70|➴Suhani's MasterPlan➴

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“Just do what I said Pritam” Suhani yelled and cut the call. She was taking deep breaths because of the continuous yelling.

“Suhani…  are you okay my baby?” Rekha came inside and hugged Suhani, she was worried for her daughter. She was behaving strangely nowadays.

“I am okay mumma. Don't worry”

“Why are you yelling? And at whom?” Rekha asked, caressing Suhani's cheeks, breaking the hug.

“I've a master plan to destroy  Ishani and Ayaan” Suhani hold Rekha's hand and smiled evilly.


“Yes.. Mumma.. A masterstroke”

“No you're not doing anything against them”

“Are you for real? Don't you know what that bitch did?” Suhani asked confusingly looking at her mother, who closed her eyes and sat down on the bed.

“Mumma.. Why are you turning soft towards that bitch who destroyed your happy marriage life?”

“She did nothing Suhani. She did nothing. She was the victim like me and you. It was your father and her mother's fault. Not her. We tortured her for the sins she never did Suhani” .

“Mumma are you for real? Do you forget that she stole Ayaan from me?” Suhani shook her mother's shoulders and tears rolled down from her eyes.

“She is my sister's daughter, Suhani. Your sister. My daughter”

“Mumma stop this bullshit” Suhani screamed getting up from the floor, fuming in anger.

“You won't do anything wrong in her life. I don't want to see you as a homewrecker like Lekha. You will never create anything between them.” Rekha got up, wiping her tears and giving a hard glare to her daughter as she left the room. While Suhani stood there dumbfounded, fuming in anger.

“Ahhh” She screamed and ran her fingers through her hair harshly.


“Ishani…  I've submitted your cv in our hospital” Ayaan said closing the laptop lid as Ishani came in front of him with a bowl of noodles, the only thing she could make.

Ayaan smiled, looking up at her  and pulled her on his lap.

“You made it?”

“Hmm.. The only thing I know apart from boiling water. Because they never let me enter inside the kitchen thinking I'll use the ingredients more than the require. Also whenever they're out for something…  this is the only food that helped me to survive”

Ayaan looked at her glistening eyes and snatched the bowl from her hand. Keeping it on the centre table before them he hugged her.

“what happened?” She asked, caressing Ayaan's hair with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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