|The bringer of death|

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Tom was finnaly in a place where poeple would care for him until one day.
Tom turned around and saw someone pointing a knife at him.
"You think that will do anything?"
Tom said.
The person then stabbed Tom but he just stood still and took the blow.
"Wait wh-"
The person was cut off by Tom has he made knifes stick out of his hands and impale the guys head.
Poeple saw what Tom did but acted like they saw nothing,he quickly teleported to the cave he killed one of his enemies back in America.
"Where is he?"
Tom would question himself wondering where the other version of himself was.
All of a sudden a giant shadow jumped at Tom and threw him in the cave.
Shouted out a familiar voice Tom got up from where he was.
"You again other me?"
He asked.
"Don't call me other you,call me Villian Tom or VT for short"
VT said.
"So you want to fig-"
"You'll be lucky if we do fight"
Tom got cut off by His rival VT then vanished into thin air.
""You'll be lucky if we did fight",ye right"
Tom said before hearing a noise behind him,he turned around and blasted a atomic beam at what was behind him.
He then saw burned bodies of angels.
"Worthless creatures"
Tom said before teleporting away.

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