Broken Promise

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(Y'all gunna hate me for this one lol)
Billie POV

I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

I whispered into her neck as I felt her body become limp. I listened to her breathing as it became slower and distant. I felt her heart against my body becoming weaker, and her grip becoming limp.

She made me promise I wouldn't call 911, but I can't do this without her. I would never break a promise, especially with her, but I feel like I had to with this one.

"I'm so sorry Aaliyah for breaking this one promise, but I won't break any more," I whispered.

I slowly slipped out of her grip, trying to not wake her up. Her arms instantly fell back onto her body once I was out of her grip. I looked at her pale body, her lips were now a lighter shade, almost matching the skin tone of her face. I took a deep breath to try and collect myself while I dialed 911.

"What's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"My girlfriend just took a bunch of pills and she's barely breathing. I don't know what she took, but she told me she took some. I'm with her now, and she's dying. Please help. I can't lose her," tears easily escaping my eyes and ran down my face.

"Okay, help is on the way," the operator said in a comforting tone.

"Please hurry," my voice cracked, no longer being able to keep it together.

I sat on the floor as I watched her slowly die. I know she felt dead on the inside, but now she's physically going too. It was so sad to watch the best thing to ever happen to me, slowly and painfully slip away, and I couldn't do anything about it. I wish she knew what she meant to me. As selfish as this might be, I needed her here with me forever.

"It's okay baby, i'm still here. I'm going to save you. I know you might hate me forever for this, but I need you," I moved next to her and grabbed her hand, gently squeezing it three times hoping to comfort her.

I heard the front door bust open and I ran towards it, seeing the paramedics, and led them into her room. I watched as they gave cpr, hoping to restart her life. They fought to try and keep her alive, but she fought back hard, trying to everything she could to stop that from happening.

The tears quickly flowing out of my eyes. Even though I felt numb, the tears wouldn't stop. I refused to believe she would let herself go.

"We need you to go outside," a paramedic came over to me and led me to the front yard.

I sat down on the ground, everything around me becoming blurry. My tears fell out of my eyes even faster and my hearing became muffled. I felt my heart being torn apart, piece by piece. I wish I could just grab the fallen pieces and carefully place them onto her broken heart, to make it whole again.

Even though I've only known her for a short time, it felt like I've known her my whole life. Everything was different with her. Every color became brighter, and everything had meaning. She gave me a new meaning in life. She saved me, and she'll never get to know.

After what felt like forever, they finally brought her out on the stretcher and rushed her into the back of the ambulance, before I could even stand up, unable to see her face.

"What's going on, is she okay?" I ran over and yelled to the paramedic that was last to leave the house. I didn't mean to yell, I was just going through so many emotions I couldn't help it.

"We need to take her to the hospital, but it's all in her hands at this point," He placed his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me, before leaving. I watched as they drove away.

I was too scared to go back into her house to get my jacket and shoes. I refused to go in there, knowing the last time I saw her was just a few minutes ago, watching her slowly die.

I took a deep shaky breath before calling Jess to tell her what happened, leaving out the details of me letting her die, and to meet me at the hospital. I forced myself to get up and go in the house. I stared at the ground and walked over go get my shoes. I left without my coat, because I'd have to look up to find it. I refused to look up, knowing she was no longer in the bed.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking in her scent for the last time.

I ran to my car and drove off. I drove in silence focusing as hard as I could with my blurry vision, the tears still easily falling out my eyes.

I finally arrived to the hospital, and ran to the front desk asking for her. They told me to wait in the waiting room, and they'd let me know when they had an update.

A few minutes later, Jess and Nick came into the waiting room and sat next to me. Jess had tears flowing out of her eyes just like me.

I explained to her everything that happened, making sure to not leave anything out this time, and she got mad at me. I wish I didn't keep the promise for as long as I did. If anything happens to her, I can't help but blame myself. Everybody should blame me, because I should've called the second she told me. Even if she survives, I would still blame myself for not saving her sooner.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She yelled at me and pushed my chest. I just looked at her with guilt.

"That's my fucking best friend and you don't know anything about her. You watched her die and didn't even give a shit. Fuck you Billie!" She started to hit me. I didn't hit back, but instead accepted every punch knowing I deserved this and so much more. Nick quickly came over and grabbed her, holding her back.

"Me?! You're the one that never checked up on her. You never apologized for getting mad at her. You let a stupid fight get between you guys and now look at her. If anything, this is your fault!" I yelled back, letting anger take over me. She tried to lunge herself at me but Nick just tightened his grip around her.

"Fuck you," I said low enough for her to hear, bumping into her shoulder with mine and made my way outside. I let out the loudest yell and sat on the curb right after. I struggled to breathe, using all the oxygen I had to yell. I focused on the cold air as a distraction to get my breath back.

That only lasted for a few seconds, until the cold air started reminding me of her. The night we first met and we went to the park. I had a lot on my mind that night, and I could tell she was uncomfortable at that party, so I tried my best to make her feel better. Even though the cold air was hurting my chest and every breath hurt, I kept going for her. I'm always putting others first before myself, and that night was worth it, because she had the biggest smile on her face.

It also reminded me of when she had a nightmare and we laid on my floor. Even though I was shivering, I knew it would help be a distraction for her to calm down.

I wish I saw the signs before all of this, but I was blinded by her. I should've known when I caught her looking at her stomach, or how she was always zoned out. The empty look in her eyes. There were so many signs.

I took a deep breath, trying to collect myself before going back to the waiting room.

"Did they say anything yet?" I asked Jess.

Jess just rolled her eyes so I turned towards Nick, he just shook his head no.


(Just wanted to make y'all wait even longer lol)

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