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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚✧

"You here? " Hiya asked, unclasping the seat belt of the car after the elders left the duo to park the car.

"Yes. Maheen ma'am invited us last night" Vihaan replied, unbuckling his seat belt and then looking at her.

"Oh I was not informed about your arrival," Hiya said, looking down at her lap.

"Should we leave Hiya? Are you feeling uncomfortable seeing me and my mother? We can le... "

Hiya held Vihaan's hands to stop his brain's thought process and shook her head.
"No I didn't mean it. You two don't have to leave sir" Hiya smiled after taking back her hand over him.

"Happy Birthday Hiya. I wish the best for you" Vihaan said, giving her a box wrapped with paper and on the top of it her name was written with 'happy birthday'.

Hiya looked at his face then at the gift and shook her head. It was so rude of her as she was denying the gift but she can't take it from him. Not after what happened with his brother that day.

"Thank you sir. But I can't take the gift. " Hiya said and turned on her left to open the door when she felt the door was auto locked and she looked at her right side and found he was pressing the lock button.

She looked at him shockingly until he looked at her and their gazes met.
"Do you feel uncomfortable around me? Is there any problem? "


"No, tell me. It was all okay between us before I asked you to stay away from prem. I got it that after that day you were angry at me because I said bad things about your boyfriend which were actually true. But now? What is your problem? Why did you always try to get away from me? Am I forbidden to you?"

Hiya was looking at the man sitting in front of her.

Was he yelling at her?
He was just asking for her opinion.
What is your problem Hiya?
Why do you always behave abnormally with him?
Everything was different when he was around.
Everything seemed wrong when he was with me.
Every single thing felt so forbidden when we're together.
He is way too good for me.
He is someone I couldn't ask for after I've insulted him enough.
He is the one who has seen my miserable side.
He is the witness when my dickhead boyfriend was hovering over me and was going to force himself on me.
He has seen what Prem was about to do to me.

Why is he so good?
Why does everything about him feel so good?
Why was she feeling so damn safe with him?
Why was he here ?
Why did Badi maa invite him and his mother?
Why didn't he deny it?
Why is he still talking with her in a good way after seeing everything his brother was doing to her?

She blinked her eyes to prevent the tears from falling and opened the car door when she found Vihaan unlocking the door.

Sighing, Vihaan looked at the direction she ran and slammed his fist on the steering wheel.

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