|The start of an adventure|

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"Do you think we should burn the bodies?"
         Asked Tom's friend.
                  He replied.
     Tom swang a sledge hammer through at a gay persons head, removing his skull.
     "You're REALLY aggressive now,"
        Said his buddy
"Oh please, the others while be in more pain,"
               He answered.
A bang came from the door,soon followed by sirens.
   All of a sudden, a grenade was thrown through the window
                 "Oh shit,"
           Tom said while moving back.
   The grenade went off, blowing up the building.
      Shouted Tom in rage.
  He was extremely mad when he didn't see his friend with me after the explosion.
               "I will avenge you, friend,"
     He said while trying not to cry
Little did he know his friend was alive.

That will do it for this one. See you poeple in the next one. >_<

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