|The machine|

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Later, Tom ran into his secret lair.
      "Where is it?"
He said to himself.
He saw a glow in the corner of his eye.
"Their it is!"
He ran over to a machine.
"I can finally do what I must do,"
He laughed to himself like a serial killer. He pressed a button,but nothing happened ,then he felt power entering him.
Context for the machine:this machine pulls alternative versions of yourself out of their universe and makes them a part of you

His alternative versions are a xenomorph with armour and a pure one(from aliens), a emperor (from star wars) and a version of him that is basically a god and finnaly a kaiju form (from the monster verse)

He then had visions of him from different universe's as power-hungry dictators. His armour (from his xenomorph version) activated as he looked as him self in glass he activated a lightsaber and swang it around before being knocked out.

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