won't be leaving you" Raunak palmed her cheeks.

"Do you love me? I mean do you have any feelings for me?" Divya's straight forward question, stunt Raunak.

"I don't know if it's love or not but I do care for you. On other days when you don't come to university I feel so restless. I've never felt like this for anyone else "

Divya smiled as her eyes were pooling with water.

"I want honest confession when you come back from NewYork"

Raunak chuckled and wiped her cheeks.

"Isn't it too early ? I sometimes feel like yesterday we met, the boy was dragging you and you're cursing him. Behind you Rehana was running"

"Then my prince came and save me"

Divya hugged Raunak and felt his chest rambling as he was laughing.

"How is everyone at home?"  Raunak asked, tucking the loose hair strand behind her ears.

"All good. Abhi bhai joined the office today. And you know Mumma was inquiring  like a police officer when I told her I've to go to a friend's place. But Rehana saved me. I love that girl"

"Who is Rehana by the way? I mean what's her relationship to you all?"

"She is my badi maa's friend's daughter. Her parents died and she is living with us. The girl is full of joy. But introverts don't like talking with new people. Infact you know She even afraid to talk with Abhi bhai or Ayaan bhai freely." Divya chuckled and Raunak admired her smile.

Her hairs were falling back and forth whenever she was laughing hard. Her full blown smile, the kohl filled doe shaped eyes, her tiny forehead and the mole near her lips. She was wearing a pink kurti with knee cut jeans.

Raunak held her hand and she looked at him with a smile.
"Gonna miss you for one week," Raunak said, tracing his knuckles through her soft cheeks.

Divya looked at his eyes and saw the raw emotions dripping from his light brown orbs.

"Me too" Divya kissed his knuckles and he smiled at her.

"And ya" Divya turned and opened the zip of her backpack before bringing out some packets.

"This is for Mimmi and Diti" she handed him the packets and he looked at her with frown

"You never gifted me anything" Raunak pout and Divya pinched his cheeks.

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